It has me in the general area but nowhere close to where I am (home). Puts me like 4 blocks away. I’ve turned off my phone and reset settings a few times. This has been happening for the past month. This is a 3 month old iPhone X
Your house walls may stop the GPS signals to work properly. If you turn on WiFi then it will use - Significant-change location service, instead of - Standard location services. This will help the device determine where you are much better.
Try a different location app
My X is the same way, if I leave the maps app on long enough it gets it right after a bit. I’ve seen other threads anout gps issues with the X on this forum so you’re not alone. If I remove the sim card and reinstall it, the gps is dead on but, after time it goes back to being iffy. I really don’t care because I’m on the IUP and will be getting the new X in a couple months so its not worth the hassle.. The only way I’ve seen it solved is by replacement...The thing is it only does this sometimes. There’s times when it will work and then won’t
My X is the same way, if I leave the maps app on long enough it gets it right after a bit. I’ve seen other threads anout gps issues with the X on this forum so you’re not alone. If I remove the sim card and reinstall it, the gps is dead on but, after time it goes back to being iffy. I really don’t care because I’m on the IUP and will be getting the new X in a couple months so its not worth the hassle.. The only way I’ve seen it solved is by replacement...
I’m almost 100% positive it’s hardware related because my 6s location is always spot on (both on 11.4.1). I’ve tried restoring as new using iTunes, reset location services and using different apps to see if it possibly could be a software problem.. It’s actually the only reason I don’t pay the phone off and keep it because I absolutely love the X. Hopefully iOS12 will prove my hardware theory wrong but, I’m not holding my breath.. If by chance you get a solution, please update the thread.So I guess I’ll get it replaced. I got mine in June and no way upgrading so soon
I’m almost 100% positive it’s hardware related because my 6s location is always spot on (both on 11.4.1). I’ve tried restoring as new using iTunes, reset location services and using different apps to see if it possibly could be a software problem.. It’s actually the only reason I don’t pay the phone off and keep it because I absolutely love the X. Hopefully iOS12 will prove my hardware theory wrong but, I’m not holding my breath.. If by chance you get a solution, please update the thread.
It has me in the general area but nowhere close to where I am (home). Puts me like 4 blocks away. I’ve turned off my phone and reset settings a few times. This has been happening for the past month. This is a 3 month old iPhone X
I had that happen to me years ago with an early iPhone but nothing in the past five or so years. I know some Apps will use your last known location if the signal is not clear.
Do have a case on it? Is it near anything that could cause interference?
Does tracking improve or change if it is on wifi or cell service? I know some phones used to use GPS and cell site data for accuracy. Not sure how it works now.
I'm guessing it's hardware related.
Rarely use WiFi since sprint is faster and don’t get throttled even using 100gb
Sounds like a hardware issue. Hope you figure it out. I don't know about you but I use GPS on a daily basis.