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Apr 12, 2001

France has asked Apple to remove a Bluetooth limitation that it claims is delaying the launch of a government-designed app for contact tracing to fight the coronavirus, reports Bloomberg.


iOS has a restriction that prevents apps like the one France is working on from using Bluetooth in the background if the data collected is going to be moved off of the device, which is a rule designed to protect user privacy. With this limitation, a contact tracing app is only able to access Bluetooth when an iPhone is unlocked and the app is open.

France's Digital Minister Cedric O told Bloomberg that that France is aiming to launch a contact tracing app by May 11 and that Apple's restriction is standing in the way.
"We're asking Apple to lift the technical hurdle to allow us to develop a sovereign European health solution that will be tied our health system," O said in an interview with Bloomberg. Ministers have discussed their concerns with Apple, but aren't making progress, he said.
An Apple spokesperson contacted by Bloomberg declined to comment, but pointed toward Apple's previous statement on its partnership with Google for a multi-platform contract tracing feature.

Apple and Google on April 10 announced a partnership that will see the two companies developing a Bluetooth-based smartphone tracking solution to allow governments and health agencies to reduce the spread of the coronavirus while also protecting user privacy.

The solution will take advantage of a decentralized API that will keep users' data on their smartphones rather than allowing governments to build a centralized contact database. France and the European Union are pushing for data to be sent to a central server that's managed by state health services.

The UK government has run into a similar problem with Apple in the development of its own app for contact tracing as it too wanted to use Bluetooth in the background for tracking purposes.

Apple and Google in May will release APIs that will allow for interoperability between Android and iOS devices using apps from public health authorities, while later in the year, a broader Bluetooth-based contact tracing platform will be made available at the OS level.

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Article Link: France Wants Apple to Lift iPhone Bluetooth Restrictions for Deployment of Virus Tracking App
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Apple and Google should stick to their guns. Loosening the restrictions would result in all sorts of foreseen and unforeseen bad news consequences. The agencies involved know these apps are only effective with extremely wide take up (I read it would need to be 80%). Less privacy likely equals fewer users.

I wouldn’t install it under these circumstances.
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How ironic! One moment it was all about privacy and accusations on Apple, now wanting to cease some of these privacy measures. Do these govt and people know what they are about?
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I could see this if, Apple kept all the data on Apple servers and Apple had control of the server side code. I might trust France with this information. I would never trust the current United States.

Controlled by Apple means it is one secretly issued National Security Letter away from being controlled by the US government. Nobody should have it.
Want a godsend this virus is turning out to be. The motive for impementing this has little to do with the virus, and I would go so far as to say that it has nothing to do with the virus. This virus has been what they were waiting for to get all media on board to convince the gullible public to just accept this, an easy task it seems. The virus panic will sustained for as long as this takes to get implemented. I can't believe people, people who should know better, are falling for this.
I could see this if, Apple kept all the data on Apple servers and Apple had control of the server side code. I might trust France with this information. I would never trust the current United States.

Current or not, don't trust it. Are you aware of the Obama kill list? Or him signing questionable EOs during holidays when people are less likely to scrutinize it? Including an EO allowing the government to arrest or detain anyone for any or no reason?
Apple and Google should stick to their guns. Loosening the restrictions would see all sorts of foreseen and unforeseen bad news consequences. The agencies involved know these apps are only effective with extremely wide take up (I read it would need to be 80%). Less privacy likely equals fewer users.

I wouldn’t install it under these circumstances.

Let's not lump Apple and Google together here. Google is an ad company with a history of holding onto data and setting it loose to law enforcement. Try searching "Google tracked his bike ride past..." for the story of Zachary McCoy in Gainesville, FL, who was nearly arrested because location data placed him near the scene of a burglary. His real crime was using an Android phone.
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