"I booted into internet recovery mode and fused the drives but the install of OS X fails. As I’d already got the OS to install on the SSD on its own, it has to be the HDD."
OK, if one way doesn't work, we can try another way.
Do this:
1. You're going to need CarbonCopyCloner. It's FREE to use for 30 days, so doing this will "cost you nothing". You DO need to download the correct version for the OS that you're using (which OS is it?).
You can download CCC from here:
(older versions are available if you need them)
2. The internal fusion drive is again "fused", right? OK, then do this:
3. One more time, BOOT FROM the EXTERNAL USB boot drive that you created.
Umm... just to be sure... this drive is "bootable to the finder"?, or is it a bootable installer drive?
To do what I describe next, the drive needs to be bootable to the finder.
4. Put a copy of CCC onto the external USB drive. Open CCC.
5. Accept all CCC's default settings for now.
Put the source drive (the USB drive) on the left.
Put the destination drive (the internal fusion drive) "in the middle"
Don't worry about "schedule".
Click the clone button, and then the "run now" button (if required).
The clone will take a little while, be patient.
CCC will clone the contents of the USB drive to the internal drive, which should give you a bootable copy of the OS on the internal fusion drive.
7. What to do next:
When done, quit CCC and open the Startup Disk preference pane.
Click the lock and enter your password, then select the internal fusion drive to be the boot drive.
Now, power down -- ALL THE WAY OFF.
Disconnect the USB drive.
Wait a few seconds, then press the power-on button.
Do you get to the login screen?
Can you login?
Try this and get back to us.