But, no need to you to use the passphrase, particularly if you want to be ready for pictures. You would quickly unlock your iPhone with FaceID, or on older models, TouchID. Opens up about as fast as you can take it out, bring it into position, and shoot... re-lock when you are done. Wouldn't take much longer than what you just read ...
And, those features won't work if someone else (not you) wants to log in to your iPhone. The passcode/passphrase would be needed then.
Hang on, you lost me...
My goal is to start better protecting the information on my iPhone - as I have no security right now!
This would mostly be photos and videos.
Who am I protecting it from?
Well, I am a budding investigative reporter/photo-journalist, and am on the lookout for companies and the gov't (including law enforcement) doing bad things.
So, for instance, if I was shooting a protest where law enforcement was starting to get "rough" with people, and I shot some photos/video, and then was confronte by l.e. demanding to see the footage, moving forward, I need a way to 100% guarantee that they cannot access my footage should they grab the phone out pf my hands.
How would face id or a fingerprint help me?
You can *force* someone to unlock their phone by shoving their face or finger in front of the iPhone and unlocking it, right?
You can also lift people's fingerprints from things like a coffee cup and use that to get in.
But with a passcode, you'd either have to guess it, or force me to give it to you. (Torture can be effective in this case, but let's go wild, assume that Trump's autocracy falls in November, and *hope* the U.S. doesn't turn into that - although we are kinda lready there?!)
The downside of a passcode, though, is by the time I type in my 100-digit passcode,
getting a picture of some breaking news might be long gone?!
So how can I have the best of both worlds?
I love my iPhone as a field camera/video-camera, but I already struggle to get it to react fast enough to situations even WITHOUT a passcode on it.
By the time I pull it out of my front pocket, click twice on the round button on the front to get it to wake up, then often have to click on the Photos button, maybe have to select "Photo" to get the camera, pull it up and shoot, I have easily lost 1-3 seconds and often the moment is gone...
(On side note, I wish there was a way to make my iPhone like a digital SLR where it is literally "point-and-shoot", but I haven't figured out how to do that...)
Hope that helps to better explain my end goals.