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Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001


I really hope this comes out, all my sites are built in Golive. Golive, Livemotion and Photoshop are the last Classic progs I use.


Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
1 year

Just think, in one years time, I will be 16, we will have Photoshop, Golive, G5s, Livemotion, EVN....

HMMM, wish I had a time machine!



macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2001
Already got Illustrator and Maya, so all I need is Photoshop, Flash, Director and DreamWeaver. Can someone please make them come to me?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
GoLive rules!

I have GoLive 5 and have also used Dreamweaver. When I first launched Dreamweaver it just showed me a blank page with no toolbars except one floating window! I didn't understand anything!

GoLive has a more organized view of things, making it more simpler faster & more logical. I can't wait for this app to be released natively for Mac OS 10 (this app doesn't work very well under classic emulation).

How much do you guys think the upgrade will cost?


macrumors 6502
Dec 30, 2001
I just think GoLive sucks bigtime. Ask anyone who knows html. Dreamweaver is much better. Belive me ;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 30, 2001
The SimCity Deli
Been spending the last few days with the GoLive5 30-day demo, and would love to see an osX version. Beats having to hand-code HTML, but...

Anyone using the demo will have to get a 3rd-party book, as the program is just too dense to figure out alone. And Peachpit's GoLive 5 visual quickstart guide is perhaps the best, if only because the screen-shots are predominantly Mac-oriented.


macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
GoLive vs. Dreamweaver

F/reW/re, I can't agree more. GoLive totally mangles HTML - nuff said. Dreamweaver is good as far as leaving code alone. Stuff like PHP is becoming more common and these editors need to be code friendly. If I spend 2 weeks developing PHP, ASP, JSP, or other code and edit the design in GoLive finding out it changed thousands of lines of code without even letting me know, is that a good program? Then I get to go back and re-edit the code by hand again. Sounds like progress to me... As soon as this happened to me once in Golive 6, I quit using it and switched to DW. Never had a problem with code mangling in DW.

On the other hand, this might be good for Adobe to get this product out, because it will put the heat on Macromedia to get an OSX version out sooner - which I can't wait for.

And why is Adobe wasting time getting Golive out the door? Get PHOTOSHOP out for OSX first! That's their flagship product - and the most useful one.

Jack Tors

macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
GoLive is Junk!

If any of you ass clowns are using Golive to author web pages you can't be very smart web developers. Everybody that knows HTML knows how Golive will mess up perfect code. Try creating complex tables with this software. What a joke. Real web developers that use a WYSIWYG tool are using Dreamweaver.

The only good thing that will come out of this release is that it will force Macromedia to get Dreamweaver for X in our hands faster.

I will be willing to bet that Adobe won't fix these problems in this release either. Their to busy adding features that are are not needed.

Also, I have used this software on a PC too. Talk about comedy. It crashes every five minutes just like the PC platform.

Dreamweaver and a Mac is what you need to get the job done. Long live CyberStudio! LOL


All of you people complaining of GoLive mangling code are out of your minds. I do almost all of my development in emacs or BBEdit, but I sometimes use4 GoLive and often have to work with files from GoLive users. I've added PHP, embedded perl, complex tables, dynamic html, and massive amounts of JavaScript and have only rarely had any problems with GoLive mangling the code. If you turn off the pretty printing option, most of the problems I had go away.

Before GoLive, you had crap like VisualPage. Those editors really mangled code -- even simple HTML! GoLive has a high tollerance for unusual code and, unlike any Macromedia product since shortly after the end of the Macromind days, GoLive actually follows Apple's user interface guidelines. Any Mac user can sit down and figure out the basics of GoLive in a few seconds. Dreamweaver behaves worse than a Windows app.

Jack Tors

macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Originally posted by text_coder
All of you people complaining of GoLive mangling code are out of your minds. I do almost all of my development in emacs or BBEdit, but I sometimes use4 GoLive and often have to work with files from GoLive users. I've added PHP, embedded perl, complex tables, dynamic html, and massive amounts of JavaScript and have only rarely had any problems with GoLive mangling the code. If you turn off the pretty printing option, most of the problems I had go away.

Before GoLive, you had crap like VisualPage. Those editors really mangled code -- even simple HTML! GoLive has a high tollerance for unusual code and, unlike any Macromedia product since shortly after the end of the Macromind days, GoLive actually follows Apple's user interface guidelines. Any Mac user can sit down and figure out the basics of GoLive in a few seconds. Dreamweaver behaves worse than a Windows app.

Your an idiot! Plus you say that you are using " 4 Golive", its Golive 4 clown face. I used Golive 4. Its a good product. We're talking about Golive 5 goof ball! If you noticed, the thread is about the release of Golive 6. Get with it bozo.

[Edited by Jack Tors on 12-31-2001 at 01:56 AM]


macrumors regular
Jul 9, 2001
Easy Killer....

Jack Tors,

While I'd agree - GoLive pretty much sucks eggs, I think you're going overboard with your flame on text_coder.

He metions "4 GoLive" once, and the 4 happes to be attached to the previous word, "use" which ends in an "E". Don't you think the 4 is a typo? It is, afterall, right next to the "e".

Take your smack elsewhere - bozo.

Jack Tors

macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Re: Easy Killer....

Originally posted by Classic
Jack Tors,

While I'd agree - GoLive pretty much sucks eggs, I think you're going overboard with your flame on text_coder.

He metions "4 GoLive" once, and the 4 happes to be attached to the previous word, "use" which ends in an "E". Don't you think the 4 is a typo? It is, afterall, right next to the "e".

Take your smack elsewhere - bozo.




macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Re: Easy Killer....

Originally posted by Classic
Jack Tors,

While I'd agree - GoLive pretty much sucks eggs, I think you're going overboard with your flame on text_coder.

He metions "4 GoLive" once, and the 4 happes to be attached to the previous word, "use" which ends in an "E". Don't you think the 4 is a typo? It is, afterall, right next to the "e".

Take your smack elsewhere - bozo.

Take your smack elsewhere - that's money. Haven't heard that one since high school! Thanks for the memories!

Golive still sucks and eats my code like the weekly PeeCee virus. Try going to the html mode, edit code, and switch back to layout mode. Zap, your code is toasted. I've verified this in a number of different cases and it holds true almost everytime. Golive does what it wants to when you switch modes, rendering it useless. DW does not do that, so I use DW. A PC gives you a blue screen whenever it feels like it, therefore I don't use those either.


im confused

osx already comes with a perfectly fine html editor

it is called "vi"

Jack Tors

macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Originally posted by confused
im confused

osx already comes with a perfectly fine html editor

it is called "vi"

Why are people like you allowed breath, trying to be all smart and ****. Your not confused your trying to come off like a cool code jockey type. The app your talking about is a text editor. This thread is not about text editors. Your a clown!


macrumors member
Dec 31, 2001
GoLive vs Dreamweaver

Hey guys STOP talking this GoLive vs. Dreamweaver ********.

Senteces like "If any of you ass clowns are using Golive to author web pages you can't be very smart web developers." make me sick.

Remember it's not JUST the software that builds pages. You can do great webdesign with GoLive, Dreamweaver, BBEdit or whatever. More important is that you KNOW your software and feel comfortable with it - OKAY?

If you want to talk about the best WYSIWYG Webdesign tool you can let off steam in a MS Frontpage forum ;-)


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Re: GoLive vs Dreamweaver

Originally posted by trilogic
Hey guys STOP talking this GoLive vs. Dreamweaver ********.

Senteces like "If any of you ass clowns are using Golive to author web pages you can't be very smart web developers." make me sick.

Remember it's not JUST the software that builds pages. You can do great webdesign with GoLive, Dreamweaver, BBEdit or whatever. More important is that you KNOW your software and feel comfortable with it - OKAY?

If you want to talk about the best WYSIWYG Webdesign tool you can let off steam in a MS Frontpage forum ;-)

Well said!! I could not agree more

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001

I personally am a fan of Golive, Dreamweaver is good but I just don't get on with it.

Golive creates small HTML files, another problem with all you PHP bastards, PHP, SHTML, EHTML etc... is that you can't let there be easy, Most websites that use PHP are just like Microsoft and MacWarehouse sites. Horrible, infact this is the only good site I know that uses PHP3.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2001
Golive v Dreamweaver

Golive does mangle code occasionally - but GoLive 5 is much more reliable than previous versions in this area.

I work with a variety of Web developers, some use GoLive, some use Dreamweaver. I know it's dull to say this, but they both clearly have strengths and weaknesses, and Dreamweaver has been known to mangle the odd line of code as well.

If you know your code, you'll do just fine which ever package you're using - but of course there are some jobs where only a trusty text editor will do anyway ;)

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing GoLive 6 on OS X - the GoLive team have always had a real feel for the Mac platform & were making great apps when Dreamweaver was but a twinkle in Macromedia's eye. I think they're likely to produce the best OS X app we've seen yet.


macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Re: Golive

Originally posted by Ensign Paris
I personally am a fan of Golive, Dreamweaver is good but I just don't get on with it.

Golive creates small HTML files, another problem with all you PHP bastards, PHP, SHTML, EHTML etc... is that you can't let there be easy, Most websites that use PHP are just like Microsoft and MacWarehouse sites. Horrible, infact this is the only good site I know that uses PHP3.


First of all - all HTML files ARE small. How can a plain text file built anywhere be a "big" file? I think you mean "clean". Golive writes "cleaner" code because it likes to rewrite code. DW puts a yellow flag where it thinks there's a problem and lets you take care of it - without rewriting. Personally, I love the fact that Golive is taking the initiative in getting this product over to OSX. Why? It's good for competition. Now others will follow suit - only making it better for us and that's what it's all about...

I must admit, Golive is superior in one area - and that's for building frames. I find the DW method for frames total ********* - I still haven't figured out the logic behind it. However, with PHP, there's really no need for frames if you use include functions. Like Foocha said - both apps have strengths and weaknesses...

When you mention "PHP Bastards" - I have to wonder what it is you are using as a middleware app. Cold Fusion, ASP, Lasso? ;) Or quite possibly you have not seen the need for using dynamic pages and databases on the web. Funny to see you using a site that relies so heavily on PHP when you are against those who build with it...

And trilogic, ever think Tors was joking around a little bit? Step away from the box for a couple hours and go rent the movie "Office Space". Lighten up children. I do like your idea of heading over to the Frontpage forum! LOL!

[Edited by rizzo on 12-31-2001 at 12:30 PM]

Jack Tors

macrumors newbie
Dec 30, 2001
Re: Golive

Originally posted by Ensign Paris
I personally am a fan of Golive, Dreamweaver is good but I just don't get on with it.

Golive creates small HTML files, another problem with all you PHP bastards, PHP, SHTML, EHTML etc... is that you can't let there be easy, Most websites that use PHP are just like Microsoft and MacWarehouse sites. Horrible, infact this is the only good site I know that uses PHP3.


Ok dip ****, what the hell is this post actually saying?
What does this section of your run on sentence mean?

"is that you can't let there be easy,"

I'm I missing something here? Is this your attempt at communicating in the English language?

Why mention php and Microsoft in the same run on sentence? What would your choice of a server-side HTML embedded scripting language be? Please agree with me that you are a real Dingleberry and don't really know what your talking about.

I know I'm an ass hole, but do you know you're dumb?

[Edited by Jack Tors on 12-31-2001 at 08:42 PM]


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001

All you guys, lets just be happy we don't have apple making a ****** product like Microsoft Frontpage. Like some of you said both products have stregths and weeknesses but at least we don't have to work with something so bad.

I have never used such a bad alternative for creating web-pages!
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