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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I started a game a 2 weeks ago, knowing nothing and have decided to restart now that I'm feeling more comfortable and thinking about trying the assassin/stealthed build.

How are you guys playing F4- Melee, Stealth, Sniper, Charisma, Luck, etc? Some interesting links, saying that the game's AI is geared to head on attacks and ill equipped for stealthed players. It all most makes me hesitant to try the stealthed build. I'd like them to at least react to me before they die. ;) My nephew swears by a Melee build.

---------------------Settlement links-----------------------
I'm using a non-automatic riffle build, based on perception of course and also luck, during my first playthrough. Also good for sniping which is a life saver sometimes. So far so good. Although, I'll admit I'm very tempted to make another character for a power armor build. They just look so cool, but I suspect that the core power depletion must be annoying.
I've started over with a Stealth Assassin build. I've only done the first Minute Man quest in Conchord, but I swear it was easier as stealth. Mostly I've been base building. But now it's time to go check out the second Minute Man quest as I've fed, watered, bedded, powered, and put up defenses for sanctuary. I need to find some crystals to make the transmitor to draw in more citizens, so hopefully I'll find them out and about. :)

Here's my question- If you set up things at a new location, such as bed, food, and water, say at the Red Rocket gas station, will new citizens appear or do you need a radio transmitter to lure them in? Thanks!
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Perception , intelligence and charisma seem the most useful. I'm on level 55 and those 3 have been very helpful in tricky situations.

Edit , luck also - later on it really helps with the critical hits.
The first major quest, Minuteman Quest: First Steps was in a huge sprawling complex, full of bad guys. Challenging for sneaking around! Don't ask how many times I died... And I'm loving base building! :)
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