I was just wondering how many people have a perfectly working iPhone 6 Plus and a smooth experience and how many people actually have lag on 8.3 still?
No lag here, 8.3 has been the best iOS so far but Apple still hasn't fixed the damn heavy noise reduction they've added to pictures since iOS 8 was first released......
Go browsing some data-heavy websites such as newspapers and if you can get past the constant 'Safari had to reload' BS, notice how stuttery and laggy navigation is. The same sites on my old Android tablet perform flawlessly, as they do on my old iPhone 5.
I did that and it worked fine.
I was just wondering how many people have a perfectly working iPhone 6 Plus and a smooth experience and how many people actually have lag on 8.3 still?
You should add another option - 'occasional frame drops'.
Some situations will result in frame drops (like dragging up Control Centre from the lock screen).
Control center doesn't count because it's a dramatic bottom to top screen gesture and it doesn't know you're gonna do it till its already happend so it snaps up to catch up. That's a safety measure to prevent accidental swipes it's not considered lag.
So you're considering a flaw as a feature?
Sliding up Control Centre on my iPhone 6, 5s and 5 in the lock screen is absolutely stutter free. So how're you gonna explain that?
No they were all the same.
it has that little slider thing pop up especially when it's in a game and in landscape I thought that's what you mean.
But when I slide it slowly it's still HD smooth.
What I'm talking about is maybe I thought that's why you thought there was an issue.
I just tested it now on my 6+ and it's perfect. Not sure what you were talking about now.
I mean when I'm sliding it up slowly from the lock screen, it stutters throughout its motion.
And this was even after a fresh restore (clean install without restoring from backup).
I just live with it considering that it's due to the somewhat-inadequate GPU, which has to scale down from 2208x1242 (retina 3x) back to 1920x1080, and this takes up additional GPU power. The iPhone 6 doesn't have to downscale the resolution since its display is already a native retina 2x display.
TL;DR : Not really laggy, but input response is still not great.
Exactly. Input lag is the biggest problem of ios7 or 8. I will never buy an iphone again if they don't fix this problem.
That's the reason i gave my 6plus to my mother and she game me for iphone 5 with ios 6. Couldn't be happier.![]()
So 41% of people thus far say that the 6+ is a bit of a lagmeister.
It's a small poll but the results are alarming for a current premium handset.
calm down let the full math play out...
all the people who think like you smell blood and come first to anti vote.
I noticed you posted a few times before about how happy you were with 8.3 and that its the best version of 8.0 yet and that its working much better yet you still voted that you had issues. Why? You yourself posted before it was all good.
Most people who are happy with it don't rush to topics like this give it a day or too to amass in statistics and the power of numbers to show either how many people are trolling or if this is a significant theme.
GPU works fine for me. Yours might be broken hardware then?
I can make a video showing you how smooth it is if you want.
Sounds like you got a lemon and should exchange it if that is really true.