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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


An eleven-year-old boy in Northern California accidentally downloaded the $999.99 BarMax bar exam preparation application (iTunes link) using an iPod touch. He didn't mean to make the purchase and was surprised when it started to download the 1GB app. His mother was equally shocked, especially after she learned the price and that her son had not been prompted for an iTunes password.

They paused the download and went to an Apple store but were told that the store couldn't help. However, the boy's mother then emailed Apple and received a return phone call telling her that they would receive a full refund.

Article Link: Eleven-year-old Accidentally Downloads $1000 App
How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.
How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.

Apple definitely should give you a warning that you're about to purchase an app more costly than $75. Although this kid obviously only went to the app because of its cost.
How long after you make a purchase does the App Store remember your password so you don't have to enter it again? I presume that's what happened in this case.

I know there's a "don't prompt me next time" box that pops up in the itunes settings on OS X.
On my iPhone it seems I always have to enter my password for every download - there has to be a setting for that somewhere.
There is a 15 minute window after entering a password for purchase during which you can click "buy" and not be prompted.
What is this kid doing on the computer alone in the first place? Doesn't his parents know about the dangers lurking on the web?! ;)
1-click orders on Amazon can be changed for an hour or so, and returned officially. I had this happen to me too... I was reading the app description and accidentally swiped against buy. I got a refund, and a warning that Apple was making an exception and to be more careful :(

It soured me to the App Store experience for sure... the lack of any confirmation whatsoever
$1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.
Yeah it was on a touch not a computer.

If you have entered a password and the app downloads, and continue to browse the app store it doesn't require a repeat password entry until you sleep your iPod touch/iPhone.
There should be a setting something like:
- Never ask for password for purchases of $X and under.
- Always ask for password for purchases of $Y and over.

The first one would be nice so it I could set it to free and easily update my apps.
The second would help prevent cases like the OP.
There should be a setting something like:
- Never ask for password for purchases of $X and under.
- Always ask for password for purchases of $Y and over.

The first one would be nice so it I could set it to free and easily update my apps.
The second would help prevent cases like the OP.

I don't know about setting thresholds like that, but I sure would like to be able to download (and re-download) free apps without being prompted every time.
I don't know about setting thresholds like that, but I sure would like to be able to download (and re-download) free apps without being prompted every time.

Um, that's what he said. "Never prompt me for password with apps costing below $x" Obviously free falls under that category.
There should be a setting something like:
- Never ask for password for purchases of $X and under.
- Always ask for password for purchases of $Y and over.

The first one would be nice so it I could set it to free and easily update my apps.
The second would help prevent cases like the OP.

Per the Apple way, it wouldn't be a user configurable setting. But otherwise, I agree.
My brother has a android phone :)mad:) and if he buys an app from the android market and doesn't like it he can get a refund and it is deleted. I think it is in a 15 minute time gap.

However this would be a nice feature to the apple app store.

15 minutes?

45 Seconds is all it took to get the facts...

Google search: "android market return policy"

First result:

For those too lazy to click...

"Returns: You have 24 hours from the time of purchase (not download) to return any applications purchased from Android Market for a full refund of any applicable fees."

Summary: 24 Hours, not 15 minutes.
'Eleven-year-old "Accidentally" Downloads $1000 App' more like, the kid blatantly knew what he was doing, you can't accidentally buy something, he clicked 'buy', what was he expecting to happen...
There should be notification of the time limit you have when using the iTunes store app without having to enter your password, but I'm very sure it's not long though... Maybe if he had just an iPod this wouldn't have happened. Too many overly techy kids these days anyway.....
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