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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 29, 2015
My Apple TV 4 has worked flawlessly since I bought it...that is, until I upgraded to TVos 11.

- my siri remote disconnects and reconnects ALL. THE. TIME. Now, it seems to just stay disconnected and I can't get it to work. Yes, it's charged. Thank God for the Remote app on iOS. No such problem prior to the update.
- Seems to have wifi connectivity problems here and there when all my other wireless devices aren't having any problems. It's 3 inches from the router, to boot. It does connect, but seems to lose connection. No such problem prior to the update.
- Major problems with DIRECTV Now - certain channels will play for, say, 30 seconds and then go black. If I change channels and then change back, I get another 30 seconds. It doesn't do this all the time, but it certainly does this enough to be a PITA. The app worked flawlessly prior to the update.
- I have had to restart the Apple TV multiple times to get it to connect to the internet. Did not happen prior to the update.
- The home screen (is that what it's called on TVos?) has gotten laggy to the point of basically unusable 3 or 4 times. Had to restart each time to fix this as well. Also did not happen prior to the update.

I haven't seen any threads with complaints like this so maybe I'm just a terrible user (although I'm pretty technologically inclined) - anyone else experiencing this?
My Apple TV 4 has worked flawlessly since I bought it...that is, until I upgraded to TVos 11.

- my siri remote disconnects and reconnects ALL. THE. TIME. Now, it seems to just stay disconnected and I can't get it to work. Yes, it's charged. Thank God for the Remote app on iOS. No such problem prior to the update.
- Seems to have wifi connectivity problems here and there when all my other wireless devices aren't having any problems. It's 3 inches from the router, to boot. It does connect, but seems to lose connection. No such problem prior to the update.
- Major problems with DIRECTV Now - certain channels will play for, say, 30 seconds and then go black. If I change channels and then change back, I get another 30 seconds. It doesn't do this all the time, but it certainly does this enough to be a PITA. The app worked flawlessly prior to the update.
- I have had to restart the Apple TV multiple times to get it to connect to the internet. Did not happen prior to the update.
- The home screen (is that what it's called on TVos?) has gotten laggy to the point of basically unusable 3 or 4 times. Had to restart each time to fix this as well. Also did not happen prior to the update.

I haven't seen any threads with complaints like this so maybe I'm just a terrible user (although I'm pretty technologically inclined) - anyone else experiencing this?

Are you an anti-Apple bot? You know, like the Russian bots? If you're for real, then you might need to return your ATV for a replacement. I have had no issues at all.
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Only 1 issue with my New Apple TV 4K. It does not seem to completely wake the TV now consistently. Mostly not. The TV comes on but not the screen. I can change HDMI and come back and it will always work. Maybe a 4K conflict. Have not tried to force into 1080p mode.
I am SO far from an anti-Apple bot. If I'm guilty of anything it's that I come to Apple's defense when I probably shouldn't. Look at the Apple stuff I own in my signature - do I look like I hate Apple? They're the single greatest tech company of all time, bar none. So unfortunately I am for real.

Sadly my Apple TV is 2 years old (I got it shortly after the ATV 4 launched) so a return or replacement is out of the question, and I'm still stuck in the last decade with a 1080p TV so there's no reason for me to buy the new one.

Perhaps a factory reset is in order.
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I've noticed the home screen stutters when I scroll down sometimes. This happens on both my ATV 4K and my ATV 4.
And my new 4K box reacts slowly to the remote occasionally.
That's it for me. Nothing major so far.
My Apple TV 4 has worked flawlessly since I bought it...that is, until I upgraded to TVos 11.

- my siri remote disconnects and reconnects ALL. THE. TIME. Now, it seems to just stay disconnected and I can't get it to work. Yes, it's charged. Thank God for the Remote app on iOS. No such problem prior to the update.
- Seems to have wifi connectivity problems here and there when all my other wireless devices aren't having any problems. It's 3 inches from the router, to boot. It does connect, but seems to lose connection. No such problem prior to the update.
- Major problems with DIRECTV Now - certain channels will play for, say, 30 seconds and then go black. If I change channels and then change back, I get another 30 seconds. It doesn't do this all the time, but it certainly does this enough to be a PITA. The app worked flawlessly prior to the update.
- I have had to restart the Apple TV multiple times to get it to connect to the internet. Did not happen prior to the update.
- The home screen (is that what it's called on TVos?) has gotten laggy to the point of basically unusable 3 or 4 times. Had to restart each time to fix this as well. Also did not happen prior to the update.

I haven't seen any threads with complaints like this so maybe I'm just a terrible user (although I'm pretty technologically inclined) - anyone else experiencing this?
[doublepost=1506606600][/doublepost]When I updated I lost access to my iTunes movies. My gen 3 Apple TV plays fine. When I restored iOS 11 to 10.2.2 it played fine. This proves it is a problem with iOS 11 on Apple TV. Hopefully, they will have an update out soon, but until then, I am using the reverted iOS 10.2.2 and will not update my Gen 4 Apple TV to the new OS. If you need to revert to iOS 10.2.2 let me know. They won't let me post the process on the Apple Support site. They have some guy monitoring the comments who removes any bad comments about the OS.
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No problems noticed with the pair of ATV4's (non-4K) that we have updated to tvOS11.
No problems noticed with the pair of ATV4's (non-4K) that we have updated to tvOS11.
[doublepost=1506618870][/doublepost]Are you using an iTunes server for your movies? I might have a bad setup and need to know how everyone else is getting IOS 11 to work with the Apple TV.
i just started re-signing into all my apps coming from a 4th gen to the 4k apple tv and the only thing I have found so far is that if you use the keyboard on an iPhone to log into hulu, it says you have entered the wrong email and password. I tried multiple times then did it with the apple tv remote and it logged in fine.
Holy moly, yes... i have a few issues:
- sound cutting out every 20 seconds
- weird color bands appearing
- remote disconnecting, when connected input is laggy and unusable
- tv provider login doesn’t work, just hangs on “loading”

Apple offered to replace it with another unit but seems like software to me. Old Apple TV 4 has no problems with same set up running previous tvOS.
You have a bad unit.

Our apple TVs are our primary source of content and we also use DTV Now without issue.
Actually, my ATV4 was a nearly unusable, unstable piece of garbage under tvOS 9 and 10. tvOS 11 fixed all the problems I had with the ATV4. So I'm super happy with it now.
Actually, my ATV4 was a nearly unusable, unstable piece of garbage under tvOS 9 and 10. tvOS 11 fixed all the problems I had with the ATV4. So I'm super happy with it now.
[doublepost=1507233028][/doublepost]After spending hours on the phone with Apple Support and still not getting my Apple TV to play iTunes movies, I took my Apple TV to the Genius Bar at my local Apple Store. They did an analysis and discovered that some Apple TV's were manufactured incorrectly and would not support the update. Their solution, pay us more money... $119.00 and get a refurbished Apple TV. Apple bricked my Apple TV due to their manufacturing error. They should take responsibility for the problem.
Yes, I’ve got some odd behavior going on. I updated tvOS last week on my ATV4 unit that I’ve owned for 1+ year with no troubles whatsoever. Now every time I hit menu on the ATV remote, my tv disconnects from HDMI input 1. This is really annoying since hitting menu is the only way I know of to go up levels within apps like Netflix.

I don’t think you’re alone.
Yes, I’ve got some odd behavior going on. I updated tvOS last week on my ATV4 unit that I’ve owned for 1+ year with no troubles whatsoever. Now every time I hit menu on the ATV remote, my tv disconnects from HDMI input 1. This is really annoying since hitting menu is the only way I know of to go up levels within apps like Netflix.

I don’t think you’re alone.

You can revert your Apple TV to TV OS 10.2.2./ Just Google and it should take you to a web site with good instructions. I returned my Apple TV to 10.2.2 and now it works perfectly. This proves that the problem is an incompatibility with Apple TV OS 11 and some, not all, Gen 4 Apple TVs. Come on Apple, try to be honest here!
I have two ATV4s - Both auto updated to tvOS 11 with no issues. Both units are fairly new though - six months or so.
I have two ATV4s - Both auto updated to tvOS 11 with no issues. Both units are fairly new though - six months or so.

I am an early adopter. I think the first group of Apple TV's were probably faulty. I have seen hundreds of comments about people with problems, so I know I am not alone. Apple needs to step up and make this right for it's customers.
FWIW: I have 3 of the 4th gen Apple TVs - bought them at launch 2 years ago. Over the past 6 months they started to feel a bit sluggish when navigating through the UI or in settings / menus. Frequently I would have to force close apps. Since tvOS 11 they've been much smoother, have yet to see settings app or any others hang where I need to force quit.
Yep, some people have no problems at all, others have their Apple TV bricked by the update. I was one of the unfortunate ones.
5 - ATV'4s and 1 4K in home and one of them will occasionally (once-twice a week) will have a remote disconnect after being powered off or sleep from the night before. Hitting the TV button on the remote and I will see remote connected in the corner of the TV within about 3 seconds.
That has really been the only issue if I can call it that.

3 - aTV's in Bedrooms get used nightly, 1 (4K) - Living Room used after work and weekends, 1 - in office used 3 days/week, 1 - on patio used primarily during baseball/football season.

I usually 1 box to beta and try it out for about a week and if I do not notice major issues I will update all of them so all except LR has been on iOS11 at least a week from beta release into GM.

I did return my very first aTV4 within a week due to it having artifacts on screen, I took a photo, went in to the Apple Store and they switched it out without me even showing the picture.
I have a Canadian iTunes account which I have been using in china. Before the update I was Apple to access movies, tv shows and apps on my Apple TV. After the update all the stores disappeared and I am left with the china iTunes Store which is basically nothing. I check my region and account setting which is set to Canada but I am still stuck in the China iTunes Store,
Are you an anti-Apple bot? You know, like the Russian bots? If you're for real, then you might need to return your ATV for a replacement. I have had no issues at all.
Ah the classic "I don't have problems with mine so you must be wrong" post, but with a "you must be a bot" spin. Really helpful!
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Yesterday i thought the remote controller is empty or so, but after charging it, it is still laggy... it just doesnt work at all. I rebooted atv4 and still laggy.. checking it today better.
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