Not sure if it’s just me, but the hamburger bars at the top left are sometimes impossible to hit with the touch screen on my XS Max. Not sure what the problem is. Sometimes it works fine and other times it won’t work at all.
I don't use the hamburger menu on the front page, but the "show sidebar" button is often very hard to hit as well. I end up tapping a few times, then the search bar opens, then I tap tap tap to click the X and try tapping the sidebar again. And other times, I get it on the first try.
I don't use the hamburger menu on the front page, but the "show sidebar" button is often very hard to hit as well. I end up tapping a few times, then the search bar opens, then I tap tap tap to click the X and try tapping the sidebar again. And other times, I get it on the first try.
I will have to pay closer attention. It’s for sure on the front page because that’s where I am often trying to get to the forums from, but I’m not sure if it happens also when on the forums.