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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

MacScoop cites reliable sources that indicate that Apple will be deploying its mini OS X to at least two more devices using the same technologies found in the iPhone.

The first is the full screen video iPod which has been long rumored. The final iPod design is expected to feature a similar display to the iPhone (which some have noted is not true widescreen ratio) and also include 80GB and 100GB capacities. The video iPod is reportedly ready and due to ship before the iPhone's June release.

The second device is another veteran of the Mac rumor scene - a Mac tablet.

The rumor site expects the forthcoming tablet to utilize the same multi-touch technology, a more advanced version of "mini" OS X, and Wifi connectivity. The target market for the Tablet Mac is for research and education markets,

In November claimed Apple was working on a tablet Mac with docking station, but no further evidence of this has been available.

It certainly does seem that this mobile version of Mac OS X has a future beyond the iPhone. Early Appleinsider rumors of Apple's mini OS X project described it as the centerpiece for future Apple embedded devices, including a "jaw-dropping" device not due to hit the market until 2008.



Administrator emeritus
Jan 15, 2006
The Kop
Tablet: Cool; if its affordable!

Very cool if they include the sensing pixels camera thing so you can scan documents in. I have been saying this for a long time. You do this, you own the educational market.


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
I don't know how I would decide between an iPhone and an iPod that both used Multitouch.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
Wide screen iPods

They better come out with those wide screen iPods soon. I think it's just the iPhone, it's something every body wants. But then when it is released people will complain it isn't what they expected.

As for the tablet, I don't know about that. I have to ask why? There isn't really a large market for tablet.



macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2006
jackson hole, wy
Only cool if the "mini" OS X matures

The tablet wouldn't be so cool if it has a limited and locked version of OS X on it. Apple apps are great, but I want to install other apps on it as well for specialized processes and things that Apple would never make or support. Without 3rd party access to the mini-osx, I think it's a waste of time.


macrumors 68000
Apr 2, 2006
Cool! I thought the iPhone spelt death for any hopes of a True Video iPod, but i guess not. :) :cool: I still wont be buying one untill my 5.5G is out of warranty and broken.


macrumors 68000
Oct 4, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I'm looking forward to that widescreen iPod. Hopefully it'll be 16:9 ratio.

I'm guessing that the games for the current iPod won't work with the new ones, right? Unless maybe they put some sort of virtual scroll wheel in there when you play the "old" games so that you can still play it, and above the wheel will be the screen.

But I bet they'll probably have to re-make the games specifically for the widescreen iPod.

I just don't want to have to pay for Tetris again heh.

Or maybe the games are already compatible. That'd be great!


Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
I'd hope that they could bump the iPod to 120 GB. The Seagate CEO said last summer that they planned to have a 120 GB 1.8" drive by the end of the year. I haven't seen anything on it recently, but they did just start shipping their 60 GB single platter drive, so the 120 GB double platter version shouldn't be too far behind.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2006
Cool! I thought the iPhone spelt death for any hopes of a True Video iPod, but i guess not. :) :cool: I still wont be buying one untill my 5.5G is out of warranty and broken.

The iphone at max only 8G only. It is far too small to even come near to push ipod out of the way.

Unless we are saying 40G iphone then maybe ipod will be history.


macrumors 65816
Aug 14, 2006
PLEASE let there be a new ipod: soon. If there isn't, I'm getting an iPhone, which is over-priced and under-featured- however, "he had me at scrolling" :D haha


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
Now that new video iPod would make for a Super Bowl ad! It will almost be the final nail in Zune's coffin.

they did say there was going to be an apple superbowl ad
atleast i know i read it somewheres / heard it.

as for killing the zune: it so would and we'd forget they ever existed.

i would love a tablet mac for graphic design and now that CS3 is coming out soon! it would be like magic if those two went hand in hand.

one can only dream forf now.

i hope the superbowl ad is about leopard or fullscreen video ipod


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2006
New Brunswick, Canada
The iphone at max only 8G only. It is far too small to even come near to push ipod out of the way.

Unless we are saying 40G iphone then maybe ipod will be history.

i dont think the ipod will ever be history

even if the iphone was the same price, not everyone wants / needs a phone.
the demand for ipods will always be there. you just cant compare the two because of battery life and size limitation.


macrumors member
Jan 17, 2006
new york, ny
i really hope apple drops a full screen ipod soon. my 4g click wheel is busted and i'm waiting until then to replace it.

but wouldn't a full screen touch ipod hurt sales of the iphone? it's a different market, but i feel like they'd wait for the buzz to die down on iphone before releasing something else that's awesome.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2006
Turtle Island
As I mentioned in a previous thread, we should expect the os x mini/apps and hardware on the future ipod to be even further lobotomized than the iphone so as to create differentiation between the products. Many of us would be splendidly happy with all the funtions of the iphone - minus the telephone capabilities (and 2 years of contracted hell with cingular)

Having said that, wouldn't it be cool if we could hook up a mic and use our ipod for VoIP - unfortunately we can probably safely say that WiFi will be left out of the ipods - Apple please say it isn't so :(


macrumors 68040
Jan 6, 2002
I have been waiting for this stupid 6th Gen. iPod forever i want to replace my 4th Gen its getting screwy. Plus i have a nice Newton sticker waiting to go on the back of it ;)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2003
Studio City
all i want

ius a video ipod that can handle wideo chat over wifi. thats it. done deal, im sold. you know waht. it doesnt even have to be a video ipod. if they made the exact same ipod now with some camera and ichat id be happy.


macrumors 68030
Sep 20, 2005
New Jersey
And the two biggest rumors begin once again! A real iPod video is pretty much a given before Christmas this year. But the Mac tablet not until 2008? That seems so far away. :(

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
I'm pretty sure the multi-touch in the phone isn't stylus compatible... That doesn't bode well for a tablet unless they're using a completely different screen technology...


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2004
Both my G3 and G4 iPods died recently, so I'm ready for a new one. And it would be oh-so-great if it included the mini-Safari and other communications stuff minus the phone. But anything's better than what I have now.
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