I bought a retina Macbook Pro 13" after agonizing over the decision for some time.... I think this will be helpful to others in the same predicament :
1. I own a MBA 2011, with 256gb SSD, and upgraded processor, and 4gb of ram.... thats the back story...
2. I have been waiting desperately for something "new" or worthwhile in the MBA line to really motivate a new purchase... that did not come... in fact... the recent upgrade was really a disappointment
3. I started a thread (in the MBA forum) wondering about what we could realistically expect in the next revision of the MBA ... I, and other concluded the same thing : the MBA is about to become an EOL (End of life) model.. I don't think there is a question about this now. (I will happily be wrong about this... but... the writing is on the wall.. and, as everyone can see... apple is focusing on the new macbook, the macbook pro, and the iPad pro... there is no reason for the MBA to exist in this lineup... unless it gets reincarnated into the next generation Macbook .. which probably will happen... or a revision of the macbook pro line will look more like the MBA in terms of design )
4. What I bought :
1. I own a MBA 2011, with 256gb SSD, and upgraded processor, and 4gb of ram.... thats the back story...
2. I have been waiting desperately for something "new" or worthwhile in the MBA line to really motivate a new purchase... that did not come... in fact... the recent upgrade was really a disappointment
3. I started a thread (in the MBA forum) wondering about what we could realistically expect in the next revision of the MBA ... I, and other concluded the same thing : the MBA is about to become an EOL (End of life) model.. I don't think there is a question about this now. (I will happily be wrong about this... but... the writing is on the wall.. and, as everyone can see... apple is focusing on the new macbook, the macbook pro, and the iPad pro... there is no reason for the MBA to exist in this lineup... unless it gets reincarnated into the next generation Macbook .. which probably will happen... or a revision of the macbook pro line will look more like the MBA in terms of design )
4. What I bought :
2015 Macbook Pro (Retina)
upgraded BTO processor 3.1Ghz i7
upgraded memory to 16gb ram (<-- wow!)
upgraded hard drive to 1Tb
As you can see, I went "all -in" into the new macbook pro line
5. My impressions :upgraded BTO processor 3.1Ghz i7
upgraded memory to 16gb ram (<-- wow!)
upgraded hard drive to 1Tb
As you can see, I went "all -in" into the new macbook pro line
*caveat, I am returning the computer.... and the reason (see below) may have marred my opinion of it... which I am fully aware, but I want to provide some insight to others...
a) size and weight :
1/2 a pound... .is a lot heavier than 1/2 a pound ! and here is why :
the tapered design of the MBA is so svelte (only word I could think of)... it makes the computer feel even lighter... simply because of the way it feels in your hand.
(if I were to give you a really light, but big pencil to hold in your hand.... versus a simpler pencil... it wouldn't matter that the bigger pencil was lighter.... the regular pencil would feel much better)
(oh boy... no idea why this is the analogy that came to mind... don't read into this too much)
trust me... the size, weight, and design dimensions of the MBA are superior to the "lets make a rectangle" Macbook Pro
the macbook pro footprint is smaller (rMBP 13" compared to MBA 13") ... but this does not give it a lighter feel... it makes it feel more dense and compressed weight
b) retina screen:
It looks good... its clear... its really nice.... For some reason, a retina screen on an iPad is much more noticeable improvement than a retina screen on a laptop. I do a lot of work in design... and I am doing a lot of editing with photos ... and although I certainly appreciate the "retina" display... its not overwhelming how much better it is. But.... it is better.... But then again.... if I could get the same specs as the MBP inside a MBA without the retina screen... I would be just fine with that
c) design and use :
this is a continuation of "size and weight" from above ...
almost every time I put the MBP down to use... I put it the wrong way down (back end facing me) before opening the lid of the screen....this was never an issue with the macbook air... because it has intelligent design ... you have a tactile feel of the computer without even realizing it.... maybe this is a non issue for non-MBA users... but.... it is something I haven't seen anyone else mention
force touch trackpad... cool. but useless. sorry. you will find yourself trying to force touch your way on many different sites, applications... nothing will happen. Trackpad feels fine... i actually find the haptic feedback very intelligent (the different types of vibration you feel with clicking vs force touch)....
note: other people have reported, and i have experienced... some times the trackpad falls "asleep"... annoying
d) performance and why I am sending it back :
this laptop purchase of the rMBP 13" was probably the single worst purchase experience I have ever encountered.... and I fully accept (hope) that maybe I just have had a defective unit :
within the first week... I noticed on 2 occasions that wifi was not connected... when going through the menu... there was nothing listed... and .. either under this menu or under system profile (through apple menu "about this mac") it listed "no wifi hardware installed" .... what the?
performance... now... what would you think is faster ?:
the 2015 felt slower... this is after spotlight indexing.... this was a "new install" not a migrated computer... everything was started new and fresh !
it would take time to redraw a finder window when resizing the window ... there were hiccups all over the place... scrolling through safari web pages... I won't even get into Photoshop or Illustrator... everything felt slower... delayed....
The only thing I did notice (good) was that this (slower) speed did not change even as I was running 10 applications at a time... and bouncing actively through at least 4 of them... with 3 of them running processes at the same time.... that... I attribute to the motherload of ram I had...
So... i could only conclude I had a "dud" computer... so... please don't draw huge performance comparisons from my experience... but... do consider what I am writing....
*also, when I brought my computer to the apple store for them to check - they said the computer was performing "normally" ... I believe there is a more thorough test they could do... I still have the computer, return is due this week... if there is a test someone wants me to run... I will gladly do it...
e) Applecare
I have never had any issues with applecare... in all the 20 or so years I have owned apple products, which include 4 generations of MBA, 5 generations / versions of iPhone , Mac Pros, etc....
This was the worst experience with getting care... what I was trying to get was a new computer sent to me... and then transfer my data over... and then send the POS MBP BTO crap I got back...
They confirmed this first in the store... but then said I have to go through Apple directly because of a BTO status... Apple phone care said they would take care of that... and after 1.5 hours on the phone with them... they confirmed that : "NEW computer will be sent to you" ...and then "you can send the old one back"
1 week later I called to confirm, and find out the status of the New computer.... but found out that arrangement was "cancelled" after a "review" ... and that they were waiting (as of a week prior) for me to send my OLD computer back in.... without even telling me this info !!!
That was not acceptable... I called apple again.... went through 2 supervisors... and they said it would be reviewed... supervisor called me back on Saturday night (!)... after an additional hour they said they would figure it out on monday... monday I called...no call back... Tuesday I called... they called me back - said they wanted my OLD computer first.... and here is the catch... originally, they said : "when we received confirmation your OLD computer was dropped off at FedEx, we will send out the replacement to you right away.... " .... this then changed to :
"when you drop off OLD computer at FedEX facility we will start building your BTO MBP... and THEN send it out"
catch that? not only did they not send the replacement first.... now they required my computer back first... and, additionally... when my computer gets dropped off ... then and only then would they start to "build" my NEW computer. !... you know what ? F$%) This.... I want to return the computer for a complete refund.
"OK... we can do that".
Thats what I ended up doing.
You would think someone who orders a top of the line, BTO Laptop would get treated slightly better than the amateur hour that occurred by the apple "review" people. yes... i am pissed.
Also, the macbook pro.... not impressive.
f) And....
BTW, for all my "trouble" apple put me through..... they sent me a coupon....
.....$45 off....
.... if I spend at least $300 at apple....
....only via apple online.....
..... and only within the next 14 days......
a) size and weight :
1/2 a pound... .is a lot heavier than 1/2 a pound ! and here is why :
the tapered design of the MBA is so svelte (only word I could think of)... it makes the computer feel even lighter... simply because of the way it feels in your hand.
(if I were to give you a really light, but big pencil to hold in your hand.... versus a simpler pencil... it wouldn't matter that the bigger pencil was lighter.... the regular pencil would feel much better)
(oh boy... no idea why this is the analogy that came to mind... don't read into this too much)
trust me... the size, weight, and design dimensions of the MBA are superior to the "lets make a rectangle" Macbook Pro
the macbook pro footprint is smaller (rMBP 13" compared to MBA 13") ... but this does not give it a lighter feel... it makes it feel more dense and compressed weight
b) retina screen:
It looks good... its clear... its really nice.... For some reason, a retina screen on an iPad is much more noticeable improvement than a retina screen on a laptop. I do a lot of work in design... and I am doing a lot of editing with photos ... and although I certainly appreciate the "retina" display... its not overwhelming how much better it is. But.... it is better.... But then again.... if I could get the same specs as the MBP inside a MBA without the retina screen... I would be just fine with that
c) design and use :
this is a continuation of "size and weight" from above ...
almost every time I put the MBP down to use... I put it the wrong way down (back end facing me) before opening the lid of the screen....this was never an issue with the macbook air... because it has intelligent design ... you have a tactile feel of the computer without even realizing it.... maybe this is a non issue for non-MBA users... but.... it is something I haven't seen anyone else mention
force touch trackpad... cool. but useless. sorry. you will find yourself trying to force touch your way on many different sites, applications... nothing will happen. Trackpad feels fine... i actually find the haptic feedback very intelligent (the different types of vibration you feel with clicking vs force touch)....
note: other people have reported, and i have experienced... some times the trackpad falls "asleep"... annoying
d) performance and why I am sending it back :
this laptop purchase of the rMBP 13" was probably the single worst purchase experience I have ever encountered.... and I fully accept (hope) that maybe I just have had a defective unit :
within the first week... I noticed on 2 occasions that wifi was not connected... when going through the menu... there was nothing listed... and .. either under this menu or under system profile (through apple menu "about this mac") it listed "no wifi hardware installed" .... what the?
performance... now... what would you think is faster ?:
2011 MBA / 4gb ram / 256gb / 1.8 Ghz Single Core i7
2015 retinaMBP / 16gb ram / 1Tb / 3.1Ghz dual core i7
2015 retinaMBP / 16gb ram / 1Tb / 3.1Ghz dual core i7
it would take time to redraw a finder window when resizing the window ... there were hiccups all over the place... scrolling through safari web pages... I won't even get into Photoshop or Illustrator... everything felt slower... delayed....
The only thing I did notice (good) was that this (slower) speed did not change even as I was running 10 applications at a time... and bouncing actively through at least 4 of them... with 3 of them running processes at the same time.... that... I attribute to the motherload of ram I had...
So... i could only conclude I had a "dud" computer... so... please don't draw huge performance comparisons from my experience... but... do consider what I am writing....
*also, when I brought my computer to the apple store for them to check - they said the computer was performing "normally" ... I believe there is a more thorough test they could do... I still have the computer, return is due this week... if there is a test someone wants me to run... I will gladly do it...
e) Applecare
I have never had any issues with applecare... in all the 20 or so years I have owned apple products, which include 4 generations of MBA, 5 generations / versions of iPhone , Mac Pros, etc....
This was the worst experience with getting care... what I was trying to get was a new computer sent to me... and then transfer my data over... and then send the POS MBP BTO crap I got back...
They confirmed this first in the store... but then said I have to go through Apple directly because of a BTO status... Apple phone care said they would take care of that... and after 1.5 hours on the phone with them... they confirmed that : "NEW computer will be sent to you" ...and then "you can send the old one back"
1 week later I called to confirm, and find out the status of the New computer.... but found out that arrangement was "cancelled" after a "review" ... and that they were waiting (as of a week prior) for me to send my OLD computer back in.... without even telling me this info !!!
That was not acceptable... I called apple again.... went through 2 supervisors... and they said it would be reviewed... supervisor called me back on Saturday night (!)... after an additional hour they said they would figure it out on monday... monday I called...no call back... Tuesday I called... they called me back - said they wanted my OLD computer first.... and here is the catch... originally, they said : "when we received confirmation your OLD computer was dropped off at FedEx, we will send out the replacement to you right away.... " .... this then changed to :
"when you drop off OLD computer at FedEX facility we will start building your BTO MBP... and THEN send it out"
catch that? not only did they not send the replacement first.... now they required my computer back first... and, additionally... when my computer gets dropped off ... then and only then would they start to "build" my NEW computer. !... you know what ? F$%) This.... I want to return the computer for a complete refund.
"OK... we can do that".
Thats what I ended up doing.
You would think someone who orders a top of the line, BTO Laptop would get treated slightly better than the amateur hour that occurred by the apple "review" people. yes... i am pissed.
Also, the macbook pro.... not impressive.
f) And....
BTW, for all my "trouble" apple put me through..... they sent me a coupon....
.....$45 off....
.... if I spend at least $300 at apple....
....only via apple online.....
..... and only within the next 14 days......
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