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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
One feature from android I would love to see on the iPhone and now we have OLED no reason why this can't be added

IOS 12 maybe? maybe wishful thinking though.
Always on display is nice for music, but I didn't really care one way or another on my galaxy phones that supported it.
Steve jobs originally wanted the iPhone to have an always on display. In fact. he was supposedly quite insistent on it until the engineers told him it was just impossible with the technology 10 years ago
I would absolutely love this feature on the X, it’s one of things I miss most about my old S7 & S8... please include this in iOS 12!
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I don’t see Apple allowing that option. Personally, I also would not be interested in an always on display. They don’t even allow it for the Apple Watch, which could be partially due to the battery life expectancy on the Apple Watch.
I think they will eventually implement it but probably not this year. I don’t really care about it either way but maybe Apple will do it in such as way that I find it useful.
Once they have the power management hardware figured out, it will probably be a feature on the new iPhone. It would go really well with the always listening Siri.
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I tried it and turned it off. I have it on Android and don't use it. Dbl tap/raise to wake works for me. However alot of people like AOD at night as an effortless way to view the time. Also, asking Siri works well during the night.
I tried it and turned it off. I have it on Android and don't use it. Dbl tap/raise to wake works for me. However alot of people like AOD at night as an effortless way to view the time. Also, asking Siri works well during the night.

Honestly, I will disable anyways if Apple allowed it as an option for either the iPhone or Apple Watch.
Not something I want or need. I don't even use raise to wake. That said if they add it as an option to toggle on/off I wouldn't be opposed.
I’d like it, why not. I actually think Apple needs to bring complications from the Apple Watch to the lock screen. Makes logical sense to me. Press to get to the app, unlocks with Face ID right away.
My phone sits in my pocket and I wear a real watch so I personally wouldn't use it.
My phone sits in my pocket and I wear a real watch so I personally wouldn't use it.
My phone sits on my desk all day at work for 8 or more hours. Right in front of me. Would be nice to have it.
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