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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
A decade ago I started with Farcry 3 a 2012 first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and loved not only its open world nature, but appreciated the beautiful vistas on a tropical island.

FarCry 3​

I played the heck out of this game. Then I moved on to FarCry 4 set in the Himalayas, a place like Nepal, and I think because I had played so much of the first game mentioned, I burned out with it’s formula.


But now I am back playing Farcry 5, purchased on sale recently at Steam. Set in beautiful Montana, I’m loving this franchise again. You start out as a US Federal Deputy as part of a group going to arrest a cult leader (Project at Eden’s Gate) where the cult leader is guilty of things like kidnapping and in the process of establishing his own fiefdom. This mission goes South fast and you barely make it out in one piece.

Your mission becomes to basically rescue the county. Ubisoft consulted a Cult Expert to ensure the game feels realistic. The map is large and beautiful, the combat is fun, some of your companions are a hoot, and there is a large variety of vehicles for getting around including, boats, Helos, quads all over the place, and airplanes. Airplanes are the most awkward vehicle to control/fly using keyboard and mouse. Helos are much easier.


As far as game play, I don’t remember changing the difficulty, and at the default setting the mechanics/game is not too difficult and rather forgiving. That is fine with me although yes, when I get too complacent, I’ve died a couple of times in combat, and you need to watch those heights and for bears. :) The bears are best handled with a high powered rifle or an assault rifle. I’ve not had the opportunity to defend against bear attack with a shotgun, but will assume if using buckshot or a slug, it would be effective.

You earn points with which perks can be gained. I recently realized that carrying more than 2 weapons requires additional perks for a total of 4 weapons and I’ll testify that with just 2 weapons I feel hindered. :) Right now I‘m limited to a silenced pistol or a bow, and a high powered sniper rifle. I could use an assault rifle instead, but don’t like how they eat though ammo. Ideally with extra weapon slots, I want to add a shotgun for close encounters, and an assault rifle. It takes 8 perk points to gain at least one, maybe both additional slots.

I like that you can play coop with one other player, invite them into your game and they will accompany you. I’ve been playing with my son on his game, and then I can proceed at my own pace on my game.

What I don’t like is that to play this on Steam, launching the game requires a Ubisoft account, it launches Ubisoft’s Game Hub and yo have to log in there to play. Once you get though this the first time, it’s not too bad, but still annoying. My guess is because Ubisoft’s insistence on control, you won’t find this title on GOG. Happy hunting! :D
I'm loving Farcry 5, I finally got 4 weapons slots. I love the premise/combat, which is typical for a Farcry game along with the gameplay/combat which tends to be forgiving on normal difficulty. I love Montana, and I love the companions and their comments, often foul mouth slang :), especially the son of the Senator, Hurk Drubman who made me laugh out loud and the Hunter Jess Black who I tend to feel sorry for, and the game loves to throw all sort of low brow humor at you. Watch for ******* skunks, they are little stink ninjas! What a beautiful day, what could make it better is if a sexy forest ranger entered my forest. :D

Besides being held hostage by Ubisoft, even though I'm on Steam, my primary in-game beef is that flying an aircraft is awkward which comes into play when you have to fly one to shoot down an adversary. In contrast the helos are reasonable.
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Just started this yesterday on PS5 and really enjoying it so far. I was relieved early on when Dutch made me climb a radio tower and said something along the lines of, "Don't worry, I'm not going to have you running all around climbing a bunch of towers." Thank goodness, because I hated that part of all the other Far Cry games.

I still only have two weapons slots, and like you said, that feels very limiting.
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Just started this yesterday on PS5 and really enjoying it so far. I was relieved early on when Dutch made me climb a radio tower and said something along the lines of, "Don't worry, I'm not going to have you running all around climbing a bunch of towers." Thank goodness, because I hated that part of all the other Far Cry games.

I still only have two weapons slots, and like you said, that feels very limiting.
There are opportunities and quests that involve climbing and descending by grappling up and down cliffs and towers. I don’t remember if grappling was a mechanic in previous Far Cry’s. :)
This is unrealistic for most real life situations, but for a game I want 3-4 weapon slots which you get through perk points. I started out with 2 slots, and I used a sniper rifle and a silenced pistol, which the latter seems under powered in many cases. The sniper rifle is 50 cal, usually a one shot weapon, but some well armed (armor) adversaries take 2 even 3 shots. There is a strong argument that the bow is equal if not better for early game stealth. For the third weapon, a shotgun (for tight/close up) and the forth, an assault rifle.
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Farcry 5- There are the 3 regions, each controlled by one member of the Seed Family, leaders of the Project at Eden's Gate. You slowly take territory away from them and the final quest for each zone is a trip that starts to feel epic and in Faith's case hallucinagenic. First John, then Faith, before Joseph. It could be a choice of a different sequence but I think the game leads you to take on Joseph last. The family relies on hard core production of a drug called Bliss from an unidentified plant that gives people visions and makes them feel euphoric, real good for that good ole time religious feeling. ;)

Defeating Faith was the creepiest sequence, frequent drug visions when you are around Bliss. The quest to take her down is one big drugged sequence. And during the game after every major defeat for the Seed Family, you get to stare Joseph Seed close up in the face as he tells you his plans for you, since you are messing with his path to glory.

Strafe in a large circle, shoot the visions of her as they pop up, keep her minions off you (shoot them), and just run when she starts showing her bliss bombs at you, don't stand still. There are weapon reload caches in the middle that disappear after a while, load up while you can. :)

I've grown fond of Jess, her opening monolog is brutal, she seems not quite normal, but she is dedicated to helping. Actually all of the companions are dedicated, I suppose that it's a personal preference who you like. :) I tried Peaches the pet Cougar who is deadly, but she just runs around killing people and get's knocked down fairly fast. I called on Adelaide Drubman armed helo pilot, to hunt down Bliss delivery vehicles, which can be hard to locate, and are identified by an explosive icon that appears over them. Best to do it by air.

You can revive all of them if you get to them in time. And they can revive you. I'm going to try real hard to call up Hurk Drubman, the RPG wielding son of a State Senator, because I want to hear his comical banter. :)

Jess, hunter.jpg
Jess in her environment (no she never smiles)

Hurk Drubman Jr.jpg
Hurk Drumban Jr

Sheriff and Jess at the

The Sheriff and Jess at the Jail HQ after the fight with Faith.
No companion help during that fight.​
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I played FarCry 1 on the PC way back in 2004 and was blown away by the graphics back then. The next one I played was FarCry 4 on PS3 and loved it. I missed FarCry 5 due to it coming out when my daughters were very small and having a 7 year break from any sort of gaming.

Currently playing FarCry 6 on the ps5, absolutely love the freedom this game gives.
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I've grown fond of Jess, her opening monolog is brutal, she seems not quite normal, but she is dedicated to helping.
I have not unlocked Jess yet, and use Grace a lot as a helper. Great sniper.

I agree with the weird drugged out sequences. I've been hitting the circle button (PS5) when I can to skip those cut scenes.
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I have not unlocked Jess yet, and use Grace a lot as a helper. Great sniper.

I agree with the weird drugged out sequences. I've been hitting the circle button (PS5) when I can to skip those cut scenes.
My experience is that Grace gets knocked down more frequently than Jess, but that is not a certainty, just an impression. If Jess gets knocked down, I usually switch to Grace. I’ve resisted arming myself with RPG, because their utility is limited, so my plan is to take out Hurk again and see just how helpful he is, or if it is overkill.
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FarCry 5 companions ranked:

I was surprised kind of by this list.
1.Hurk- The RPG equipped companion, I took him on a mission, and he just started blowing up every thing, lol. So I guess that is a reasonable assessment, however, climbing out of the helo, I heard him yelp and went back to find him dead. I don't get it. There was no one shooting at us at the time. It's like he hit his head on a big rock, by the helo. This also happened to Grace, she basically dropped dead and I have no reason why. Jess, has not done this to me yet. For those not playing this game, it's not a permanent death. Companions will come back fresh as new after a timer counts down. :D

2. Boomer- the dog, apparently he senses and marks all of your opponents on your hud, and brings you their weapons after their untimely demise. I'm not sure if that is him, or you primarily facilitating that, but my guess is it's you. I don't think Boomer is nearly as lethal as Peaches or Cheddar, the bear. Maybe as a companion Cheddar is tougher than wild bears, but wild bears, I put them down with 1 or 2 shots with a high powered rifle... The thing about Peaches, she was on enemies before they knew she had them by the throat...

Also I’ve using the Neon 50 Cal Sniper rifle that comes as a bonus for buying the game (?), I did not have to buy it. It has the highest power and most accuracy in the game maxed at 10, but with about $40k in my coffer, I figured I could afford to experiment, so I purchased the next notch down sniper that cost $3200, the difference is that it is listed as semi-automatic, it’s power is listed as 9, and shoots 5 vs 3 rounds per minute, a distinct difference and advantage for rapidly eliminating enemies. For power, 9 vs 10 does not seem to be any difference as far as effectiveness.
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FarCry 6 on sale at Steam for $15 until 25May23... Hard to resist! :D Suggestion: Read the reviews at Steam first. For me $15 is pretty easy to give it a shot, without too much risk. I'm actually hesitating now. I read that skill points are gone and that your skills derive from the clothes you wear? HOGWASH, give me a break! I also read, that you can't buy weapons, you have to find them. I might not buy it, lol! Yet the environment looks pretty amazing. :D🤫

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Sorry, but FarCry 6 was the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced with a game so far in the 2000s. I love(d) playing FarCry 4 & FarCry 5, both solo and co-op, but if you liked those, avoid FarCry6 like the plague.

I wouldn't even touch it at $15. A bad game is a bad game. Pricing doesn't change that.
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Sorry, but FarCry 6 was the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced so far in the 2000s. I love(d) playing FarCry 4 & FarCry 5, both solo and co-op, but if you liked those, avoid FarCry6 like the plague.

I wouldn't even touch it at $15. A bad game is a bad game. Pricing doesn't change that.
I believe you. Can you give some specifics? Based on FarCry5, I was almost ready to push the buy button and take a chance... 🤫
I believe you. Can you give some specifics? Based on FarCry5, I was almost ready to push the buy button and take a chance... 🤫
The AI of the enemy is well below par. Compared to 4 and 5 it just doesn't play well - at all. It feels very unfinished, and was also too easy even on the hardest setting. Almost everything that was good about 4 and 5 is ruined in 6. The developers/designers, in my opinion, overthought the entire game, and made extremely poor decisions.

Which is a shame, because the basics are there, the graphics great, but it falls flat in everything else. More importantly: FC6 is NOT FUN to play. It missed the mark in so many areas, and the basic game is just no fun.

Stick with FarCry 5 or get a copy of Ghost Recon Wildlands, which is super fun to play in coop.
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Sorry, but FarCry 6 was the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced with a game so far in the 2000s. I love(d) playing FarCry 4 & FarCry 5, both solo and co-op, but if you liked those, avoid FarCry6 like the plague.

I wouldn't even touch it at $15. A bad game is a bad game. Pricing doesn't change that.

Ah, I’ve really enjoyed playing it over the last year and the last FarCry I had was 4.
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The AI of the enemy is well below par. Compared to 4 and 5 it just doesn't play well - at all. It feels very unfinished, and was also too easy even on the hardest setting. Almost everything that was good about 4 and 5 is ruined in 6. The developers/designers, in my opinion, overthought the entire game, and made extremely poor decisions.

Which is a shame, because the basics are there, the graphics great, but it falls flat in everything else. More importantly: FC6 is NOT FUN to play. It missed the mark in so many areas, and the basic game is just no fun.

Stick with FarCry 5 or get a copy of Ghost Recon Wildlands, which is super fun to play in coop.
Dang everybody hating on Breakpoint...
I just finished Farcry 5 (2018) and HOLY CRAP I've never seen an ending like this described as "the good ending" 🤠I was certainly surprised by it. Here is a spoiler link that describes the possible endings, I did not look for it until after I finished this version. Please don't spoil it in the forum.

As a general critique, several of the Main story quest involve being in a drug stuper. The cult uses a plant based drug to more or less keep some of their followers inline. And there were times that some of these quests stood as mini-games in the middle of the story. You are advised you are being hunted down, then you are a prisoner, and then your "tripping" as the saying goes, where you have to succeed in in shooting as many phantoms as you can and making it through a timed course, to move on with the game. It was ok, but about the third time this happened with the obstacle course, I was feeling like been there, done that.

Combat is fun and not too challenging at normal difficulty.

You gain perk skills, but it did not feel like a RPG to me, although there were some characteristics of an RPG. Your companions, you don't really build any repore with them. I really miss this from Fallout 4 where companions grew to like you, even fall in love with you. The way FarCry 5 is structured, maybe all of the Farcry games, yes, they help you, but your companions feel strangely detached from you. You have no interactions with them which might lead to or feel like a friendship.

FarCry New Dawn (2019) is directly is tied to the ending in Farcry5 and starts with a bang. Good so far! :D

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FarCry New Dawn Update- This is a post Armageddon game, there I said it. I'm having a good time with it so far. It's in Hope County, Montana same as the last chapter, a very different looking Montana, but it's not Fallout 3 post Armageddon bad. Part of me is wanting to re-watch The Book of Eli! :)

The mechanics are similar to the previous FarCry5, except instead of picking up cash, or selling for cash, you collect all sorts of basic goods that conveniently happen to be laying around, like a box of gears or a safe with titanium rods in it. This is the post-armaggedon money, and is used to buy or craft stuff. One thing I prefered is in FC5, when you purchased a gun, you could always go back to a workbench and it would be waiting for you to equip. In this game, if you pickup another gun in the field, you drop your old gun, and back at the worskhop, it must be crafted again for a price of traded goods. Collected flowers are also used as a currency to resurrect a fallen Companion.
I've learned that anytime I stop on a road to do something, take care of someone in a good or bad way, if I loiter too much bad guys are going to come flying around the bend, or emerge from the nearby woods. Just be ready for it, it's not too hard to put most of these yahoos down.

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I love the Far Cry franchise, but to be honest, the last installments were a disappointment for me
Ferry 5, New Dawn? I'm assuming so. I'd say these games strong points are their open world nature, and if you hang out some place on the road long enough, you end up in an ongoing fight as new baddies show up and engage you. Where the game falls short
I have Farcry 5 but got tired of it fairly quickly. The story concept was fairly cool, but felt like I was just doing the same things over and over again. I got bored of it quite quickly.
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