The app update also lets users post images within comments and it includes new emoticon wall posting options. Emoticon posts were first introduced in June, but have thus far been limited to status updates. The emoticon icons are used to give details on what a user is feeling, watching, reading, drinking, eating, listening to, or playing, and can now be included in wall posts.
Along with new posting features, Facebook made its mobile privacy options easier to access, offering a lock icon in the navigation menu that displays both privacy options and frequently asked questions.
Facebook is said to be working on a more significant iOS app update that will include the company's Graph Search feature, first introduced earlier this year, along with an update for its Messenger app that will include iOS contacts integration.What's New in Version 6.6
- Edit your posts and comments, and tap to see all your changes
- Add a photo when you comment
- Express yourself with icons when you post to someone's timeline (English only)
- Get to privacy shortcuts by tapping the lock by your name in the main menu
- Bug fixes
Facebook is a universal app that can be downloaded for free from the App Store. [Direct Link]
Article Link: Facebook for iOS Updated With Editing Features, Photo Comments