I'm coming up on 2 months with my 8 plus, and 2 months for my wife with her X. She has no desire to upgrade, but my plan was to get an X plus this fall. The more I use the 8 plus, the more I realize I don't really think an X plus is going to be ground breaking for me. I'm coming from an s8+, so AMOLED isn't something I need to have. The X plus sounds like a bigger and better s8+.
There are only a few things that will make it a must have for me:
Band 71
True 5G
Some new battery tech
I'm pretty sure the only one of those we will get is band 71. It depends how soon it's adopted and an everyday thing. Without any of these, an X plus is just a bigger and nicer looking phone, but doesn't change my user experience. I got a text from TMO saying I was automatically enrolled into the annual upgrade program, but part of me feels like it's always better to sell a phone on swappa and buy a new one. It's paid off, so I might as well.
It will probably come down to how well the 8 plus holds up. I can't imagine the a11 not being good for 3-4 years, but what kind of havoc will iOS 12 or even iOS 13 do to the phone? This is my first iPhone, and one of the main draws was buying a phone I expected to last me 3-4 years. I'm tired of going thru 3+ Android phones a year.
Anyone think we will see any of my 3 main must have features in 2018?
There are only a few things that will make it a must have for me:
Band 71
True 5G
Some new battery tech
I'm pretty sure the only one of those we will get is band 71. It depends how soon it's adopted and an everyday thing. Without any of these, an X plus is just a bigger and nicer looking phone, but doesn't change my user experience. I got a text from TMO saying I was automatically enrolled into the annual upgrade program, but part of me feels like it's always better to sell a phone on swappa and buy a new one. It's paid off, so I might as well.
It will probably come down to how well the 8 plus holds up. I can't imagine the a11 not being good for 3-4 years, but what kind of havoc will iOS 12 or even iOS 13 do to the phone? This is my first iPhone, and one of the main draws was buying a phone I expected to last me 3-4 years. I'm tired of going thru 3+ Android phones a year.
Anyone think we will see any of my 3 main must have features in 2018?