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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 11, 2008
I'm still waiting for my watch
It’s crucial for me to respond to certain email and messages
Has anybody missed a notification that came on the phone but not on the watch?
I'm still waiting for my watch
It’s crucial for me to respond to certain email and messages
Has anybody missed a notification that came on the phone but not on the watch?

Notifications are not consistent at all for email; texts/imessages seem to work fine. I have all of my 3 email accounts set to vibrate and make a little bing noise but I only get it like 25% of the time. It's a little frustrating but I accept that it's new technology & new software so hopefully they'll fix it in soon. In the meantime, I think you should count on your phone (like you do now) for important notifications.

I also would like for the mail message to show as read after I read it on my watch but it's not doing that. Still shows as a new email.
I'm still waiting for my watch
It’s crucial for me to respond to certain email and messages
Has anybody missed a notification that came on the phone but not on the watch?

No, and I've had my watch notify me in the same moment I was putting my phone to sleep so there doesn't seem to be a lag as far as when it knows the phone is asleep.
No, and I've had my watch notify me in the same moment I was putting my phone to sleep so there doesn't seem to be a lag as far as when it knows the phone is asleep.

It's not the lag I'm concerned about it's missing notifications that worry me
Notifications are not consistent at all for email; texts/imessages seem to work fine. I have all of my 3 email accounts set to vibrate and make a little bing noise but I only get it like 25% of the time. It's a little frustrating but I accept that it's new technology & new software so hopefully they'll fix it in soon. In the meantime, I think you should count on your phone (like you do now) for important notifications.

I also would like for the mail message to show as read after I read it on my watch but it's not doing that. Still shows as a new email.

It's not new technology. The pebble has been notifying me (of everything, mind you) for at least a year. Notifications should always work.

On second thought, make sure you don't have just your favorites only ring through. Maybe that would explain the 25%.
Notifications are not consistent at all for email; texts/imessages seem to work fine. I have all of my 3 email accounts set to vibrate and make a little bing noise but I only get it like 25% of the time. It's a little frustrating but I accept that it's new technology & new software so hopefully they'll fix it in soon. In the meantime, I think you should count on your phone (like you do now) for important notifications.

I also would like for the mail message to show as read after I read it on my watch but it's not doing that. Still shows as a new email.

Thanks Tammster, that is not good news !
It's not new technology. The pebble has been notifying me (of everything, mind you) for at least a year. Notifications should always work.

On second thought, make sure you don't have just your favorites only ring through. Maybe that would explain the 25%.

Sorry I wasn't specific enough. Watch iOS is new. I don't care about the pebble.

I don't just have favorites included. My email pings are not consistent. I'll get one from a specific coworker and then 10 min later won't get the next one from the same person.
Notifications are not consistent at all for email; texts/imessages seem to work fine. I have all of my 3 email accounts set to vibrate and make a little bing noise but I only get it like 25% of the time. It's a little frustrating but I accept that it's new technology & new software so hopefully they'll fix it in soon. In the meantime, I think you should count on your phone (like you do now) for important notifications.

I also would like for the mail message to show as read after I read it on my watch but it's not doing that. Still shows as a new email.

This seems consistent with mine. I've picked up every notification I have had except for email which sometimes I miss.
Nope, don't trust the watch for text notifications. They come through some of the time, but just as often they don't. Not only that, but at the same time no notification will appear on my iPhone lock screen even though a new text message is actually waiting for me!
Sorry I wasn't specific enough. Watch iOS is new. I don't care about the pebble.

I don't just have favorites included. My email pings are not consistent. I'll get one from a specific coworker and then 10 min later won't get the next one from the same person.

Maybe it has something to do with your alert setting on your phone? I have alert (not banner) on VIP and sound notification turned on in phone settings and I get them on my watch.

Likely it's an issue that will get addressed with a software update since it seems many people are having a problem. Mine seems to have been more reliable than others.


Nope, don't trust the watch for text notifications. They come through some of the time, but just as often they don't. Not only that, but at the same time no notification will appear on my iPhone lock screen even though a new text message is actually waiting for me!

Wouldn't that be an issue with the phone, rather than the watch?
For me the email notifications defaulted to VIP's, which might explain your 25%.

You have to go into the apple watch app on your phone and change the mail notifications to 'on' for each mail account on your phone.
A lot of people that had notifications issues sorted them by either sorting settings, or just resetting, re-pairing and restoring watch from backup. There's always teething issues with first gen products right off the bat. I've been lucky, I've not had any notifications missed whatsoever.

Also bare in mind that the negative people shout the loudest, so for every negative person on here, there's probably 5 that don't come here as their watch is fine...
For what its worth. my notifications work perfect. If my texts don't ping the watch its only because I'm currently using my phone or mac for messaging. They always 100% ping one of my devices as far as I can tell. even then if I ignore it with out causing a "read" it will then ping the watch, iPad, mac, or whatever I'm not using
For what its worth. my notifications work perfect. If my texts don't ping the watch its only because I'm currently using my phone or mac for messaging. They always 100% ping one of my devices as far as I can tell. even then if I ignore it with out causing a "read" it will then ping the watch, iPad, mac, or whatever I'm not using

I've had my watch pings, even if I'm using my Macbook. Apart from Google hangouts, if I use that on Messages, I then have to go into it on my iPhone before it starts working on the phone again, but that's always been the way, before the watch.
My notifications work great, but I don't use my watch for emails so I can't speak to that. The only time I haven't received a notification on the watch is if I'm active on my phone.
For me the email notifications defaulted to VIP's, which might explain your 25%.

You have to go into the apple watch app on your phone and change the mail notifications to 'on' for each mail account on your phone.

That was my point. Favorites/VIPs :D
Notifications are not consistent at all for email; texts/imessages seem to work fine. I have all of my 3 email accounts set to vibrate and make a little bing noise but I only get it like 25% of the time. It's a little frustrating but I accept that it's new technology & new software so hopefully they'll fix it in soon. In the meantime, I think you should count on your phone (like you do now) for important notifications.

I also would like for the mail message to show as read after I read it on my watch but it's not doing that. Still shows as a new email.

For notifications I doubt the watch will poll too frequently or it would chew up the battery. I'm guessing the watch polls every 5 to 10 minutes. If there are new notifications it won't give you tap/bong for each, just once to let you know that you have new stuff.

If you have critical emails I'd rely on your phone only.
It's not new technology. The pebble has been notifying me (of everything, mind you) for at least a year. Notifications should always work

Funny, my Pebble was hit and miss for notifications at times. You must have the CEO's Pebble watch.
Funny, my Pebble was hit and miss for notifications at times. You must have the CEO's Pebble watch.

Since the last couple of updates, it's been rock solid. Anything that pops up in the banner pops up on my pebble. The only problem is the one way communication. All I ever wanted was the ability to send a canned response to a text message. Yes, NO, OK. Oh well, on to :apple:
I'm wondering how much of all these complaints are just plain user error? I'm sure some are legit but most are ignorance of a new device.

I had a similar instance where I wasn't getting all emails. I checked app settings and found only one of my email accounts were being sent to the watch. I turned the other one on and all is fine. So far everything is working as advertised.
Since the last couple of updates, it's been rock solid. Anything that pops up in the banner pops up on my pebble. The only problem is the one way communication. All I ever wanted was the ability to send a canned response to a text message. Yes, NO, OK. Oh well, on to :apple:

Same scenario for me. It also bugged me that the Pebble would vibrate on my night stand.
For notifications I doubt the watch will poll too frequently or it would chew up the battery. I'm guessing the watch polls every 5 to 10 minutes. If there are new notifications it won't give you tap/bong for each, just once to let you know that you have new stuff.

If you have critical emails I'd rely on your phone only.

I don't know why the watch would need to poll at all, it is getting notifications pushed to it, just like notifications are pushed to your phone. Not to bring up the Pebble again, but I feel like it's a good comparison in this case. I would have my phone in my pocket and I would feel it vibrate. Without fail, every single time two seconds later I would get a notification on my Pebble. There was no five to ten minute delay, the phone pushed the notifications to it. And I could get five day battery life from the Pebble, clearly the battery wasn't suffering in order to get instant notification. Seeing as the Apple Watch was designed by Apple and they know the internals and specifics of how notifications work, I would expect them to be instant.

In response to the original question of do I trust my Apple Watch for notifications, yes, 100%, absolutely I do. In the three and a half days I have had it now I have gotten every notification I expected to. There hasn't been a single message or alert that was on my phone that wasn't on my watch. I don't use the default email, so I can't speak to any issues there, but my emails from Inbox have been instant, every iMessage has shown up, Breaking News, USA Today, Dark Sky, Deliveries have all shown up with their actionable notifications and everything else like Facebook and Snapchat has just shown up as alerts with zero delays.
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