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macrumors member
Aug 16, 2012

"we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error"

The reviews look really great, and coming from a current iPhone 4 user I could really use the upgrade. I really like the black slate model and think it looks sweet, but this kind of bothers me. There's no way I'm going with the white model either. I prefer not to use a case to add bulk, and my current iphone has never had such an issue either. However, who knows, maybe it will look better with the silver after wearing out all of the coating. Time will tell I guess. Great phone otherwise it seems.

EDIT: darkslide29 got to it before me, feels the same way
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this. I ordered a black and i would be disappointing if the anodized coating started to wear off. Whether it is on the sides or the back, I really hope that it doesn't wear off at all. I would think as much as Apple cares about aesthetics that this will be a non-issue. I would like to see some pics of what the reviewer is referring to though.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
Damn starting to wonder if Black was a good choice or not. Of course it looks better than the white, but these reports of it scuffing up easily makes me nervous!

I'm going to call BS on the anodizing just "wearing". It just wont happen from contact with light clothing fabrics and the palm of your hand.

Either way, some air dry cerakote will make your aluminum black iPhone damn near impervious to wear. It's what I used on my M4A1 on my last deployment and it survived a full combat arms tour without a scratch.


macrumors member
Oct 17, 2007
This review scares me a bit, having bought the black one.. What do you guys think?

Ditching the glass back and reducing the thickness of the glass panel on the front has affected the design of the metal band around the edge of the iPhone. It is now chamfered and while that looks pretty, we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error.

These small scuffs will catch the light and make the phone look visibly wor
n. We suspect that it won't be as noticeable on the white model because the metal edging is silver, so that's worth bearing in mind when you come to order your colour choice.

Edit: source:

I just sold my iphone 4 and the regular band will also take dings if your not careful. I had some on my phone that i sold on ebay, and i am very OCD about keeping the phone in my pocket alone, with out keys or coins in the same pocket. And i still managed to get slight scuff marks that can be seen when they catch the light.

I think the white iphones antenna band will be similar to the iphone 4/4s

Lets wait and see... maybe we could cover the antennas with bumpers like some people did during the ip4 time.



macrumors member
Jan 27, 2012
"We've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminum metal underneath." Pocket-lint



macrumors G4
Feb 10, 2011
I LOL at people who complain that the iPhone is only 4 inches and they only raised the height... then I held an android phone and couldn't reach my thumb across the 4.5 inch screen without shifting my hand. I can't wait to get mine Friday! Nice idea with the sleeping pills... hmmm!!! jk :)

Maybe they laugh at people with small hands?


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2010
I find it funny because they say that there are so many iPhone peripherals are out there, in hotel rooms and such, Apple will tick off customers. So, what, they'll switch to Android, and then not even have the option of using existing peripherals with an adapter? So silly. It was time for a connector change, and Lightning appears to be SLICK.

There is a reason there are so many iPhone peripherals... it's because there are so many iphones. I imagine that the accessories you find in hotels and such will gradually change... or perhaps hotels will stock adaptors and lend one for a small deposit, so that all generations of iPhone customers will have their needs met. Similar to the way European hotels stock electrical adapters.

Personally, I'm just going to buy a couple of adapters for now, one for home, one for car/travel, and not worry about it.


macrumors 65816
Nov 2, 2008
This review scares me a bit, having bought the black one.. What do you guys think?

Ditching the glass back and reducing the thickness of the glass panel on the front has affected the design of the metal band around the edge of the iPhone. It is now chamfered and while that looks pretty, we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error.

These small scuffs will catch the light and make the phone look visibly wor
n. We suspect that it won't be as noticeable on the white model because the metal edging is silver, so that's worth bearing in mind when you come to order your colour choice.

Edit: source:

I thought I'm the only one bothered by those comments.

I love the black version this time even though I've only owned white iPhones till now. However, at this point in time, I think it looks like choosing a white iPhone 5 is the "smarter" choice. :(


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2007
the 13 colonies
Nothing quite like seeing a glowing review and 700 comments filled with immature fandroids who apparently are so insecure with their choice of phone that they actually spend their time trolling any article relating to iPhones. I've noticed an exponential increase in negative Apple comments in articles over the past year by Android users, regardless of tech website...(putting aside the idiocy and childishness of feeling that much hate for a phone that you would feel the need to write 500 word troll comments over and over again, and the unreal amount of insecurity about their supposedly superior phone.)

Nicky G

macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2002
That used to be the thought but not anymore. The Galaxy S III and HTC EVO 4G LTE do voice and data over 3G.

The point was that it is a combination of how their networks work, in combination with Apple's decision not to add a third antenna. For example, AT&T's network will allow for HSPA+ and voice simultaneously I believe, with just two antennas (but not full LTE and voice at the same time).

Once voice-over-LTE becomes commonplace in the next couple of years, this should no longer be an issue on any network. That involves back-end upgrades, we just have to be patient.

Me, I'm having a difficult time being patient waiting for the first "true" 4G implementations of LTE Advanced, which should be in the last few years of this decade. Are you ready for between 100Mbit/sec to several-hundred Mbit/sec cellular data speeds? :D


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2010
I have been using maps a lot for awhile now on iDevices, and I have to say, running the betas now for about two months, I've been exceedingly happy with Apple's maps. In beta 4 and the GM, I definitely have started to prefer them. I think they do a great job with turn by turn and the integration into the system with Siri and the banner directions is great. favorite part of Apple's maps is...


After years and years of that awful declaration, it's been wonderful to have the maps simply adapt to my driving without making an obnoxious note of it.

I really have no complaints about the Maps at all and can't wait for them to improve as the base is solid if you ask me.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2010
I thought I'm the only one bothered by those comments.

I love the black version this time even though I've only owned white iPhones till now. However, at this point in time, I think it looks like choosing a white iPhone 5 is the "smarter" choice. :(

I can't upgrade until October 10 and while I tend to default to black, I've been really impressed by the white iPhone 5 pictures. I'm glad in some ways I have a few weeks to see how this plays out before making my decision, especially considering I'm not a case guy.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2008
I don't put much stock into "professional" reviews. The authors know that if they write anything less than a stellar piece, Apple will limit their access in the future (early access to phones, access to WWDC, etc.).


macrumors 6502
Jul 16, 2011
GAHHH if you guys read pocket lints' review, they say they can already see the black coming off the metal band around the phone. Don't get me wrong the black iPhone 5 is gorgeous and sleek but if it scratches easily and you start to see the silver under the black that's not gunna look so nice :S


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2009
Melbourne Australia
I particularly liked Walt's review and agree with him I don't like something too big to put in my pocket a samsung galaxy 3 is too big for my small hand and my pocket. Also the growing apps on iphone seem to make it a worthy platform which keeps me on the apple bandwagon, but i would like to add that the icons on the home screen screen seem to be more user friendly than the android platform in terms of size and accessibility i don't know what to say for the windows mobile platform as i haven't seen it before.

However i believe Walt missed the audio functions the new headphones and new three microphone system all in all my iphone is on pre - order and am looking forward to see how it feels in my grubby hands.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2010
And I'm still blown away by all the people complaining about the adapter change. Every non-Apple device I've ever owned has used a different adapter or connector or whatever and it was always a given that whenever you upgraded a device, you were upgrading all of your accessories except for anything using a headphone jack. I've been on the dock connector now since early 2000's and I've been able to use many of the same accessories the whole time. But now they're worn out in many cases and I need new ones anyways. Who cares then?

Furthermore, most newer devices for power in cars (the most commonly affected accessory I'd guess) feature blocks with a USB input that a normal dock connector cable plugged into. So I'll buy an extra Lightning cable for my car and be done myself. Everything else I do is wireless now except charming.

Life goes on.


macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
"We've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminum metal underneath." Pocket-lint


I think it's possible that it can happen, but Apple surely tested this in their labs. I would think these reviewers had to really put it through the ringer to wear it down. However if these observations are true, that would suck. I think the black version looks exceptional.


macrumors regular
Jul 26, 2012
"It’s just too bad about that connector change. Doesn’t Apple worry about losing customer loyalty and sales?"

Wow what a stupid comment. Apple has changed their connector less than any other manufacturer yet they get this kind of grief over it. Pathetic.

Micro USB was on phones before the iPhone was released and is still in use.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2010
Brooklyn, NY

This review scares me a bit, having bought the black one.. What do you guys think?

Ditching the glass back and reducing the thickness of the glass panel on the front has affected the design of the metal band around the edge of the iPhone. It is now chamfered and while that looks pretty, we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error.

These small scuffs will catch the light and make the phone look visibly wor
n. We suspect that it won't be as noticeable on the white model because the metal edging is silver, so that's worth bearing in mind when you come to order your colour choice.

Edit: source:

"we've already noticed that on the black model the edge has started to wear, revealing the shiny silver aluminium metal underneath the "slate" coloured coating and, indeed, we've witnessed it on two separate models, ruling out a fluke manufacturing error"

The reviews look really great, and coming from a current iPhone 4 user I could really use the upgrade. I really like the black slate model and think it looks sweet, but this kind of bothers me. There's no way I'm going with the white model either. I prefer not to use a case to add bulk, and my current iphone has never had such an issue either. However, who knows, maybe it will look better with the silver after wearing out all of the coating. Time will tell I guess. Great phone otherwise it seems.

EDIT: darkslide29 got to it before me, feels the same way

Damn starting to wonder if Black was a good choice or not. Of course it looks better than the white, but these reports of it scuffing up easily makes me nervous!

Depending on how serious it is, Apple may have to make some changes. The slate color looks good, but unless they find a way to prevent this, it will have to go. In other words, stick to white until they get it right.
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