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macrumors 68020
Aug 11, 2006
Seattle, WA
Helping my friend move, I put mine on a step on my wallet so it wouldn't get dinged. Somehow in the next 30 seconds it fell down 6" of concrete steps to the next one.

Small little scratch, barely able to see. It does and doesn't bother me. It does because I am more careful and expect this to have happened much later, not day 2. It doesn't bother me because its just a phone. I don't cover it in plastic to "save" it for the next owner.

Not that big of a deal, I think every iPhone I have had to return to apple for replacement twice.


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2008
Del Mar, CA
Every time I almost drop something like this it is because brand new and I don't want it to leave my hands.

I end up opening doors and carrying stuff with it in my hand instead of my pocket because I don't want to let go of it.

Hah, that's exactly me when I bought my first iPhone ever. I was carrying stuff and didn't want to put my phone in my pocket. It fell out of my hand onto the concrete parking lot. My 3G was fine except for some scratches and dings but this new one went straight into my pocket each time I go somewhere now.
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