🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😂😂😂Not switching any electrical device off at night that isn't essential is irresponsible and wasteful in todays world!
While a solitary computer sipping power at night is personally very minor, collectively if all computer users globally share the same mindset it's a different story.
Just switch it off!
Leave it on, blank the screen, prevent sleep.Just curious what everyone does. Shutdown at night or leave on?
Same here with my M1 and 2012 mini's. My 2012 has been my primary server for 5 years and never gets turned off.My M1 and 2012 Minis have both pretty much been on every day since I bought them new.
Same setup and I just let them sleep as well. Looks like a few of us hung on to the 2012 version. I’m planning on phasing it out but will keep it for dual boot or who knows, but once I get another M# mini the the 2012 gets turned off at night.My M1 and 2012 Minis have both pretty much been on every day since I bought them new.
Me too. An i7 with two SSD’s. It works fine with OCLP and Monterey. I don’t need a new mini but I will buy a base model when RAM is bumped up to 16 GB.Looks like a few of us hung on to the 2012 version.