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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 15, 2013
Venusville, Mars
Hi, I'm having issues with my MacBook 2016 m7 when using any external screen. When connected to any screen, the external screen has random blackouts – like there is a cable disconnect/lost video signal. The screen goes black for a second then comes back. I don't know how to solve this problem.

I'm using the official USB-C-Digital-AV-Multiport-Adapter from Apple and also tried the MINIX NEO C multiport adapter. At first, I thought there is something wrong with my USB-C port or faulty cables. But after trying all variations of my external equipment (i.e. different HDMI cables – including the one from Apple, different monitors – FullHD and above), obviously it's the MacBook itself. Especially, it gets worse when the Mac is operating at maximum CPU and RAM usage. The usual scenario is: running Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6, Lightroom, and Safari with multiple (i.e. 10-20) tabs open at the same time.

It looks like I'm not the only one suffering:

What are my options? Does anybody else have the same problem here, and were you able to find a workaround? I don't want to just return my MacBook yet, because I don't think a replacement will solve this issue.
If it is well known, then why is there not enough outcry on the social media? Did most people stop using external monitors? :eek:

Total guess: It's not a "system down, unusable" issue so I'm guessing not a huge priority for Apple and others, and the workaround is a reboot, which may be acceptable for the majority of potential outcriers (unfortunately.)

Regardless, it's an incredibly annoying/frustrating bug and definitely bugging you and I! Please post your experience to that thread if you haven't yet, even if it's a simple one liner "I have this issue too." I'm hoping the bigger the thread the more chances Apple will listen/look in to it. Even with the known issue threads, the Genius Bar/Apple Support simply wants to replace the hardware with new hardware that does the exact same thing. I am hoping this is fixed in the next Sierra update... it's got to be something that can be resolved in firmware/software but apparently we need to help convince them that it's a software problem first (if we haven't already).
This was happening to me with 2 different Samsung monitors (HDMI), a BenQ monitor (HDMI), and a Philips monitor (USB-C). It was driving me absolutely insane. However, an SMC reset seems to have fixed it - prior to the reset, the Philips monitor was blanking out 1-2 times a minute, and after the reset, it's been 30 mins with no issues. So definitely give that a go - I might plug the HDMI monitors in as well to see how they behave but so far so good.

EDIT: Forgot to mention though, it could also just be a sleep issue - e.g. plugging in an external display after having a different display plugged in pre-sleep, and the reboot (for the sake of the SMC reset) may be what has "fixed" it (guess I'll find out soon enough).
Have the same problem. Seems to only be an issue after the computer has been asleep. Really annoying. I now reboot every morning as part of my routine. Oh well!
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