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macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
I hope you are under 18 as well if you still cannot make that connection. Everyone rely on the app store to weed out apps that has malicious content. Now the folks that pay 1M for the developers want to put their app store in your phone. Do you know what kind of deal they make with the app developer to put their app in this new app store? Do you know what kind of effect all these new apps that you download from this new default app store will do to your phone or your information? What if some of the apps from the new app store has a key logger program embeded in them? Now all your information and activities are uploaded to be sold in the black market.

And this is a thread of discussion after the massive Target credit infromation breach making headline all weekend and people still don't think about security to protect their smartphone and all their online activities. What can you say about it?

Not sure what Age has to do with it but I have not seen 18 for a very long time. Those who depend on the app store to weed out malicious content do not jailbreak. No one wants to put an additional app store on my phone because I do not speak Chinese and do not have my language set to Chinese.

You have no concept of the detail if you think you can get key loggers on your phone from the chinese app store that is not installed on your phone and the apps provided by the chinese app store that you do not have access to.


macrumors 65816
Nov 30, 2010
This is hyperbole in both directions. Android is not as bad as you make it out to be, nor is iOS as good. And for a "regular" user, iOS and Android are 90% the same. For people who check email, send text messages, and use Facebook it comes down to personal preference. Neither is better or worse.

Android is no where close to iOS in terms of efficiency and refinement.

Case in point, name me ONE Android App like Garageband or any synth for that matter. Android still has huge latency!!!
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
But his point was: You always put your trust in the Jailbreak team. Nothing really has changed except that the association with a chinese app store known for piracy has made everything look sketchier. But there was always a risk when jailbreaking your hardware. There is not more risk now, just less trust.

huh?? the jailbreak may be 100% safe and legitimate, but the thing you and I download from the "new and improved" app store is not safe anymore. How do you and me figure out which app from that App store is safe to use or not? Looks at it the other way, how would the Chinese company who fund that $1M project get it's money back and more? Are they doing that just because they like us? :cool:
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macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2010
I'm quite familiar with jailbreaking, perhaps you misunderstood my comment? This thread is a great (horrible) opportunity for bigots to share their thoughts ("you can't trust the Chinese" is just one example), as well as for people to declare themselves (in a superior way) to be "good law abiding citizens who never pirate" and everyone else (in this case, both pirates and Chinese) to be bad. It's really quite disgusting, but every time jailbreaking comes up, this happens, this time is only different because "the Chinese" are involved, providing a reason for even more biases to be expressed.

Is that more clear?

I think you are reading the comments wrong. The sellout wasn't to a reputable company but a company that ACTIVELY profits from pirated software. How can that be conscionable? Evasi0n sold their soul to the devil. Plain and simple.


Does the jailbreak itself include a backdoor for hackers to take over your phone?

Do you think you can trust the Evasi0n developers after this stunt? After all, the claimed they had no idea that the company they sold out to sold pirated software. Does anyone really believe that?


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
Now in iOS 7, call blocking is available and tethering is allowed from carrier, I dont need jailbreak anymore. To those who love jailbreaking: what actual apps you must have that can only be available in Cydia? Not that many.
Tethering is based on your plan, not your OS version. (after iOS 4 or whichever, not an issue if you are considering iOS7 JB)

I use a few little tweaks to get things where I want them. iOS7 did replace some of these, giving us fast access to wifi and some other toggles in the new swipe-up menu. But not all. I do have to compare a few items, yet. But BiteSMS, TetherMe, and 3G Unrestrictor are useful to me. And I have several tweaks that specify what icons show in the status bar, iOS is silly about this issue.


I think you are reading the comments wrong. The sellout wasn't to a reputable company but a company that ACTIVELY profits from pirated software. How can that be conscionable? Evasi0n sold their soul to the devil. Plain and simple.


Do you think you can trust the Evasi0n developers after this stunt? After all, the claimed they had no idea that the company they sold out to sold pirated software. Does anyone really believe that?

That is the question. Today the answer is: No, not trusting them. We'll see how this turns out to see if it changes.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
Well jokes on you because I stopped jailbreaking after iOS 7. For what ever reason they decided to sell their jailbreak is really up to them. If you don't like it DON'T jailbreak. Easy as that nobody is pointing a gun at you and telling you to jailbreak. And if you really think you have privacy using your iphone hahaha you're so guillable. One of the most stupidest replies I've ever gotten.

Go make a jailbreak yourself if you don't like the one that's available.

heh heh, at least I can trade stock and access my financial information using the standard IOS. What you said is precisely my point. Everyone should NOT use this jailbreak and the new and improve app store unless someone is younger than 18 years old or has nothing worthwhile to protect.


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
A lot of armchair reporters and people on their high horses because of the Taig issue. But let's face it, EVERYONE who jailbreaks wanted this. Even through Cydia you can get access to pirated material. But nobody is in an uproar about that because it supplies what they need to enjoy jailbreaking their devices. The fact of the matter remains: the jailbreak is here. Use it if you want, don't use it if you don't want to. Stop trying to justify your lack of desire to jailbreak with an anecdotal opinion on the situation.
There are few facts, here. Discussing and researching is how people figure this situation out and make such decisions. What, I should trust you and your one-off comment? If you can't handle people discussing certain topics, don't read them. Internet is big, there's something else to read, today.


macrumors member
Aug 15, 2011
So people are complaining about being being taken advantage of in free software used to take advantage of another companies software.

Fascinating. :p


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
you are clueless then....Jailbroken iphone > rooted android any day of the week.

I completely disagree with this statement. On my rooted Note 3 I can run 4 custom roms plus stock from a bootloader menu. The only issue is that I can’t run different kernals/non-touchwiz roms without having an unlocked bootloader but that defeats the purpose of the Note series; you want the S-pen features. There are tons of features and tweaks that can be added to a rooted android device. And you don’t have to worry about Samsung patching the next Android release because if you’re already rooted you can just download a pre-rooted stock or custom image. None of this stuck on one OS version crap.
Once you’re unlocked on an Android device you stay unlocked unless you make the dumb mistake of accepting an OTA.


Jul 17, 2012
New York City
heh heh, at least I can trade stock and access my financial information using the standard IOS. What you said is precisely my point. Everyone should NOT use this jailbreak and the new and improve app store unless someone is younger than 18 years old or has nothing worthwhile to protect.

what does age has to do with anything?


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
This article was outdated the second it was posted...
Well, let's update it, then....

  1. Cydia is not ready for iOS7.
  2. Mobile Substrate is not ready for iOS7.
  3. BiteSMS is not ready for iOS7, but may be this weekend.
  4. Evasi0n 7 was released early for interpersonal political reasons. They did NOT wait for 7.1 to be finished is the key issue for users.
  5. For Chinese users, Evasi0n 7 was set to install TaiG, a Chinese app store. (ie, should not affect English language users)
  6. TaiG has been found to include pirated apps right out of the gate.
  7. pod2g has removed the ability to download TaiG for now.

For me, items 1-4 are the only relevant items, and there are plenty more apps/tweaks that fall into the "not ready" category. I'm waiting. Jailbreaking without Substrate compatibility is just silly.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
what does age has to do with anything?

May be someone older than 18 years old would think like an adult and thinking about protecting themselves? Some company just paid 1M to get you a jailbreak version of IOS and make an unknown App store as your default app store. And you are supposed to download you Apps from this unknown App store. Any adult would have thought about why this company will pay out that 1M and how do they intend to make money off of the users? And here we have a bunch of posters trying to defend this as safe????

It reminded me of reading in Chinese mobile msg board where a poster complained that he shared his Apple ID on the message board (so that someone can download App into their IOS device without paying for it) and then someone changed his ID password and now he has a device that he cannot do much about without the Apple ID password. I was laughing so hard that I almost fell off the chair. It is pretty dumb to share you Apple ID password on a public message board. And it is pretty dumb to try to use an App store without knowing who is behind evaluating Apps available in the store and why someone just pay $1M to get users to use this new App store. May be we should keep this thread go on for awhile for some more folk jump in to say it is a good idea...:cool:)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2006
90% of those you mentioned dont give a crap about apps. They're already willing to pay $1000 or more for a phone, do you think paying a few bucks for apps (if any) will hold them back? Be honest, how many paid apps in your iPhone now? I know mine are less than $10 and most people I know around me with less than $20 paid apps in theirs.
So dont comment w closed eyes. IPhone in Asia is luxury brand just like Luis Vuitton or most, it's for showing off, not for productivity. To them, "It's not a phone, it's an iPhone". Get it?

Agreed totally.

While I've purchased and have access to over $300 worth of apps (including big ones like TomTom to beef up that dollar number) how many are on my phone now? As you say... less than $10 probably.


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2012
Fact check: in Asia people want iPhone, not apps on iPhone. Most of those iPhone owners dont even care about apps but only calls, txt and web in those Asian countries: Thai, Viet, Cambo, Lao... And assume China too. For those in Asia, owning iPhone is more like symbol of coolness or status of luxury... Just like wearing a brand name purse, not about how much they can do w the phone.

You do realize that South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan etc are in Asia, right?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2010
United States of America
Who cares if they got paid 1M. So much work and effort they put into the jailbreak why should they work for free?

Getting paid for your work is one thing. Selling the users out to a third party that they obviously aren't sure what is being done is another. It goes against everything the JB community is about.

I fully support them for wanting to make money off of their work. They should. That's what GOOD businesses DO. This whole "we will never charge for a JB" is complete BS. They should charge for it! They put in the time and the work.

Seeing as how around 2-3 million people JB their devices. We can take that 30% of those would pay for it. That puts the number at 900,000 people at 30%. I'll let y'all do the math on a $10 fee for the JB. Hell, even $5. Or how about the $1.99 that most quality app store apps costs? Reaching a deal for the amount of money that they got was in my mind just poor business. Instead of charging the users for the Jailbreak and making money, they sold them out to a company for a small amount.

They may be good hackers, but they aren't good business men. That's for sure.

What comes of this I hope will be a better understanding of the JB business and how users are the consumer, not the product.


macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2010
To those who love jailbreaking: what actual apps you must have that can only be available in Cydia? Not that many.

Killer app: flux. I've filed a radar about adding it to iOS, but I'm surprised they haven't closed it as WONTFIX yet. Besides that, I only use the JB to disable built-in clutter I don't need.

And since iOS 7 is a polarising release, I bet there is a lot of demand for alternative themes/skins.

the racism is really offensive

"China" is not a race. There are plenty of ethnic Chinese who work in different political/legal systems.
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macrumors 603
Dec 8, 2011
East Central Florida
Well, let's update it, then....

  1. Cydia is not ready for iOS7.
  2. Mobile Substrate is not ready for iOS7.
  3. BiteSMS is not ready for iOS7, but may be this weekend.
  4. Evasi0n 7 was released early for interpersonal political reasons. They did NOT wait for 7.1 to be finished is the key issue for users.
  5. For Chinese users, Evasi0n 7 was set to install TaiG, a Chinese app store. (ie, should not affect English language users)
  6. TaiG has been found to include pirated apps right out of the gate.
  7. pod2g has removed the ability to download TaiG for now.

For me, items 1-4 are the only relevant items, and there are plenty more apps/tweaks that fall into the "not ready" category. I'm waiting. Jailbreaking without Substrate compatibility is just silly.

Writeup from geohot. Going to wait for saurik's updated cydia.. looking good.

Also relevant:

Edit: nah jailbreaking tonight
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macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
"China" is not a race.

Really, you're going to criticise me on this pedantic point (in the grand scheme of the issues being discussed) and not criticise the people who are being incredibly bigoted and biased in their posts here? Wow, that's some interesting prioritisation in life.

I'm constantly confused as to why people don't walk around on their heads given this world is so upside down.

BTW, China is a country in Asia, just one of the countries being attacked in this thread, if you want to continue the pedantic game.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 27, 2011
Sounds like a project funded by the Chinese Government for modern day spying! No thanks! I like me iPhone just the way it is...



macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2010
Racism much?

Everyone. Please stop saying "the Chinese" this and "the Chinese" that. Not all of you, but many of you are being really racist.

If you're of the proclivity that the Evad3rs sold out then it would be, "They sold out to a company." and it you really must inject the ethnicity of said company, it would be, "They sold out to a Chinese company." It is racist and xenophobic to say, "They sold out to the Chinese". Its not like all of China was in on this!

I am American but I live in Asia (not China), and in a lot of these countries, a localized JB store would really really help them. English doesn't come easy to a lot of the folks over here (the reasons for which are numerous and for another thread). How many of you would like to JB if the whole thing was in foreign language with different script from your native language? Sorry but Cydia doesn't serve most of the planet, 1/4 being in China!

They said they didn't know piracy was on that Jailbreak store, which is what it is a Jailbreak store NOT a piracy store. Its the same thing as Cydia, which by the way also has piracy, (just install repo ihackstore or appcake, tahdah; piracy). We have to take their word for it, they have be faithful before and after this. I JB'd my iP5S last night and it was only cydia installed. I then changed the language on my iPad Mini to Chinese and still only Cydia was installed.

In my opinion, Saruik had his ego crushed a little bit. He knew it was coming but didn't know when, also the iOS 7 JB has been available for over a month on the iPhone 4, he had time to get mobile subtrate etc working and testing on an iP4.

The Evad3rs deserve to get paid and I am happy that they did. I always try to donate $5 per device that I JB to whatever tool I use.

And this JB is clean and really fast. Nothing weird happens on reboot, etc.

I for one am happy I don't have to wait for 7.1 to JB (especially since it does not really add all that much) and macrumors reported today it might not come out until March.

Good Job Evaders! You have my support!
Get that money!
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