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macrumors 68000
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
What's more interesting to me than the reviews themselves is all of the negative comments on them. I haven't heard so much anti-Apple rhetoric since elementary school when (early 90s) when people used to make fun of me because my family used Macs exclusively and everybody else had Windows/DOS boxes. Seriously that's what elementary school in small town Canada was like.


macrumors 68040
Sep 11, 2008
New York City
"On our standard battery rundown test, in which we loop a video with LTE and WiFi enabled and social accounts pinging at regular intervals, the iPhone 5 managed a hugely impressive 11 hours and 15 minutes. That's just 10 minutes shy of the Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx."



macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
This is an IT reviewer for the New York Times, and he's shocked at Apple changing their legacy technology?

Must be new.

Hardly. David Pogue's been writing about Apple/tech since the 80's.

Although I understand his comment about the connector change, it had to happen sometime - now's just as bad a time as any.


macrumors newbie
May 29, 2012
What's more interesting to me than the reviews themselves is all of the negative comments on them. I haven't heard so much anti-Apple rhetoric since elementary school when (early 90s) when people used to make fun of me because my family used Macs exclusively and everybody else had Windows/DOS boxes. Seriously that's what elementary school in small town Canada was like.

You're not alone. I've lost count of how many time I've heard someone remark, "Why don't you get a real computer." I'll never understand why PC folks are so obsessed with what Mac folks are doing. The opposite isn't true, that's for sure. If they want to use a PC, so be it. We prefer a Mac. We have our reasons.

I guess what they say is true: haters gonna hate.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2012
Can't Wait

Really looking forward to the 5. Although I'm pretty happy with my 4S though, but the larger screen is attractive. Not to mention all the other improvements.

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
"It’s just too bad about that connector change. Doesn’t Apple worry about losing customer loyalty and sales?"

Wow what a stupid comment. Apple has changed their connector less than any other manufacturer yet they get this kind of grief over it. Pathetic.

I find it funny because they say that there are so many iPhone peripherals are out there, in hotel rooms and such, Apple will tick off customers. So, what, they'll switch to Android, and then not even have the option of using existing peripherals with an adapter? So silly. It was time for a connector change, and Lightning appears to be SLICK.


macrumors 68000
Oct 5, 2011
San Francisco, California
This review scares me a bit, having bought the black one.. What do you guys think?

Ditching the glass back and reducing the thickness of the glass panel on the front has affected the design of the metal band around the edge of the iPhone. It is now chamfered and while that looks pretty, we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error.

These small scuffs will catch the light and make the phone look visibly wor
n. We suspect that it won't be as noticeable on the white model because the metal edging is silver, so that's worth bearing in mind when you come to order your colour choice.

Edit: source:


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2012

"we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error"

The reviews look really great, and coming from a current iPhone 4 user I could really use the upgrade. I really like the black slate model and think it looks sweet, but this kind of bothers me. There's no way I'm going with the white model either. I prefer not to use a case to add bulk, and my current iphone has never had such an issue either. However, who knows, maybe it will look better with the silver after wearing out all of the coating. Time will tell I guess. Great phone otherwise it seems.

EDIT: darkslide29 got to it before me, feels the same way


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2012
Hmm, interesting. Now that there's been multiple reviews and 99.9% of the reviews seem positive, none of the iPhone haters have commented. Interesting.

King Shady

macrumors 6502
Aug 22, 2010
San Jose, CA
Damn starting to wonder if Black was a good choice or not. Of course it looks better than the white, but these reports of it scuffing up easily makes me nervous!


macrumors 65816
Apr 18, 2010
Huh, I've had a 4S on Verizon for almost a year now and I never realized that I couldn't use voice and data simultaneously. Every time that I've surfed the web while on a call, I must have been on WiFi and not known it mattered.

I'm kind of disturbed by this:eek:

The Catalyst

macrumors 6502
Dec 4, 2009
"The bad: Sprint and Verizon models can't use voice and data simultaneously. The smaller connector renders current accessories unusable without an adapter. There's no NFC, and the screen size pales in comparison to jumbo Android models."

Sprint & Verizon...really? So other handsets can do this?

No duel voice & data simultaneously has to do with their network capabilities (and Apple not adding an additional antenna).

edit: beaten, nostaws. :p
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2012
This is always the depressing part. These folks have been playing with an iPhone 5 for days and i'm still stuck on "Preparing for Shipment"


Go to UPS tracking and track by reference. Enter your phone number and voila! There is your phone. Everyone that pre-ordered and is supposed to get it on friday DOES have a tracking number, I just don't know why apple hasn't yet sent out emails with them.


macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2007
Am I the only one who sees negative points in those reviews? I must need a new prescription for my reality distortion glasses...

Words like "no longer the best out there" and "slight improvement" aren exactly winning me over.

Or am I the only one seeing this? ;)


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2012
The new maps app, since it's no longer google's solution, can't do content searches. So a search for "sushi" will only find restaurants nearby that have "sushi" in the name.

False, my search for Taco yields many results without "taco" in the name


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2012
slightly bigger screen and faster downloads... but looks pretty much the same.. somehow i'm not as excited as you guys.... :confused:


macrumors 68020
Jul 22, 2002
I agree that is you have the 4s there is less of a reason to get the 5, but for me with a 3Gs it's about time for something newer!


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2012
Really T3 and NYT?

They are definitely eating their words. After sales figures so far, I don't think Apple is worried about sales or dominating the cellular phone market this year.
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