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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 4, 2013
What makes you take the leap?

I have this issue where i keep going from iOS to Android then back again. I love both but the most i have managed is 18 months and that was way back at a time where the 3GS was king...

I have flirted with others but these two win for me.

Over to you. :)
Because I am a tech person who always has to have the latest and greatest but I always end up coming back to iOS. My cycle is usually iPhone>Note series>S series>and then anything in between. The way technology advances and then cycle of phones I always want the latest and greatest so thats my excuse.
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I've gone back and forth between iPhones and Nexus phones because Android usually has the features I want first. Then the iPhone finally gets them and I switch back. I went iPhone 4S -> Nexus 4 -> iPhone 5S and now I just bought a Nexus 6 because they're on sale and I couldn't resist. I may be back for the iPhone 7 :D
I think I will always have one of each. for now its android phone, ios tablet... may change later but for now I am happy with this setup. I like tech and want to keep my toes wet everywhere I can
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I think I will always have one of each. for now its android phone, ios tablet... may change later but for now I am happy with this setup. I like tech and want to keep my toes wet everywhere I can

I was telling myself I was going to get an Nexus 6 for my android device but I really don't know what I will do with another phone since I will be using my 6+ as my primary device.
Probably why I still have my iPad 2 and a Lumia 520, just to keep my curiosity satisfied. Especially during big updates. Same with my Nexus 7(2013) ... although I'm pissed I can't get Android M preview on it.
I don't jump back and forth, I use both constantly.

Last February, I bought a Note 4, Note Edge and an iPhone 6+. I like using all of them every day. The Note Edge is my daily take with me phone.
I've been back and forth, with about the last year and 2 months being mostly android.

For me it's all about the merit of the software features and hardware for that generation. Apple kept me from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5S, android has had me from the Galaxy S5 and Note 4 to the S6.

Which ever brand/company has the stronger product gets my money.
I don't jump back and forth, I use both constantly.

Last February, I bought a Note 4, Note Edge and an iPhone 6+. I like using all of them every day. The Note Edge is my daily take with me phone.
Same here, iP6+ and Note 3. I prefer the Note for reading, for writing longer texts when I don't have my laptop handy (Keep FTW),watching movies/YouTube, and for just plain experimentation and having fun. The iPhone for its camera and general reliability with my day-to-day use apps. I don't always pack 'em both, usually I use the Note mostly at home, but when I'm travelling I make sure to bring them both.

I had planned to decide on just one of them to keep, but it seems I can't let go of my Note 3... Probably will always own one of each from now on.
Android since 2010. Havent looked back.

Maybe i need both to stay a bit more 'settled'.

Kudos to you. My first was the HTC Desire HD i loved! that phone. I have a N7 for android but still... maybe an addition of an android phone would be good. :)
Maybe i need both to stay a bit more 'settled'.


That implies you somehow think it's wrong to be inquisitive about different devices / os's ...

There is nothing inherently wrong about switching platforms or having both. Just as there is nothing wrong about just using one or the other.

Basically if you want to switch, or own both simultaneously like many of us, there is nothing wrong with doing that.

Just do what you want to do and enjoy. It's only a phone.
Always had both, Android and iOS but not Windows yet... I miss Symbian and Nokia N/E series...oh well lol..

I switch between my iPhone 5S, Note 4, and Nexus 6.. because it gets boring lol

Tablets - iPad and Surface 3
Laptop - Mac
Desktop - Windows 7 / 10
I've been jumping back and forth different platforms but to be honest, while I like what Android has to offer in some ways, what Windows has in other ways, I always feel like I'm coming home when I start using my iPhone again.

I currently have a IP6+ and a Lumia 830. I recently swapped the sim and was using the Lumia for an extended time. It was a good experience for the most part but when I re-added the sim back to my iPhone it natural.

Part of the issue I suppose for me, is that I still use some of apple services, I don't fully leverage iCloud but I do use it for contacts and emails. For my situation iOS is a better fit even though I like what android has to offer and likewise Windows.
I've jumped back and forth a lot, currently have an iPhone 6, a 6+, and a Note 4 (have had every version of the Note series so far).

Have settled on using the iPhone 6 as a daily driver, it's the best all arounder for me.

The power, flexibility etc have kept me coming back to the Note, but honestly, since I got an Apple Watch, I think I'm done with platform jumping for the time being, it's just become too much of my routine to use the Apple Watch every day.
Going back to the Nexus One, I pick up an Android phone every 6 months to see what's new. I've had a device for every version of Android so far. I currently have an HTC M9 and a 6 Plus.

I've found I can't deal with all the different apps that do the same thing (Android Messaging app, Hangouts, Messenger, HTC's messenger, etc > as an example). Google feels like a cluttered mess. Apple isn't much better with all their pre-installed apps but at least there is only one app for each function.

I only last a few weeks (or hours) and quickly go back to iOS swearing every time I will never stray again. But a few months later, another version of Android, and another idea that the grass is greener gets the best of me.
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I love my nexus 6 at the moment but I have a feeling I will jump back to ios 9 and the 6S+. Apple is closer to getting it just right.
You don't have to use all those different apps that do the same thing, pick one and move on. I have Hangouts and use the stock messaging touchwiz app. Those on my hangouts and those that aren't pretty simple with both in the same folder.
I think I will always have one of each. for now its android phone, ios tablet... may change later but for now I am happy with this setup. I like tech and want to keep my toes wet everywhere I can

Same setup as me. I think both OS's have their strengths and weaknesses and I like to own both because it keeps me current to what is going on on both fronts.

I tend to prefer my phones to be Android (Note 4) and tablets to be an iPad.
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as long as Iphone fail to have real widgets I can't see myself ever going back.

certainly not if samsung are sticking with the glass and metal design. The design was the one and only thing I have missed with apple.

If iphone plus ever added multtasking then i would consider it but they won't anytime soon. there are too many great features on my note that isn't on the iphone to switch. Great device but lacking in key areas for me
Going back to the Nexus One, I pick up an Android phone every 6 months to see what's new. I've had a device for every version of Android so far. I currently have a HTC M9 and a 6 Plus.

I've found I can't deal with all the different apps that do the same thing (Android Messaging app, Hangouts, Messenger, HTC's messenger, etc > as an example). Google feels like a cluttered mess. Apple isn't much better with all their pre-installed apps but at least there is only one app for each function.

I only last a few weeks (or hours) and quickly go back to iOS, swearing every time I will never stray again. But, a few months later, another version of Android and another idea that the grass is greener gets the best of me.

OP here. :)

The last bit is pretty much me.

I did get a Galaxy S5. I went out to get a cheap S4 but got a cracking deal on a 2 month old mint S5.

Day one i thought it was a silly purchase but day 2 on i have settled in nicely after getting it set up. I deactivate all i can and hide/uninstall updates to the other apps i won't use.

As i said in another thread, Samsung is really trying. I have stock Android on my Nexus so a bit of a different choice for my Android phone. Thumbs up!
With AT&T Next, you can switch from Android to iOS every 6 months if you wanted.
With AT&T Next, you can switch from Android to iOS every 6 months if you wanted.

AT&T don't operate in the UK. Pretty much all contracts are 2 years. Some do the 'pay your device early then upgrade' thing. I tend to buy outright.
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