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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 25, 2013
As the title reads, does anyone have any regrets about buying the Jet Black 7/ 7 plus?
In 2 days I put 20 scratches on the back and like 7 on the home button and I still love the device . I just laugh at how babying my device got it 50,000 scratches so fast.
From the other side, I feel better about my decision to go with the matte black after seeing a few jet blacks in person.

I finally saw the jet black in person today in Chicago (closest Apple store at home is 200 miles away), wow, wowzer was that phone trashed with just the fingerprints alone.

I went flat black, never looking back.
Its funny, I saw this thread and was gonna bypass it because it didn't apply to me. But of course its full of matte black buyers who it doesn't apply to once again shouting from the rooftops how thrilled they are they didn't get jet black. LMAO.

So since this is a free for all, I have a JB 7+. Its the most beautiful phone I've ever seen. I love it. No regrets.
With the several hundred sold world wide, I'm certain there are a couple. Come on November, maybe I will be number 300 when it finally arrives. :confused:
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I am happy with my choice with the 7 JB. Looks much better than the boring matte black. I have no case and it looks great. Great grip too. It really is not a fingerprint magnet like people think. The screen itself is more of a fingerprint magnet than the back, because glass will show it more. My Samsung S7 Edge is more of a fingerprint magnet than my 7 JB.
i returned my JB yesterday for a matte black and I lm loving the MB more. The JB was too dark for me and shiny
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I've never regretted, I did spend the first week or so going back and forth about whether I wanted to change to the matte black. Once I settled on the Jet Black I've not had any regrets, in my opinion it looks and feels a lot nicer and its still looking as good as new, with no case used.
I have both and prefer the Jet Black. I like how it feels cold in the hand as if it was steel rather than aluminum. The finish is more like bluing rather than paint and looks much more premium than the matte Black.
In 2 days I put 20 scratches on the back and like 7 on the home button and I still love the device . I just laugh at how babying my device got it 50,000 scratches so fast.

The home button is the same on the matte black and Jet black versions as far as I know.
I think I prefer the Matt black myself Spot and I went online last night only thing my local Apple Store had was to jet black 7 pluses so I bought those I'm not sure if I'll keep them or sell them LOL
i have a jet black with a full screen protector wrapped on the front and back. I love the phone and don't use a case either.. that's what I recommend people doing having this scratch prone of a phone
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Well, I think I'm keeping one!
people may only regret it when it comes to selling it but now? it looks a great device scratches or not.
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people may only regret it when it comes to selling it but now? it looks a great device scratches or not.

I never have regrets about selling my phone. If I get $50 or $100 less, I don't care. If that little bit of money is critical to me, then I should not be buying a new phone.
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