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macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2022
Exactly what I was thinking.… The 1st gen is going to bomb if people decide to wait for the 2nd gen.
Well, at least it will save me $3.5K in regrets for not being patient.
The company won’t be able to produce enough units to meet lukewarm demand. Apple will be supply-limited, not demand-limited, with Vision Pro. They will need to both reduce costs and increase yields, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that’s the direction being reported on.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2009
-6.25? holy apple! I have -1,25 and it's already terrible without glasses. I can't imagine how it must be with -6.
Everything is just blurry all the time. Anything past 10”. However, one benefit is I can make super silly faces (this is from about 10 years ago, my vision is a bit worse now).


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macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017

Interesting, but I suspect those are sunglasses for a reason (the LC layers absorbing significant light), and their specified range is limited to 0-2 diopter. Certainly an interesting tech though.


Jun 7, 2017
Good Ol' US of A
RobbieTop: "Most People still unaware Apple even has preposterously expensive VR headset in development. When they hear about it launch, they will laugh at the Price Tag and buy an Meta Quest 3. Filthy Rich Nerds will scratch their heads on why someone making $25,000 a year will buy an iPhone but not a ScubaGearProMaxPlus. American population blissfully unaware they are about to be given the most hilarious thing to mock people wearing in public about 6-8 months from now."


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2003
There is NO way I buy this device if I also have to buy prescription lens add-ins. This would be way too expensive and probably a PITA to make arrangements to get the lenses made (not counting the time it would take to even make the lenses)
? You can buy complete glasses with your prescription, online, for about US $75. Wouldn't seem to be a barrier.


macrumors 68000
Jan 1, 2005
Just support prescription lenses with Apple Vision Pro. Or sell two models: one not supporting prescription lenses (current one), and other only to watch 3D movies (or any movie on large area), allowing prescription glasses (which would also be a much much, much cheaper model, selling like hotcakes). Problem solved for all.

Probably Apple will not do that, unless forced to do it. If sales of the current Apple Vision Pro are scarce and people ask for the other model, Apple could make it. That would be awesome.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2015
Except the average Apple Watch doesn’t cost $3500, doesn’t need an external battery pack, and doesn’t require prescription lense inserts for those who wear glasses. This is a dud.
There was a time when a DVD player was that much.


macrumors 68000
Jan 13, 2006
I think in order for AR/ VR to become mainstream they do in fact need to make it less encumbering. With my Valve Index, it seems like a pain to pull everything out so I often don't use it. This can be somewhat remedied by good cable / room organization but I haven't gotten that far yet.

I'd love to just be able to put on a relatively lightweight set of wireless goggles and start. Even if it had a battery belt pack, I would be fine with it.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
I wonder how it would work if the battery were built into the strap. It would add weight to the back of the head, but might make it feel more balanced and lighter in the front (face) where it's most uncomfortable, and it eliminates the inconvenient tether. Then add a very small built-in battery that's just big enough to keep it powered up while swapping battery packs (maybe in a temporary low-power state).


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2010
Instead of physical lenses, can't many prescriptions be mimicked simply by processing the image inputs to the displays? Neither algorithms nor optics are my areas of expertise, but I'd be surprised if there isn't an in silico approach.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 20, 2019
How can the next version be announced in 2025 when the first version will be released in Europe at end of 2024/ early 2025?

2025 is quite long. 365 days in fact. They will have the next 4 in various forms of concept / design / engineering / production. Apple has always pushed momentum at the beginning. iPhone 1 > 3g > 3gs > 4 were all one year apart - then 16 month to the 4s.

I am sure Vision ( not pro ) will come out too. And at some point they'll work out Wave guide and fibre scanning projectors direct into eyeballs


macrumors 6502a
Feb 20, 2019
Except the average Apple Watch doesn’t cost $3500, doesn’t need an external battery pack, and doesn’t require prescription lense inserts for those who wear glasses. This is a dud.

Ironically it's people that you who don't have the vision to see the future. Gen 1 might be like that. Gen 4 will BE a pair of glasses.

It's basically a developer toolkit. Like the Oculus Rift DK1 and DK2.

At its simplest and most basic form it can be a huge multi monitor display setup for a Mac.


macrumors 604
Aug 15, 2001
The Cool Part of CA, USA
With the second-generation, Apple is considering shipping custom-built Vision Pro headsets with preinstalled prescription lenses directly from the factory. Gurman notes that this invokes a different set of problems with sharing a headset, reselling it, and when a user's optical prescription changes over time.
I've mostly stopped paying attention to Gurman and "considering" is a weasel word that means essentially nothing at this stage of development--I'm sure people on the team are considering any number of things that are wildly impractical, technological infeasible, or just bad ideas, and will never even make it to the prototype stage.

But to address this directly: It's an obviously stupid idea. Even as an adult, my glasses prescription shifts gradually and I need new glasses periodically, not to mention there are two people in my household who would use the thing, both of whom wear glasses with wildly different prescriptions.

If this were an inexpensive "single user" device like a watch, and something that users were likely to upgrade on a regular cycle like Airpods, maybe you could get away with it being factory-configured to a single person. Even that's a stretch, though--the Apple Watch at the low end is relatively "cheap" and even the AirPods probably have at least a 2-3 year upgrade cycle and eartips that are easily replaceable in the box.

The Vision is of course neither of those things--even if it was cheaper, it will (or should) have a computer-like upgrade cycle, and there are all kinds of reasons to want to share one around a household. And this would destroy resale value, which is a critical component of ownership, particularly at the high end--one of the reasons a lot of people are able to upgrade iPhones and Macs regularly is that they can sell or trade-in the old one for a pretty decent chunk of the cost of the new one. A $1000 subsidy on a high-end Mac upgrade 5 years after buying the previous one is not trivial.

Even the factory-replaceable lenses are a huge downside, because you have to buy one for other family members, and it flat-out kills letting a friend use it if they have glasses, not to mention wrecks sharing one or a few headsets among coworkers in a business setting. A friend of mine was able to say "here, check out this cool VR headset I got", because it fit over glasses and I could just try it. If I get one, I won't even be able to give my glasses-wearing friends a test-drive--so much for word-of-mouth advertising.

I'm still seriously considering getting one, but the expensive prescription lenses are a big hit against it, and if a future version were to have factory-installed prescription lenses, I wouldn't even consider it.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2015
How can the next version be announced in 2025 when the first version will be released in Europe at end of 2024/ early 2025?
If apple releases AVP1 in Europe in 2025, it could announce V2 in the US in 2025 and release V2 in Europe in 2026. My guess is as the product matures, the release lag between regions will eventually get shorter and shorter.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2015
yes, it isn’t the initial investment, it’s the upkeep that makes it difficult to jump in on v1 or even v2 unless you really have a wad of cash to upgrade.
In this case it is the initial investment plus the continuous upgrade cycle, imho...
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2015
Is it worth buying just to keep it sealed and make money off it many years later like the original iPhone?
I think a lot of people have thought about doing this based on what sealed iPhones are now going for at auction. The dealbreaker in the AVP case might be the need for custom lenses. It is my understanding you will have to make an appointment at an apple store and go get fitted, so leaving them sealed in the box is not an option even if you don't wear glasses.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2015
I am really looking forward to trying these out at my local apple store. Only then will I make a purchase decision. One big factor will be the ease of sharing. If I do buy one, I definitely want to be able to share it with family and friends.


macrumors regular
Jul 6, 2013
My prediction for Vision Pro 3 is reduced weight, better camera, and longer battery life. Also improved software. :rolleyes:o_O
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macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
I am sure Gen 1 is not even completed, hence the release date next year and the keynote pretty much having been a computer generated render
Many people were scheduled sessions with them and came away blown away and unable to put into words what they experienced. They said it was pretty much done for production. The only missing element were OS programming and 3rd party App development.


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2023
In my opinion, Apple will launch a cheaper Vision Pro ONLY if the overall quality of the device remains the same. Glad they're working on a more expensive. This will make it easier to lower production costs.
I am not Apple employee but...


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