Hey guys
Never owned an iPad. Was never thrilled w/ idea of having to use a non-apple keypad w/ it - also just generally unimpressed. UNTIL the iPad Pro, which has changed my mind - paired w/ the smart keyboard I would use in addition to my MBP for basics: Document writing / web-browsing / communication / emails.
Ease of travel is a huge benefactor for me. Plus had a scary moment w/ my macbook pro today working on the couch w/ it resting on a pillow - must have gotten too hot and forced restart. Luckily I frequently save documents I'm working on - but could have been really bad. (My MBP is a late 2013 / loaded to gills / hardly any files on / use for heavy work - photoshop - lightroom / etc.
My question : W/ the smart keyboard rounds out to around a bit shy of a $1k for 32gb / Wifi / No Cellular. Worth it?
Never owned an iPad. Was never thrilled w/ idea of having to use a non-apple keypad w/ it - also just generally unimpressed. UNTIL the iPad Pro, which has changed my mind - paired w/ the smart keyboard I would use in addition to my MBP for basics: Document writing / web-browsing / communication / emails.
Ease of travel is a huge benefactor for me. Plus had a scary moment w/ my macbook pro today working on the couch w/ it resting on a pillow - must have gotten too hot and forced restart. Luckily I frequently save documents I'm working on - but could have been really bad. (My MBP is a late 2013 / loaded to gills / hardly any files on / use for heavy work - photoshop - lightroom / etc.
My question : W/ the smart keyboard rounds out to around a bit shy of a $1k for 32gb / Wifi / No Cellular. Worth it?