Should I bite it? Any good? I have played Doom 3 half way but not complete yet on Windows PC in the past.
Can I get the original Quake on a MAC?
Loved that game so much..
God, I hate Steam, I hate it!
(buys 8 games during today's sale - up to 38 in library...)
It's good to see that I'm not a complete addict, since I only have the original boxed OS X versions of both (one copy each!)1. Boxed version at release.
2. Steam version because, umm, I forget now.
3. OS X version because I saw the light.
4. BFG Version because I've been meaning to play the expansion forever (finally did, good stuff).
So far, I've only bought Quake 4 three times for lack of a special edition of the game with added content.
Ah, so Gaben has hooked you now. He has become your dealer. This is only the beginning. You'll see. I am not going to admit here how many games I own on Steam. I am too ashamed of myself considering the ratio of purchased to actually played titles.
Maybe I was better off playing MMOs. At least then all I bought was an annual expansion pack typically.
Praise Gaben.