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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 20, 2014
Anybody else having this issue? I can reply to a thread, it's marked as watched, and I won't ever receive any email notifications about when people reply. Well, I do. But it seems extremely infrequent and unreliable. This started after the website redesign awhile back.

There are threads that have had HUNDREDS of replies but I only received notifications like three or four times for it. I want to follow the discussion and talk! I solely rely on the in-site notification area now, which is kind of annoying having to go all the way to safari, load up the page, often times log in all over again, and check for notifications.
Anybody else having this issue? I can reply to a thread, it's marked as watched, and I won't ever receive any email notifications about when people reply. Well, I do. But it seems extremely infrequent and unreliable. This started after the website redesign awhile back.

There are threads that have had HUNDREDS of replies but I only received notifications like three or four times for it. I want to follow the discussion and talk! I solely rely on the in-site notification area now, which is kind of annoying having to go all the way to safari, load up the page, often times log in all over again, and check for notifications.

Xenforo's method of email notification is different from vBulletin's and imo, worse.

vBulletin subscription:

- New reply, You get an email. If you never visit the forum again, you won't get another email about that thread. If you visit the forum again (anywhere), it resets the email setting, so you will get an email with the next response.

Xenforo subscription:

- New reply, You get an email. If you never visit that thread again, you won't get another email. If you visit that thread again, it resets the email setting, so you will get an email with the next response.

I wish it behaved like vB, but it doesn't. That means if you don't click through on the Xenforo notifcation email, you won't get another email notice for that thread.

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Xenforo's method of email notification is different from vBulletin's and imo, worse.

vBulletin subscription:

- New reply, You get an email. If you never visit the forum again, you won't get another email about that thread. If you visit the forum again (anywhere), it resets the email setting, so you will get an email with the next response.

Xenforo subscription:

- New repl,y You get an email. If you never visit that thread again, you won't get another email. If you visit that thread again, it resets the email setting, so you will get an email with the next response.

I wish it behaved like vB, but it doesn't. That means if you don't click through on the Xenforo notifcation email, you won't get another email notice for that thread.

Well that definitely explains it... Quite annoying then. I don't want to reply to every reply, just follow the conversation until I have something again that I want to add.
Well that definitely explains it... Quite annoying then. I don't want to reply to every reply, just follow the conversation until I have something again that I want to add.
Best solution right now is to try to click on the view thread when u get it. That way you can see if there are other replies and it will reset the counter. I wanted to change this behavior somehow but hadn't been able to yet.
Best solution right now is to try to click on the view thread when u get it. That way you can see if there are other replies and it will reset the counter. I wanted to change this behavior somehow but hadn't been able to yet.
Yeah that will work for now. I'm
Just glad that I at least know why I wasn't getting the emails and how to get around that now. Thanks.
Interesting thread; I had wondered about this issue, too, as the pattern of notifications I was receiving seemed to me to have been somewhat erratic.

Thanks for clearing this up.
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