Well just when you thought the jailbreaking scene was dead... iOS11-11-1.2 seems to have been a piece of cheese FULL of holes!! I've been an insider and widget designer/coder at the other largest iPhone modding forum, ModMyi, for many years. It went through major management changes and loads of forum interface changes - so, combining that with the pessimism around public jailbreaking dying through iOS10 - I've decided to come and do more chatting about the things I know over here with you guys... I'm sure there are loads of good knowledgable people here already.. but sometimes it's nice to have a fresh perspective..
So HELLO, MacRumors JB enthusiasts!!..
Right now there are about 4 tools out there to gain root access to your 64bit iPhones on iPhone 11-11.1.2. Still currently nothing for 11.2 people - Sorry..
The question is ... which tool to use - as NONE of them are bundles with Cydia or Cydia Substrate yet.. Saurik.. has made clear on Twitter that he IS whole-heartedly supporting this IanBeers exploit for iOS11 from Ian's ProjectZero. BUT -- rather than simply do a an update to Cydia Substrate and Cydia - Saurik is using this opportunity to completely REWRITE a Jailbreak of his own.. So it's taking quite some time!!!! It promises to be a whole new way of jailbreaking, userland style, which should give us quicker jailbreaks in the future possibly while a current firmware is still being signed. But in the mean time we wait!!
So... have any of you jumped into LiberiOS by Morpheus or Electra by CoolStar? LiberIOS doesn't do much right now - just protects your phone against updating to 11.2..
But CoolStar's Electra has allowed me to get most of the key tweaks I like using to work on my iPhone X on 11.1.2.. If you're a general user, not familiar, with using SSH - then you should just wait for Saurik's JB... But if you like to DIVE IN.. I can help... We'll explore some of the tweaks ready to go and how to get them running..
Are you considering JBing this time around?
So HELLO, MacRumors JB enthusiasts!!..
Right now there are about 4 tools out there to gain root access to your 64bit iPhones on iPhone 11-11.1.2. Still currently nothing for 11.2 people - Sorry..
The question is ... which tool to use - as NONE of them are bundles with Cydia or Cydia Substrate yet.. Saurik.. has made clear on Twitter that he IS whole-heartedly supporting this IanBeers exploit for iOS11 from Ian's ProjectZero. BUT -- rather than simply do a an update to Cydia Substrate and Cydia - Saurik is using this opportunity to completely REWRITE a Jailbreak of his own.. So it's taking quite some time!!!! It promises to be a whole new way of jailbreaking, userland style, which should give us quicker jailbreaks in the future possibly while a current firmware is still being signed. But in the mean time we wait!!
So... have any of you jumped into LiberiOS by Morpheus or Electra by CoolStar? LiberIOS doesn't do much right now - just protects your phone against updating to 11.2..
But CoolStar's Electra has allowed me to get most of the key tweaks I like using to work on my iPhone X on 11.1.2.. If you're a general user, not familiar, with using SSH - then you should just wait for Saurik's JB... But if you like to DIVE IN.. I can help... We'll explore some of the tweaks ready to go and how to get them running..
Are you considering JBing this time around?