Have the days of what Mac gaming we had now passing us by.
I vividly remember a time where, for a long time, 'Mac gaming' consisted of a few dusty and/or neglected shelves in my local CompuCentre/CompuSmart or CompUSA, with one or two titles.
Now, my GOG and Steam backlogs are so full of games that I have absolutely no idea how or when I'm going to finish them all...and that's on top of the games I play in CrossOver or Wineskin. What makes matters worse are the
new games coming out in the near future. So yes, the days what we used to have for Mac gaming are long gone. And thank goodness.
In all seriousness though, you act as if this is some new crisis; it isn't. The Mac gaming market has always been a very small subset of what itself has always been a subset of the greater PC industry as a whole. It's even smaller if you want to think of 'Mac gaming' as being limited strictly only to AAA gaming (which so many people on this board constantly insist on doing).
If anyone was ever into 'hardcore gaming' they wouldn't be on the Mac in the first place, or if they were; they'd either have a console or have a dedicated gaming PC.
Gaming has never been Apple's focus, arguably not since the mid-1980's when Apple was struggling to establish the Mac as a legitimate platform for business and professional environments. They fought long and hard to overcome the perception of Macs as being toys for schools and children. Arguably, Apple never won that battle as some people still disparagingly refer to iOS devices as toys.
There was some hope things would change with Apple's resurgence in the late-90's/early-00's but it was only half-hearted at best, especially since most of the people buying up iMacs, iBooks, and Power Mac G3/G4s were home users, education customers, and power users/creative professionals, not 'hardcore' gamers. By that time the dedicated home computer gaming market had been pretty much poisoned on the Mac anyway.
In any case, while the situation for gaming and graphics support on the Mac is far from perfect, gaming on the Mac is by no means doomed, and it's by no means a wasteland. Well, unless all you want are the latest and greatest AAA titles. In that case, people who'd want those kinds of games would have gone elsewhere.