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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 29, 2008
Upstate NY
Are there plans to limit emojis / reactions in PRSI threads by new members (newbies)?

The reason I ask is because members cannot post in PRSI until they have reached x# of posts. However, after reviewing posts of said threads (like the two PRSI from recent major news; I won’t name or link them here, and I didn’t post in either), new members with 0 posts are able to react to commenters.

IMHO, there is something wrong and unfair about that, especially in PRSI, which are inherently contentious to begin with. Coupled with the thumbs down emoji, this seems to be encouraging emoji bombing / reaction trolling. At best, it’s by people who are evidently not MR regulars and don’t meet the PRSI requirement. At worst, it’s by people creating dummy accounts so they can game the system to get around the post requirement so they can have their “say.”

Is there anything that can be done about this? Or is it a limitation of what the bullet board can do?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
We do limit how many downvotes can be used in a 12 hour period. I we upped the limit at some point to 12 votes / period. Just so someone can't go an downvote everyone. Maybe this is too much for contentious posts.



macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I like the idea of limiting the downvoting(disagree) for new MR members. Maybe after the same time period after which one can post in the political forum and PRSI, open up the disagree reaction.
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Jun 8, 2018
One problem I notice is certain users get targeted by people with dislikes/laughs so every post of theirs has these reactions regardless of its contents.
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Jul 12, 2016

This website would be so much better without PRSI in general. Especially as of late, there’s been multiple articles on the front page that have been locked, a plethora of members receiving perma-bans because they can’t follow rules and be cordial with one another, it’s extra work for the moderators, the list goes on. I understand the politics section has been implemented since the Xeno-foro start and my stance here holds no value.

However, Also, it’s worth noting that what some members will do when their banned, is they come back with an alternative account under a different IP address, post regularly as if they’re actually masking to ‘participate’, then the eek over to the PRSI forum to get back to their toxic behavior. It’s a horribly vicious cycle.

If this post gets deleted, so be it. But it’s worth noting/Arnold Kim at least reading this.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
This website would be so much better without PRSI in general. Especially as of late, there’s been multiple articles on the front page that have been locked, a plethora of members receiving perma-bans because they can’t follow rules and be cordial with one another, it’s extra work for the moderators, the list goes on. I understand the politics section has been implemented since the Xeno-foro start and my stance here holds no value.
I'm not sure if you are saying:

1. We shouldn't post about potentially political-apple stories at all


2. Post those stories but without comments

Removing the PRSI forum doesn't automatically mean there won't be political stories. To answer where we are. We don't feel like we can avoid major Apple-related news just because they are political, so the only real alternative is to post them without comment threads.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
I know this has veered off from the thread premise, but MR is one of the preeminent discussion sites. I don't see how the stories, which are political in nature, can be posted without having the members discuss those stories.

Conversely the political climate does have an effect on the tech industry and imo, I can't see how those stories can be ignored or if they are not ignored, not commented on.


Jul 12, 2016
I'm not sure if you are saying:

1. We shouldn't post about potentially political-apple stories at all


2. Post those stories but without comments

Removing the PRSI forum doesn't automatically mean there won't be political stories. To answer where we are. We don't feel like we can avoid major Apple-related news just because they are political, so the only real alternative is to post them without comment threads.

I totally understand there are some topics that are Apple related/political involvement, and you feel the need to post on that. What I’m saying probably won’t be a consideration, but completely block out the PRSI section on this site and allow for main page political threads that are Apple related, but as you said; lock the comments.

That’s just my idea, rather others agree or not, that’s not really what I’m looking to gather here. I am thoroughly involved in this website, and I’ve observed Macrumors grow extensively over the last two years, [even superseding some other competitor sites], but I just think this website would be so much more standardized without PRSI. (And yes, I’m aware I can personally block PRSI), but as a whole, I would like to see it eliminated. But that’s just my take.

Anyways, thank you for reading. Now back to your on topic discussion.

On a quick side note:

I do want to say you’ve made a lot of great adjustments to this website with the new forum patch within this last year, and you also do a great job listening for feedback from other users to make the site more refined. So thank you again for that.
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