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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
So i've gone through 5 replacements all within my return period for various issues on these Macbook Pro's with Retina display. Ranging from display issues, to the mother board randomly dying, and now on my 5th replacement there is major cosmetic flaws. There is a dent on the bottom and the screen rubber is separating from the aluminum. So I went today, the last day on my return period and they rejected me from exchanging it. They claimed it has to be repaired because I "exceeded the normal number of exchanges.." Is this some kind of joke? My updated receipt says I was able to return it today. I am so furious... These macbook's are made like crap and I have to now wait a week to mail it in for repair. I'm in college as an IT major, a week without a laptop is not even realistic for me.

This is the last macbook I will ever buy. I'm so done with apple, their quality assurance, and worst of all their store staff. It's NOT my fault there was a dent on my macbook along with the rubber gasket separating. Both of which I called up apple care and reported a few days after receiving it since there was no apple store nearby.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
What the hell are you doing to those damn macbook pros?

It's not me. -.- I've suffered from screen yellowing, major backlight bleed and discoloration, the motherboard completing dying, really creaky bottoms, and now this. It's honestly a joke...

When I send it in for repair. I'm going to attach it with a letter saying I expect them to fix the dent, rubber gasket, and I hope to have a screen without any major screen bleed or yellowing.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey


  • bleed2.jpg
    2.3 MB · Views: 496


macrumors 6502
Jan 8, 2014
If you're not in the U.S. Are you sure you're buying from Apple and not the fake Apple store like they have in China?

If you're in the U.S., stop using your Mac as a baseball bat and it wouldn't dent...

Lone Deranger

macrumors 68000
Apr 23, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
In situations like this, the better thing to do is to not go through the in-store replacement process. Instead, get a full refund and order online. Chances are you'll get a perfectly fine unit, as opposed to getting one that's already been returned by someone else for being flawed. I suspect this is what stores do. i.e. Cycle returned units hoping the next customer won't notice or mind the flaws. It would explain those all to frequent stories of customers getting one dodgy unit after the other, like yours.

OP, if I was you, I would've gotten a refund after the first or second replacement and ordered again online. I certainly wouldn't give up on Apple, because contrary to what you say, the quality of MBP's is pretty darn great. Sounds like you just got unlucky.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
In situations like this, the better thing to do is to not go through the in-store replacement process. Instead, get a full refund and order online. Chances are you'll get a perfectly fine unit, as opposed to getting one that's already been returned by someone else for being flawed. I suspect this is what stores do. i.e. Cycle returned units hoping the next customer won't notice or mind the flaws. It would explain those all to frequent stories of customers getting one dodgy unit after the other, like yours.

OP, if I was you, I would've gotten a refund after the first or second replacement and ordered again online. I certainly wouldn't give up on Apple, because contrary to what you say, the quality of MBP's is pretty darn great. Sounds like you just got unlucky.
I am in the U.S. And I don't think the stores are cycling the macbooks I think there is a serious QA issue here. The macbooks all appear new in its original plastic wrapping that are given as "exchanges." Unfortunately they wouldn't issue me a refund today either. Apparently I'm "unable get a refund since my original purchase was in January" and online despite getting multiple replacements. Ugh. My only chance now is to hope they repair the current cosmetic issues.


macrumors 65816
May 6, 2012
Spaceball One
I am in the U.S. And I don't think the stores are cycling the macbooks I think there is a serious QA issue here. The macbooks all appear new in its original plastic wrapping that are given as "exchanges." Unfortunately they wouldn't issue me a refund today either because apparently I'm unable get a refund since my original purchase was in January and online despite getting multiple replacements. Ugh. My only chance now is to hope they repair the current cosmetic issues.

Give em one last shot. Even though you think their QC is trash, I've seen very few people complain about the repair services.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
Give em one last shot. Even though you think their QC is trash, I've seen very few people complain about the repair services.

I'm hoping that's the case. I'm a bit disappointed though I have to say. I do have a *perfect* screen right now and apparently in order to replace that rubber gasket around it, it requires a new screen. Could potentially bring more issues.

My other fear is if they claim the dents were my own personal damage even though it wasn't. -.- Hoping they'll just quickly swap the bottom plate to fix that.

On an off-topic note when they "repair" these screens, is the aluminum on the top also replaced?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
So i've gone through 5 replacements all within my return period for various issues on these Macbook Pro's with Retina display. Ranging from display issues, to the mother board randomly dying, and now on my 5th replacement there is major cosmetic flaws. There is a dent on the bottom and the screen rubber is separating from the aluminum...

So after supposedly exchanging your MBP 4 times due to "various issues," you decided to pick up the 5 replacement and just walk out of the store without a care in the world? By the 5th replacement, 100% of customers would check every. single. inch. of their replacement, and scrutinize every small detail before they left the store. But you want me to believe that you didn't do exactly that AND that you received a dented MBP with the display starting to separate?? Riiiiiight.

I'm glad Apple denied you a return-- too many companies let customers get away with too much. Don't get me wrong-- I think consumers deserve a fair return period, but when companies constantly accept returns from customers that b*tch and make a scene when they're trying to return a pair of pants that they've worn multiple times over the course of a year, companies do a disservice to society-- they need to put their foot down and say "No. You don't get special privileges just because you feel no shame when making everybody else feel uncomfortable on your quest to getting what you want."

Also, you thought that calling Apple one day claiming that you received a dented MBP with a separating screen would allow you to wait until the last day of your exchange window, and expect Apple to have yet another new replacement for you?? Who raised you??


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
So after supposedly exchanging your MBP 4 times due to "various issues," you decided to pick up the 5 replacement and just walk out of the store without a care in the world? By the 5th replacement, 100% of customers would check every. single. inch. of their replacement, and scrutinize every small detail before they left the store. But you want me to believe that you didn't do exactly that AND that you received a dented MBP with the display starting to separate?? Riiiiiight.

I'm glad Apple denied you a return-- too many companies let customers get away with too much. Don't get me wrong-- I think consumers deserve a fair return period, but when companies constantly accept returns from customers that b*tch and make a scene when they're trying to return a pair of pants that they've worn multiple times over the course of a year, companies do a disservice to society-- they need to put their foot down and say "No. You don't get special privileges just because you feel no shame when making everybody else feel uncomfortable on your quest to getting what you want."

Also, you thought that calling Apple one day claiming that you received a dented MBP with a separating screen would allow you to wait until the last day of your exchange window, and expect Apple to have yet another new replacement for you?? Who raised you??
Clearly you don't know the situation. If you are paying for a $2600 you should actually receive a perfect device. Am I out of line by saying that? Please do correct me if I'm wrong. And if you knew the issues I don't think you would of kept any my macbooks. Heck one of them wouldn't even turn on it. (That's definitely not defective right?) Checking for cosmetic issues by my 5th replacement was the least of my concerns. As a matter of fact when I got my 5th replacement they didn't even give me the option to open it in the store since they were so busy, so no I didn't check it. I'm not asking for special service from apple, I'm asking for them to be a good company and actually test their products before releasing them. There is clearly something wrong in their manufacturing process if I've had this many issues.

And the closest apple store to my is an hour and a half away. I don't exactly have the "option" to just stop by an apple store and return it anytime I'd like. That's why I called them initially to report it. But I'm glad you know my situation better than myself!

The aluminum with the apple logo will be replaced. The aluminum surrounding the keyboard will not.
Great thanks :)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2009
As a matter of fact when I got my 5th replacement they didn't even give me the option to open it in the store since they were so busy, so no I didn't check it.

And the closest apple store to my is an hour and a half away. I don't exactly have the "option" to just stop by an apple store and return it any time.

You're saying that after 4 replacements- all of which would be on file- Apple gave you the current MBP that you claim, with all of the cosmetic damage? Do you really think anyone will believe that? By the 5th replacement, I'm sure that they had a manager handle your situation, as well as cross every "t" and dot every "i," in an effort to make a "value customer" such a yourself happy. I do not for one second believe that you are being truthful in that regard.

Also, when did Apple stop allowing customers to open/inspect their purchased goods in the store? You're telling me that because Apple associates were busy (when are they ever just hanging around twirling their thumbs??), you couldn't open up the box and look for yourself??

You further support my hypothesis that you are lying, because anyone who has to drive an hour and a half to pick up their fifth replacement would absolutely make certain that the replacement they received was the epitome of perfection. I'm sorry, but I don't buy your story one bit.


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2013
Clearly you don't know the situation. If you are paying for a $2600 you should actually receive a perfect device. Am I out of line by saying that? Please do correct me if I'm wrong. And if you knew the issues I don't think you would of kept any my macbooks. Heck one of them wouldn't even turn on it. (That's definitely not defective right?) Checking for cosmetic issues by my 5th replacement was the least of my concerns. As a matter of fact when I got my 5th replacement they didn't even give me the option to open it in the store since they were so busy, so no I didn't check it. I'm not asking for special service from apple, I'm asking for them to be a good company and actually test their products before releasing them. There is clearly something wrong in their manufacturing process if I've had this many issues.

And the closest apple store to my is an hour and a half away. I don't exactly have the "option" to just stop by an apple store and return it anytime I'd like. That's why I called them initially to report it. But I'm glad you know my situation better than myself!

Great thanks :)

So you live 1h 30min away, and you turned your rMBP in for the 5th time, and did not check it for dents and such, before going home?

I swapped mine out 3 times because of yellowing and creaking (both issues many have). But the dents and gasket getting loose, i haven't even heard of.

Im not saying its not possible, I'm just saying that its really strange.


macrumors regular
Dec 21, 2010
While I have personally never had many issues with Apple laptops, including my current 13" rMBP, I know those who have. I know someone who purchased a 15" MBP last year who ended up having it replaced four times. I've personally seen a brand new MBA come out of the packaging with a big dent in the bottom cover...

Apple has always been good at fixing or replacing the laptops though, so I do commend them on that.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2013
Warsaw, Poland
Wow, my first rMBP (Late 2013) was pristine..

I really don't believe people claiming to exchange MacBook 3-5 times and still get bad/damaged/malfunctioning one.

It's just not possible. It's never happened to me and my friends.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
Actually the genius agreed that the rubber gasket loosening is an issue, in fact he said it was happening on his own device too and he wasn't happy with it. I don't think any 'intentional' damage can cause the loosening/separating of the rubber gasket. Also apple care acknowledged the issue too, its not just me. -.- I guess there *is* a possibility the dent is mine and I'll take responsibility for that but the rubber gasket was a complete manufacturing defect. Either way since I reported both I'm hoping both will get repaired with apple care. (How much would it really cost apple to replace a bottom cover?)

I'm a college student. When I did the first few exchanges I was roughly 20 minutes from an apple store. When I'm in college there isn't one within 80 miles.


macrumors 601
Jul 9, 2012
I credit Apple for trying to do good customer service and doing that many exchanges. If I were Apple I would have refunded the original purchase price and said goodbye.


macrumors 603
Oct 31, 2010
Hamilton, Ontario
I credit Apple for trying to do good customer service and doing that many exchanges. If I were Apple I would have refunded the original purchase price and said goodbye.

he would of just come back with a fake moustache purchased another one and returned it 6 times


You would keep a macbook that looked like this? This happened twice.

Enough said.

looks like you took this with a flip phone, I cant even make out the keys so obviously the screen is not a true reflection of what your seeing when using it


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
And honestly thats what I should of done..gotten a refund. What has happened to me isn't normal and it shows major flaws in their QC. You guys are making it seem like I exchanged these devices over nothing. -.- In EVERY instance when I went to exchange a genius said it was an issue and I should exchange it. (Not my words, theirs.) Like I said one device wouldn't even boot on, one screen had a huge blotch of yellow in a corner, another had major discoloration. It's actually a joke the kind of quality these devices are made with. You guys can argue all you want but if you're paying $2600 for a computer you shouldn't have ANY kind of screen discoloration, your mac should be able to power on (lmao), and you shouldn't have any kind of hardware issues. I owned a 2012 macbook pro w/ retina that was perfectly fine as my first device, these are all recent issues with the late 2013 model.

he would of just come back with a fake moustache purchased another one and returned it 6 times
That was so funny..I almost forgot to laugh.


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2005
Leamington Spa, England
I can't believe some of the posters on here, berating this guy because he had the audacity to return faulty goods and expect a replacement!

I like Apple as much as most people on here, but they are not perfect and quality issues do occur.

Heisenberg123, you can clearly see the screen is bleeding all over the place, fuzzy picture or not. Do you think if it was a nice, sharp image the screen would be perfect and evenly lit?

I wish you luck with the repairs Shadow82x. Make sure you open it up and go over everything with them, whether they are busy or not, insist on it. If they say no just ignore them and open it up anyway.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 11, 2012
New Jersey
I can't believe some of the posters on here, berating this guy because he had the audacity to return faulty goods and expect a replacement!

I like Apple as much as most people on here, but they are not perfect and quality issues do occur.

Heisenberg123, you can clearly see the screen is bleeding all over the place, fuzzy picture or not. Do you think if it was a nice, sharp image the screen would be perfect and evenly lit?

I wish you luck with the repairs Shadow82x. Make sure you open it up and go over everything with them, whether they are busy or not, insist on it. If they say no just ignore them and open it up anyway.
It's their apple fan-girlism. It's kind of expected to be honest. They can't accept that the retina lineup is plagued with faulty hardware/manufacturing because they think apple is "perfect." When there far from it. But no company is perfect. I've had multiple apple staff admit there were lots of issues with the retina lineup, its not just me saying it.

The reason I'm mad is that apple acknowledged that there was a defect but there making me go through the repair process. Normally I wouldn't care but I'm in college so its highly inconvenient to not have a laptop for a week.
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