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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2016
Las Vegas
Is it possible that Apple will release and updated iPad pro 12.9 Or an updated mini this fall?

What more can they do to make the iPad better and sway people to upgrade?


macrumors 65816
Jan 7, 2016
I think IPad mini is over ... Why do u need a mini if you have the Pro and the Air ??


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2012
New Orleans
Price point. The iPad mini is the cheapest iPad there is.
The mini 4 and Air 2 are the same price.

I really hope Apple continues the mini line. I don't care about the name, just the size. It doesn't matter if they drop the name "mini" and make a 7.9" Pro or whatever else. I just hope they continue making 7.9" iPads. The size is perfect for taking out with me.


Jul 18, 2011
The mini 4 and Air 2 are the same price.

I really hope Apple continues the mini line. I don't care about the name, just the size. It doesn't matter if they drop the name "mini" and make a 7.9" Pro or whatever else. I just hope they continue making 7.9" iPads. The size is perfect for taking out with me.
You are right, though the iPad mini 4 has the 128 gb model which the iPad Air 2 doesn't have (though the 64 gb model will likely suffice for most people).

And the iPad Air 2 has three cores, so I guess people opting for the mini 4 really want the portability.


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2012
New Orleans
You are right, though the iPad mini 4 has the 128 gb model which the iPad Air 2 doesn't have (though the 64 gb model will likely suffice for most people).

And the iPad Air 2 has three cores, so I guess people opting for the mini 4 really want the portability.
I have both. I had a Wi-Fi iPad Air 2, but I was able to upgrade to a cellular model for only $99, so I did that and gave my Wi-Fi model to my dad, which he loves. He rarely used his iPad mini 2, so he gave it to me. I never had an iPad mini before and never really considered one until I got his.

I had a love-hate relationship with that iPad. I absolutely loved the size, but it was so slow and laggy with apps constantly closing in the background that I hated using it sometimes. Decided I had to upgrade to the iPad mini 4 next time Best Buy had a sale, so I did and very happy with that decision. Now I use my iPad Air 2 exclusively at home, and take my iPad mini 4 with me almost everywhere I go. It's so much more portable.

I definitely prefer using my iPad Air 2 when I can, but if I had to give up one, I'd probably keep my iPad mini 4 just because the portability is so important to me.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2016
Las Vegas
You are right, though the iPad mini 4 has the 128 gb model which the iPad Air 2 doesn't have (though the 64 gb model will likely suffice for most people).

And the iPad Air 2 has three cores, so I guess people opting for the mini 4 really want the portability.
Ummmm I think you are mistaken, I own a 128gb iPad Air 2.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 14, 2016
Las Vegas
Right now, I mean. When the iPad Pro was released, it seems they removed the 128 gb iPad model, leaving only the 16 gb and 64 gb models available.
Oh ok, that makes sense. I guess they did that to push more iPad pro sales.


Jul 12, 2016
The mini 4 and Air 2 are the same price.

I really hope Apple continues the mini line. I don't care about the name, just the size. It doesn't matter if they drop the name "mini" and make a 7.9" Pro or whatever else. I just hope they continue making 7.9" iPads. The size is perfect for taking out with me.

I question the fate of the mini. Unless Apple provides 'Pro' features or other upgrades, I'm not entirely confident it will be contuining with refreshes. Now, that's not to say it will not be in production, but it is a fading product along side the iPod Touch as in terms of tasking, which Apple is strongly advocating the iPad Pro for BOTH PC and iPad.

The mini is limited in size, although serves for more entertainment needs it appears by the current demographic.

Also, with the 6s Plus and how capable iPhones are with power/size, the Mini's are becoming consumed by what we already carry. Again, it all depends on the user and its intentions. In MY opinion, the Mini may see one more refresh, again, does Apple offer differing features then the iPhones currently in the phablet market or implement Pro features to draw more consumers?

With the Apple Pencil, Ram, quad Speakers, Tru-Tone, maybe 3D Touch, which may be easier to integrate with a smaller screen.

And how large of an iPad line up does Apple offer before they consolidate their line up without fragmentation? The Mini, Air 2, Pro 9.7/12.9 and any refreshes with it's latest flagship iPads? Keep hoping.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
And how large of an iPad line up does Apple offer before they consolidate their line up without fragmentation? The Mini, Air 2, Pro 9.7/12.9 and any refreshes with it's latest flagship iPads? Keep hoping.

The Air2 is just the older version of the 9.7 Pro. Apple has always kept a last gen iPad around as the discount starter option, and that's what the Air2 is right now. So the iPad lineup has just expanded by just one size, the 12.9.


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2012
New Orleans
I question the fate of the mini. Unless Apple provides 'Pro' features or other upgrades, I'm not entirely confident it will be contuining with refreshes. Now, that's not to say it will not be in production, but it is a fading product along side the iPod Touch as in terms of tasking, which Apple is strongly advocating the iPad Pro for BOTH PC and iPad.

The mini is limited in size, although serves for more entertainment needs it appears by the current demographic.

Also, with the 6s Plus and how capable iPhones are with power/size, the Mini's are becoming consumed by what we already carry. Again, it all depends on the user and its intentions. In MY opinion, the Mini may see one more refresh, again, does Apple offer differing features then the iPhones currently in the phablet market or implement Pro features to draw more consumers?

With the Apple Pencil, Ram, quad Speakers, Tru-Tone, maybe 3D Touch, which may be easier to integrate with a smaller screen.

And how large of an iPad line up does Apple offer before they consolidate their line up without fragmentation? The Mini, Air 2, Pro 9.7/12.9 and any refreshes with it's latest flagship iPads? Keep hoping.
Maybe some people replaced an iPad mini with an iPhone Plus, but they're not even close to overlapping for me. The iPhone Plus is just an all around bad device in my opinion. That's not to say a lot of other people can't appreciate it, but for me, it's too big as a phone and way too small as a tablet.

It's too big to use one-handed very well, yet it's still way to small for me to sit there and watch movies on it, read books, or browse the web for a few hours at a time. That's why I will always prefer having a small phone and a tablet (or two).


macrumors 601
Jul 28, 2007
The iPad mini fad has come and gone. The "peak" interest was likely iPad mini 2 when the iPad Air (2013) iPad mini 2 (2013) with retina iPhone 5S (2013) all ran the exact processor and ram.

These days the iPad mini is treated how the iPod touch were treated (getting older processors) heck even the 2015 iPad mini 4 shipped with A8 processor that had 2 cores instead of the 3 cores that's in the 2014 iPad Air 2.
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Jul 12, 2016
Maybe some people replaced an iPad mini with an iPhone Plus, but they're not even close to overlapping for me. The iPhone Plus is just an all around bad device in my opinion. That's not to say a lot of other people can't appreciate it, but for me, it's too big as a phone and way too small as a tablet.

It's too big to use one-handed very well, yet it's still way to small for me to sit there and watch movies on it, read books, or browse the web for a few hours at a time. That's why I will always prefer having a small phone and a tablet (or two).

The Mini definitely serves its purpose. I think People sometimes become lazy and not wanting to pull out the iPad. Therefore they use their 6s Plus as an in between, which then creates a stigmatism that "Why do I need my iPad, my 6s Plus does everything and more." Not everyone thinks like this, but I feel we are spoiled what is right in front of us.

I agree the Mini serves its purpose well. I just feel some resort to the 'Phablet' over the iPad option. Again, that's not everyone, it just seems I hear this more often than not.
Last edited:


Jul 12, 2016
The Air2 is just the older version of the 9.7 Pro. Apple has always kept a last gen iPad around as the discount starter option, and that's what the Air2 is right now. So the iPad lineup has just expanded by just one size, the 12.9.

Right. But Apple's current line up consists of four different iPads with differing capabilities. That was my point. All different sizes and features, but where does Apple want the consumer to make the decision? The 'Pro' version or the Air 2/Mini, which are only falling behind in my opinion.


macrumors 68030
Mar 7, 2012
New Orleans
I don't understand people's dislike for the mini. I have owned both the regular iPad and the minis and I enjoy them both. I feel that the mini has its place and is ideal for certain people because of its portability.
Yep. My iPad mini 4 is perfect as a take-almost-everywhere-with-me device. I used to bring my iPad Air 2 with me most places, but it was cumbersome. Now I use it exclusively at home while my mini charges up and then bring my mini out with me when I leave.


macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
The Mini will probably be kept around like the iPad 2 for years and just not updated. In fact, I can see them taking out the higher storage tiers and just make it an entry level iPad. It will improve profits using older tech and minimum specs but at old prices using Apple's profit margin concepts.
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Sep 23, 2013
Upstate, NY
I question the fate of the mini. Unless Apple provides 'Pro' features or other upgrades, I'm not entirely confident it will be contuining with refreshes. Now, that's not to say it will not be in production, but it is a fading product along side the iPod Touch as in terms of tasking, which Apple is strongly advocating the iPad Pro for BOTH PC and iPad.

The mini is limited in size, although serves for more entertainment needs it appears by the current demographic.

Also, with the 6s Plus and how capable iPhones are with power/size, the Mini's are becoming consumed by what we already carry. Again, it all depends on the user and its intentions. In MY opinion, the Mini may see one more refresh, again, does Apple offer differing features then the iPhones currently in the phablet market or implement Pro features to draw more consumers?

With the Apple Pencil, Ram, quad Speakers, Tru-Tone, maybe 3D Touch, which may be easier to integrate with a smaller screen.

And how large of an iPad line up does Apple offer before they consolidate their line up without fragmentation? The Mini, Air 2, Pro 9.7/12.9 and any refreshes with it's latest flagship iPads? Keep hoping.

I agree - phones are making tablets that are smaller basically obsolete. The extra screen inches are trivial and they dont fit in pockets. I believe the mini will be retired. A neat little tablet but I always wondered how it really fit into the lineup. It never did, IMO. The phones killed it.
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macrumors regular
Dec 29, 2013
I love my ipad mini. I've recently started putting all my books on my mini via the kindle app. I was actually thinking about getting a new mini soon as my little 16GB is filling up quickly with books. Now I will rethink my options and wait.
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Andres Cantu

macrumors 68040
May 31, 2015
The Mini will probably be kept around like the iPad 2 for years and just not updated. In fact, I can see them taking out the higher storage tiers and just make it an entry level iPad. It will improve profits using older tech and minimum specs but at old prices using Apple's profit margin concepts.
Sad, but could very well be. It's the new iPod touch :(
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