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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 30, 2016
so i have had the MacBook a few good months, however, the keyboards are weird its like they stick and there have been times the double key will press, sometimes the keyboard has randomly jammed too and you can hear the funny material the keys are placed on similar to foil

i am in warranty, can apple fix this in one day?

also if they cant do i get a replacement one as i use this for work?
Yes, if you bring it to an Apple Store they should replace the keyboard for free.
You could technically buy another one and return it when yours is fixed...
That was gonna be my recommendation

Plus having your data should be no problem because everyone backs up with time machine ;)
( if you don't maybe this will be the kick in the pants that will make you do that in the future )
Don´t throw more money at them. Get it repaired and then sell it as fast as you can.
buying and returning gives them no money you loose nothing long term and even return shipping is free, but it does give you a machine while you wait and see what happens

I do agree get it fixed then sell it asap, if it was me i'd either wait for miracle at WWDC 2018 and/or buy a 2015 rMBP
I wanted to get my lamination peeling MacBook Pro display replaced, but they said it could 5 days or more. Out of all the computers I own, I have never experienced anything like this. I have made plans to u-turn back to Surface Book.
They'll replace it under warranty, but as others have said it will be a full top case replacement. In my case, the turnaround time was more or less 3 full working days (sent it back on Monday afternoon, had it on the desk on Friday morning).

No replacement while you wait. You could get a new one and return it later if having the MBP is absolutely mission-critical, otherwise it might not be worth the hassle to do a full backup and restore for just 3 days.
You're not going to get a problem like that fixed "the same day".
They have to replace the entire top case of the Macbook.

Just be glad that they'll fix it.
BUT -- be aware that the keyboard may fail AGAIN on you... and again.

That's why someone above suggested AppleCare -- if you plan on keeping this, you ought to consider it.
DO NOT BUY THIS COMPUTER. I'm a 20 year Mac user. No problems. Then I bought the 2017 MacBook Pro. I've have had it to Genius Bar several times, twice sent out for repair. Multiple calls to tech support. Issues with Pages at times. I've spent much more than 40 hours of time, missed work, no computer on which I can work. It's now at the depot for repair and I was left an intelligible v-mail for a few quick questions about the issues I was having. I'm so SICK OF MAC. I'm finally now switching my life over to Surface Pro by Microsoft. And trying to sue apple for a different device.
No problems over the last 20 years with Macs?

You must have missed the overheating, cracking G4 cube. Leaking coolant from the Power Mac G5's. First generation overheating MacBook Pro (before the unibody). 2007 MacBook Pro GPU's failing (NVIDIA 8600M). Cracking cases and yellow staining of the white plastic MacBooks. 2011 MacBook Pro GPU's failing...
No problems over the last 20 years with Macs?

You must have missed the overheating, cracking G4 cube. Leaking coolant from the Power Mac G5's. First generation overheating MacBook Pro (before the unibody). 2007 MacBook Pro GPU's failing (NVIDIA 8600M). Cracking cases and yellow staining of the white plastic MacBooks. 2011 MacBook Pro GPU's failing...

You missed staingate where the screens start hazing, and may still be occurring.
just buy this macbook 13 non touch 9 may. and the issue about the keyboard problem has blown my mind. i just accept it and waiting for the time that this problem come.... i feel bad for myself
just buy this macbook 13 non touch 9 may. and the issue about the keyboard problem has blown my mind. i just accept it and waiting for the time that this problem come.... i feel bad for myself
you had til yesterday to return to apple (2 week return policy FTW) you had options
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