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Apr 12, 2001

After disclosing its method of accessing the iPhone 5c of San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook to a few U.S. Senators, the FBI today released a new sliver of information regarding the highly secretive invasive steps the organization has taken to get into the iPhone in question.

FBI director James Comey gave a few hints about "a tool" from a private party that it used to gain access to Farook's iPhone (via CNN).

In a speech at the Biennial Conference at Kenyon University, Comey mentioned that the tool purchased from the private party -- reportedly Israeli mobile developer Cellebrite -- only works on a "narrow slice of phones," which does not include models of the iPhone 5s and after. Although that range allows the FBI to enter into Farook's iPhone 5c, the beefed up security of the A7 chips of the 5s and onward limits the organization's ability to use Cellebrite's tool for any of its more recent security-locked iPhone cases.

After the FBI said it found a method of getting into the iPhone used in the San Bernardino terrorist attacks, the Cupertino company promised it would insist on obtaining the details of the exploit if the case were to move forward. Since the Justice Department officially dropped the case against Apple, the company can't ask for that information, and Comey said the government is contemplating the pros and cons of looping Apple in on the situation.
"We tell Apple, then they're going to fix it, then we're back where we started from," he said. "We may end up there, we just haven't decided yet."
Even though the official legal battle is over, Apple's statement at the end of the lawsuit referred to the company's continuing promise to "increase the security" of all its products as the threat against user data becomes "more frequent and more sophisticated."

Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: FBI Director Says Method of Unlocking iPhone Can't Be Used on iPhone 5s or Newer


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2014
Indianapolis, IN
It just means the "showdown" that was going to happen last month has been delayed until the next major incident occurs where the FBI wants Apple to unlock "just this one phone, just this one time". The 5 & 5c model are a couple years old so not only do they represent a small percentage of iPhones, but that percentage is shrinking every day as millions of 6, 6s & SE phones enter the market. Get ready for round 2.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
The FBI shouldn't have to explain anything, they went to Apple, who said no way and then got it done through someone else, that simple. The last thing Apple deserves is an explanation of how someone else was able to do in two weeks what they claimed couldn't be done at all, Apple either lied about it or weren't qualified to do it.


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
The FBI shouldn't have to explain anything, they went to Apple, who said no way and then got it done through someone else, that simple. The last thing Apple deserves is an explanation of how someone else was able to do in two weeks what they claimed couldn't be done at all, Apple either lied about it or weren't qualified to do it.
Ah, the posts of someone who is clearly completely unaware of the digital forensics industry that is funded by the likes of the NSA, GCHQ, etc.....


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2007
"We tell Apple, then they're going to fix it, then we're back where we started from,"

That's what you suggested anyway, remember? That Apple should create that one-time loophole and then destroy it. That its just about this one case. Does that ring a bell?

Not that we believed that for a second ...


macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2014
So they went with NAND mirroring, something you can't do with any iPhone with an A7 and up. The FBI knew this, so they wanted Apple to create the software to get into the newer phones. Apple politely said **** you to that, and now they're stuck with iPhones below the 5.


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
Not as unaware as Apple is of how to access their own device, apparently.
Apple did outline exactly how it could be done. The problem was that tool, in the wrong hands, could be used by anyone who got it to break into iPhones. There was never a statement that it was impossible, just that it was impossible without destroying nearly half a billion iOS device's security paradigm.

But hey, you clearly just want to rant off about how inept Apple is at not allowing state actors to trample on citizens rights so I'll just let you continue.


macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
Apple did outline exactly how it could be done. The problem was that tool, in the wrong hands, could be used by anyone who got it to break into iPhones. There was never a statement that it was impossible, just that it was impossible without destroying nearly half a billion iOS device's security paradigm.

But hey, you clearly just want to rant off about how inept Apple is at not allowing state actors to trample on citizens rights so I'll just let you continue.
It's just my opinion on the matter with Apple, not sure of the need for personal attacks here.


macrumors 68000
Mar 1, 2011
Man, that San Bernardino shooter should feel real bad for getting an iPhone 5C instead of a 5S.


Dec 6, 2012
FBI, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You are, in an earnest and transparent way doing everything you can to get information that could lead to the prevention of terrorism in the USA. But here is the rub, your shortsighted need for an easy and immediate solution put us in danger in the longer run. If you pursue this again and somehow win to force phone makers in the USA to install back-doors, I guarantee that other countries will due the same -- so that it is clear this means that the FBI actions now make it easier for other countries to snoop on American Citizens. But even worse, a back door also gives access to bad people. Please due your job to protect the American people, but do so in a way that does not end up putting them in even more danger a few feet down the road. Thank you.


macrumors 6502
Mar 24, 2011
253, WA
Hmmmm. So they jailbroke it. Ssh'ed their way into the phone and possibly ifiled.

Jk I know that's not possible with a passcode enabled.


macrumors 65816
Nov 18, 2008
Considering how many people store sensitive information on their phones, including information that could be used to take down our infrastructure, such as power grids, etc. it would truly be in the best interest of national security to ensure phones are as secure as possible.

No, they will never be 100% secure, but when an exploit is found, it should be reported so that it can be fixed.
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