Take note of usage and put phone in sleep mode, wait for 5-10 minutes and see if usage has increased. I don't know if this is normal or this should be a concern since it means the phone is not really "Asleep" in sleep mode.
Take note of usage and put phone in sleep mode, wait for 5-10 minutes and see if usage has increased. I don't know if this is normal or this should be a concern since it means the phone is not really "Asleep" in sleep mode.
I fully charged my iPod yesterday. Its been on standby for 24 hours total and actual usage is 9 hours and 42 minutes. Of course the phone isnt fully off, its still running a few processes. I mean, how else is it going to know you wanna use it when you hit the sleep/wake button?
Then how come it says on a few articles I have read that usage shouldn't be increasing by even a minute when the phone is asleep unless there is a problem?
It could be the fact that maybe the phone is searching for wifi, or (if your bluetooth is on) other devices. Or if your in an area with poor service, it also uses your battery to find a signal.
Oh I see, I really hope thats the case, since mine increases fairly quickly, have you tried seeing your usage when in sleep mode? If so, how many did/do you get?
Im actually going to test that right now, but first i gotta charge my iPod. Afterwords, im going to put it in Airplane mode, and let it sit for a few hours. Ill post a screenshot later.
Back before background processing was enabled by apple the standby usage figures worked but since there not a good gauge of anything. As above airplane mode solves the issue
Back before background processing was enabled by apple the standby usage figures worked but since there not a good gauge of anything. As above airplane mode solves the issue
Plus im using an iPod touch, so there's no cellular signal going to it.
Then how come it says on a few articles I have read that usage shouldn't be increasing by even a minute when the phone is asleep unless there is a problem?
What articles would those be?
It says so on the last part of the article.
Good idea okay I'll wait for it
How much did it go up in those 3 hours?Strangely enough, my usage time went up too, even though it sat untouched for just over 3 hours. The only thing i can think of is the battery is being used to keep the device in sleep mode, but since it only needs very little power to do so, the usage counter gradually goes up.
How much did it go up in those 3 hours?
in the 3 hour and 6 minute period, it went up 4 minutes.
That seems completely normal. It likely checked for some mail or some other notifications might have come in or some app wrapped up running in the background shortly after you locked the phone or something else similar along those lines.
I had it in Airplane mode. But i did leave the settings app open.
Doesn't sound like that article has pulled all the information together quite right. Most of it seems to be fine, but a few things, like the whole piece about usage time, seem to be off.
if i have my iphone 6 at full charge and go to sleep for 8 hours, lll wake up with its use around 20 mins of activity and still at 100%. mostly from polling the network and messages/emails coming through.
So i charged my iPod yesterday and left it unused for a full day. The usage is at 12 Minutes.
What if its set to airplane mode over night? I get like about 12 minutes, even with Airplane mode on.
Was it on airplane mode? Oh wait even if it wasnt, you're not using any cellular network anyway right?
Take note of usage and put phone in sleep mode, wait for 5-10 minutes and see if usage has increased. I don't know if this is normal or this should be a concern since it means the phone is not really "Asleep" in sleep mode.