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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 10, 2012
I noticed that the front camera has a gasket that has shifted leaving what looks like a fingernail like look around the black part of the camera. I just bought the phone 3 months ago from the apple store. I have heard they will either replace the screen or replace the entire phone. I am scheduled to meet with the Apple store on Friday.

I'm not sure if they will give me a new phone or not since it has been three months. Has anyone had just the screen replaced? I'm just wondering if the only option is to replace the screen whether it would be worth it or not. I typically hate having my phone taken apart and worry about dust getting under the screen especially if they do it on site.
I've had a couple of repairs done, back when I had an iPhone 5, and on my 6+ when the receiver started to crackle during voice calls. In neither case did I see any dust or other issues. Outwardly, I couldn't tell at all that the phone had been taken apart. I think you'll be fine.
Thanks for the quick reply. This is my first iPhone so I have very little experience with the Genius Bar and how well trained their staff is to do a repair on site.
I typically hate having my phone taken apart and worry about dust getting under the screen especially if they do it on site.

How would dust get "under the screen" (and how would you see it if it was under it), since the screen and the glass are fused together when the assembly is made?
Your best bet is to examine your phone carefully before and after you hand it in for repair. If you ant to document the appearance before you hand it in with a camera, do it. And speak up if you see something that's not right when you get the phone back and examine it. Do not leave unless you've looked it over and are satisfied with he work.
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I noticed that the front camera has a gasket that has shifted leaving what looks like a fingernail like look around the black part of the camera. I just bought the phone 3 months ago from the apple store. I have heard they will either replace the screen or replace the entire phone. I am scheduled to meet with the Apple store on Friday.

I'm not sure if they will give me a new phone or not since it has been three months. Has anyone had just the screen replaced? I'm just wondering if the only option is to replace the screen whether it would be worth it or not. I typically hate having my phone taken apart and worry about dust getting under the screen especially if they do it on site.
Is it actually shifted to the point where it affects photos? Mine just recently shifted a little but it does not affect anything, so i'm thinking of just leaving it.
Is it actually shifted to the point where it affects photos? Mine just recently shifted a little but it does not affect anything, so i'm thinking of just leaving it.

Me too. Can see the gasket encroaching on the camera lens, but it's not blocking it in any way...yet.
Mine started this past weekend and so far it is not obstructing anything. I just worry that it may get worse and start blocking the camera. Would like to see what my options are since it is only 3 months old. I just don't want to get out of warranty and have to pay to fix it.
Your best bet is to examine your phone carefully before and after you hand it in for repair. If you ant to document the appearance before you hand it in with a camera, do it. And speak up if you see something that's not right when you get the phone back and examine it. Do not leave unless you've looked it over and are satisfied with he work.

Good points. Will definitely document and take photos of my phone.
Apple agreed to replace my phone, and noted my account. I just don't think its that big of an issue to go through all the hassle...
How long did you have your phone before the replacement?
Update: Took my phone in yesterday and they replaced the screen. I was told this was a common problem and their method is to replace the screen instead of replacing the phone because the new phone could have the same problem. He also stated that it was the camera shifting and not a gasket. He also told me the updated screens fix this issue, so I guess I'll see if they problem comes back.
Is it the camera shifting or a gasket that works itself loose? In the tear down videos it looks like the camera is held in place by the earpiece. The Apple store guy seemed to think it was the camera moving.

Also, does anyone know if the Apple store just replaces the whole assembled screen with all new earpiece, front camera and fingerprint sensor or do they just replace the camera?

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Also, does anyone know if the Apple store just replaces the whole assembled screen with all new earpiece, front camera and fingerprint sensor or do they just replace the camera?

They do not replace the sensor. You do not want them to do that, unless you don't want TouchID any longer.
It just started to happen on my iPhone 6. It's not even one month old, bought it brand new on May 19th. It was manufactured on mid February.

I think I'm gonna keep it like this for now as long as it doesn't affect the camera functionality. Then, when it approaches the end of the warranty, I'll try to get it replaced, maybe by then the issue is finally fixed. Or maybe they are going to do a replacement program.

It's a shame, I paid full price for it and this things should not happen on a premium device.
I had my screen replaced a second time after the shifting was worse than the first time. It's been a couple weeks and it's still perfectly centered.

The first replacement shifted within days so maybe they have done something to rectify the issue.
Are you talking about a crescent-like shape appearing in the front-facing camera? My sister's iPhone 6 had that issue. She didn't even notice it until I pointed it out to her; it was pretty bad, almost to the point where it could've blocked the camera. She visited the Apple Store last weekend and they gave her a new phone. She had a launch day phone, if that matters. I'm starting to see it a bit on mine, but it's barely noticeable and doesn't affect the camera. If it gets worse I'll definitely take it in for a new screen or phone.
I have had this happen on my iPhone 6 (twice).

I'd had the screen replaced two times: once for uneven backlighting a few days after buying it, then because I smashed it using gravity and concrete. Then on the third screen I noticed the front camera shifting. So I took it to Covent Garden Apple Store (my usual store), and they were going to replace the screen (again).

I told them that it would be the third screen this phone has, and thus they swapped out the whole phone (which was also good because I'd scratched it a bit haha). Anyway, guess what? The front camera is shifting again.

This has all been in the last few months. I am going to wait till the iPhone 6S comes out and see if I can't haggle myself a free one and replacement.
Is it the camera shifting or a gasket that works itself loose? In the tear down videos it looks like the camera is held in place by the earpiece. The Apple store guy seemed to think it was the camera moving.

Also, does anyone know if the Apple store just replaces the whole assembled screen with all new earpiece, front camera and fingerprint sensor or do they just replace the camera?

they replace the whole thing, including fingerprint sensor. or at least that's what i was told. i was simultaneously having issues with my sensor and they said 'good news, because we replace the whole thing so you're camera and fingerprint issues should be solved at the same time.' i guess it's possible obviously to only replace one thing, but i got the impression it was standard to swap out the whole assembly.
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After being affected by this issue on three different phones, I have a theory as to what is happening here.

On my current iPhone 6 (second replacement, 64 GB space gray), the bottom corners of the screen would make clicking noises when you tapped on them, and the screen would visibly depress, almost to the point of looking and sounding like a transparent trackpad. Over time, however, the clicking noises have stopped and the screen no longer depresses.

For many months, I had a very long drive to work. In my car, the phone would sit in the passenger seat face-up, connected via USB. Living in Houston, the phone was subjected to quite a bit of sun, especially over the past few months (rainageddon being the exception). Even though the phone was never left in the car without A/C, I suspect that the direct sun slightly melted the glue that holds the screen down. I figure that over time, the glue shifted enough to fix the loose screen and move the gasket/camera out of place.

Now, I might be way off course with this. But does anybody else with the camera issue regularly use their phone in direct sunlight or otherwise hot environments?
It just started to happen on my iPhone 6. It's not even one month old, bought it brand new on May 19th. It was manufactured on mid February.

I think I'm gonna keep it like this for now as long as it doesn't affect the camera functionality. Then, when it approaches the end of the warranty, I'll try to get it replaced, maybe by then the issue is finally fixed. Or maybe they are going to do a replacement program.

It's a shame, I paid full price for it and this things should not happen on a premium device.

Today I was using my iPhone when suddenly the screen turned grey and like pixelated and it was unresponsive. It started to fade out until it went black and immediately it turned on again just to display vertical white and black lines.

I turned it off and restarted it but it failed to show anything other than the vertical lines.

I immediately took it to my authorized seller and service provider (we don't have official Apple Stores here in my country) and they will replace the entire phone under warranty (it's been only one month from the date I bought it). Now I'll have to wait 7 working days but at least I can hope to receive one with a screen that not only will last longer but also to have this front camera problem fixed for good.
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