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macrumors newbie
Jul 2, 2020
I've just had exactly the same experience with my early 2018 HomePod as the OP (completely dead, wouldn't power up), and after a visit to the Apple Store (unsuccessful), then phone calls to Apple customer support, I have been told that my HomePod will be replaced with a new unit under my Consumer Rights. It was a bit of a battle to get to this point, but my advice is to stand firm and demand a replacement. The Mac Genius in the Apple Store confirmed to me that the HomePod is not a product that is designed to be opened up/repaired, and suggested that I buy a new one at full price. That's when I escalated the issue with Apple customer support.


macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2013
Same thing happend to me just now.
26 month old Homepod just stopped working, powercycling does not help and reset is also not working.
Still draws 5 watt though, like in standby.


macrumors member
Mar 25, 2011
Interestingly, I noticed that one of my two had died today.

Does not respond etc. Looks like it has been bricked. No matter how I try to reset it, change the wall socket etc. It's dead.
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macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2013
Little update.
Today the second HomePod died exactly the same way, which was also the second HomePod I bought two years ago.
Both failed after a bit more than 800 days.
Both are from the same Batch, serial number start with CC4WJ6..., so manufactured in CW15 2018.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 14, 2020
Hallo Macrumors

My home pod died after the power went off and back on
I am living in Germany and Apple support said i could get a replacement for 250 euros
yesterday home pod mini was announced for 96,50 euros, so not really tough to decide!
but still a little unsure if this is really a good idea?


Apr 29, 2018
the PNW
Hallo Macrumors

My home pod died after the power went off and back on
I am living in Germany and Apple support said i could get a replacement for 250 euros
yesterday home pod mini was announced for 96,50 euros, so not really tough to decide!
but still a little unsure if this is really a good idea?

Depends on how much you enjoy the sound quality of the Homepod. The mini will most likely not sound as good as the original Homepod. Although, since the mini has yet to be released no one knows how much they differ (it is not a question of if, but of how much).


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2014
Monroe, Louisiana
Yeah, ultimately the more air a speaker can move, the fuller the sound. It’s hard to imagine that Apple could get the same level of quality of the original homepod with much smaller speakers.

Now with that said, it wouldn’t surprise me if the HomePod Mini sounded 80% as good as the original even with 50% of the size. Apple has been making amazing advances in speaker engineering.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2020
I was a happy owner of two HomePods, white and graphite, connected in stereo for a little more 18 months, in a single week, the two broke, first the white HomePod started flashing the volume signals + -, without anything being able to solve , I did the hard reset guided by Apple American support, but nothing has changed, it keeps turning on and flashing the volume signals + -. Soon after, the other graffiti HomePod was silent, nothing happens, nothing works, he just died too. I am very careful with my gadgets, both HomePods were plugged into sockets with Battery Back-Up System and completely different locations, there was never a shortage of electricity in my region, in fact, I have other devices such as Google Home, Google Wifi, Philips Hue bridge, etc. . on the same Battery Back-Up System and everything continues to function normally ... Apple simply left its old customers who bought HomePods helpless an expensive product and of low quality in durability. #homepoddead


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2020
I was quite surprised, then dismayed, to find out the HomePod I got in 2018 (no AppleCare) has stopped responding and doesn't even show any lights when powered on.

Changed the consumer fuse (twice just to be sure) and there's absolutely no signs of life on powering it up.

Any similar experiences or recommendations?

If alls lost I suppose I'll hold out and find out what the announcements are on HomePod soon if any.. I had hoped to get a second one at some point and pair it but never got round to that and it's a bit of a reset to go from 1 to 0 and then want 2 :(
Apple support instructed me to disclose this link ( to all owners who are going through the same situation can report to Apple, making them adopt an official stance in relation to this problem that is affecting the HomePod globally. #homepoddead

El soporte de Apple me indicó que divulgue este enlace ( para que todos los propietarios que estén pasando por la misma situación puedan informar a Apple, haciéndoles adoptar una postura oficial en relación a este problema que está afectando al HomePod a nivel mundial. #homepoddead

苹果支持人员指示我向所有遇到相同情况的所有者都可以将此链接 (披露给苹果公司,以便向苹果公司报告,从而使他们对这一问题采取官方立场,即 正在全球范围内影响HomePod。 #homepoddead

L'assistance Apple m'a demandé de divulguer ce lien ( à tous les propriétaires qui traversent la même situation peuvent le signaler à Apple, leur faisant adopter une position officielle par rapport à ce problème. affecte le HomePod dans le monde entier. #homepoddead


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2020
We experienced the same issues. In the middle of November, the HomePod suddenly stopped working. No rhyme/reason or previous warning signs...just died. This Apple product gets the least amount of abuse compared to our others (ie it sits on a shelf) yet it has died to quickest!

We called Apple, they set-up a Genius Bar appt, but the day before we were gonna drop it off for a repair, the local store called and said the "service fee" is $279 USD. We laughed and told them that they got "service fee" and "cost to buy a new one" mixed up. Silly them!

Anyhow... We gave Apple another ring yesterday to see if they could throw us a bone, but the rep said the only option is a "repair" for $279. Again I clarified to him that its not a repair, that is buying a new one. He did finally confirm that indeed they do not do repairs on HomePods, they just give you a new one if you pay $279. His recommendation was to buy a new one and get AppleCare. Ooof!

I left a complaint on the homepod feedback page. In the past, for me, Apple has been stellar for standing by their products when its a QC issue...which this seems to be. I've had replacements for computers and phones given to me easy peasy. And yes I get it, sometimes you pull a short straw and you get a lemon, but the fact that they don't have any reasonable repair option for this $300 paper-weight (*cough* $350 when newly released in 2018) is simply frustrating. Maybe if enough people report a problem, there will be some resolution...but for now I guess it stays on the shelf where it always was and we won't be rushing out to buy another homepod after this experience...regular or mini.


macrumors newbie
Dec 12, 2020
I have the exact same issue. One of the two HomePods I purchased in 2018 died three weeks ago. Followed all the steps online, then visited the apple store. Tough luck is the advice. We can’t do anything more than you can. We can’t tell you why is it broke. Only option is to pay £254 for a “repair”, which in truth is a swap to sweep the issue under the carpet. £319 for a paperweight is hard to take. Braehead store staff and management just don’t care.


macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
Throw the dead ones on EBay. They still manage to sell for $60-$80 I just bought one that I think was bricked during a software update for $80. Using it to write a more complete teardown guide. If I can find a completely dead unit for cheap maybe I can make a Frankenstein HomePod.
I‘ve bought 3 brand new HomePods on sale from BestBuy this year. I also bought one that was broken for $110 on eBay (woofer would stop producing sound intermittent) but it was actually still under warranty, so $110 for a replacement/new unit isn’t bad. Now I have 4 HomePods for $710 and they sound great (and a parts unit)

Pretty pathetic that a stationary object that never is touched fails like that. That’s why I like traditional speakers, they generally don’t stop working unless they are abused. If a receiver or amplifier stops working, you can keep the speakers and repair or replace the amplifier or receiver. I hope my HomePods last as long as my 14 year old iPod HiFi.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
We experienced the same issues. In the middle of November, the HomePod suddenly stopped working. No rhyme/reason or previous warning signs...just died. This Apple product gets the least amount of abuse compared to our others (ie it sits on a shelf) yet it has died to quickest!

We called Apple, they set-up a Genius Bar appt, but the day before we were gonna drop it off for a repair, the local store called and said the "service fee" is $279 USD. We laughed and told them that they got "service fee" and "cost to buy a new one" mixed up. Silly them!

Anyhow... We gave Apple another ring yesterday to see if they could throw us a bone, but the rep said the only option is a "repair" for $279. Again I clarified to him that its not a repair, that is buying a new one. He did finally confirm that indeed they do not do repairs on HomePods, they just give you a new one if you pay $279. His recommendation was to buy a new one and get AppleCare. Ooof!

I left a complaint on the homepod feedback page. In the past, for me, Apple has been stellar for standing by their products when its a QC issue...which this seems to be. I've had replacements for computers and phones given to me easy peasy. And yes I get it, sometimes you pull a short straw and you get a lemon, but the fact that they don't have any reasonable repair option for this $300 paper-weight (*cough* $350 when newly released in 2018) is simply frustrating. Maybe if enough people report a problem, there will be some resolution...but for now I guess it stays on the shelf where it always was and we won't be rushing out to buy another homepod after this experience...regular or mini.

Just buy a new one. Nothing lasts forever.


macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
It has a 1 year warranty for a reason. That should be your expectation.
So I should expect my Apple products to last 12 months and be greatfull if they last any longer? I should be greatfull when my car lasts longer than the bumper to bumper warranty and then Powertrain lasts its minimum warranties period? Sheesh. Not everyone has disposable income. Judging by your signature, you appear to have money burning a hole in your pocket. I’m happy for you. ?
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macrumors member
Jun 5, 2020
I've got two HomePods. One died the same way as discussed here over the summer with just a few days of warranty left. Apple replaced that one under warranty. The second one, which was a launch-day model, died the same way just last week. No warranty left there obviously, so I will be paying for a new one. No way I buy these without AppleCare+ anymore.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 28, 2008
Beverly, Massachusetts
I've got two HomePods. One died the same way as discussed here over the summer with just a few days of warranty left. Apple replaced that one under warranty. The second one, which was a launch-day model, died the same way just last week. No warranty left there obviously, so I will be paying for a new one. No way I buy these without AppleCare+ anymore.
Try contacting support and telling them it happened while it was updating the software and raise hell. I could understand it if was a portable speaker being subject to what life throws at it, but a PREMIUM stationary object should last longer than 2 years. Imagine if your super premium expensive microwave, toaster, computer speakers, smoke detector, etc just stopped working after 2 years. This isn’t an iPhone or iPad that you replace every 2 years with a batter model. my newest pair of speakers are 18 year old Boston Acoustics, and my oldest pair of speakers are vintage Electro-Voice speakers from the early 1960s

You could always throw it on eBay. Even dead ones still fetch close to $100


macrumors member
Oct 19, 2008
I’m in the same boat with my HomePod. It just died completely 2-3 weeks ago. Really gutted that it cannot be repaired. I was 10 days over my John Lewis warranty, they initially offered me 50% off a new unit but changed their mind when I produced my receipt. Kicking myself for not taking it in sooner.

I won’t be buying another. It’s too much money to end up with a dead unit after such a small amount of time.

I would be happy to pay repair costs even if it was something like £150.
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macrumors demi-god
Jun 25, 2007
I just discovered my HomePod is dead as well. Placed my order days after the announcement and picked up in February 2018, so it is shy of the 3-year mark. Although Apple lowered the price in April 2019, the out of warranty service fee remains the same at $279. It is pretty outrageous as I assume they will just give me a refurbished unit and call it good.

The serial number beginning DQTW1.


macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2013
Canadian Pacific North Wilderness
Count me as another in the long line of people whose launch day original HomePod suddenly stopped working after a firmware update (which I never okayed). Power is flowing to the device, but no lights, no nothing. Tried all the resets. Nothing.

Very common problem. Tons of reports. Freaking RIDICULOUS that this device which I spent over $1000CAD on and has been sitting on a shelf just bricks itself.

I tried with support, but they will not do anything without another $500 out of my pocket.

I've been in the ecosystem since the 90s, I've got just about every Apple product, and this is by far the worst experience I've ever had. Absolutely, shockingly unacceptable.


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Count me as another in the long line of people whose launch day original HomePod suddenly stopped working after a firmware update (which I never okayed). Power is flowing to the device, but no lights, no nothing. Tried all the resets. Nothing.

Very common problem. Tons of reports. Freaking RIDICULOUS that this device which I spent over $1000CAD on and has been sitting on a shelf just bricks itself.

I tried with support, but they will not do anything without another $500 out of my pocket.

I've been in the ecosystem since the 90s, I've got just about every Apple product, and this is by far the worst experience I've ever had. Absolutely, shockingly unacceptable.
I think they’re all launch day units. The last one I bought the day after the discontinuation announcement at the Apple Store had a date of 2018 on the box. I have nine of them so this definitely makes me feel uneasy.


macrumors regular
Nov 8, 2013
Is your Homepod also getting warm on the outside, if yes and you are good with a soldering iron or hot air station you might be able to repair it.

I was able to salvage two of mine half a year ago.
The catch diode of the buck converter died, shorting the switch node to GND.
After I replaced the diode, everything is working again.
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