I know i want the 10th anniversary Apple TV set with shiny Apple logo, and for the ultimate experience can i add two HomePods to my purchase, please?
I'm just saying.....
I'm just saying.....
Margins for TV sets are really low because of how long consumers hold on to them. It's one of the reasons TV manufacturers try to push new techs (gimmicks) to the public. Stuff that has no broad support (3Dtv anyone??)
It's easier to put out and sell an updated set top box. Than an entire new TV set.
What would be their motivation to take the old one back? It's used, and last year's tech, if they re-sell it then it's competing against the new screens they'd be selling, and if they, hmm, recycle it, they're out most of what they paid you as trade-in value.I'd be in for a new tv on a yearly basis if I could trade in the old one easily. Nowadays it's harder to sell a used tv due to size and technology.
A soundbar is probably the last thing next to an actually TV that Apple should make, as it greatly limits their customer base to those who'd use a soundbar and those who have a space for one.An actual Apple television set is completely unnecessary, given how small devices such as the Chromecast, Amazon Fire stick, or even the larger Apple TV box currently are. What Apple should have done was create a soundbar with Siri and Apple TV functionality baked in. There's no reason why the HomePod should be a connected speaker alone, when it can easily be the center of the connected/smart home entertainment hub, with ability to build out greater functionality with Home Kit.
A soundbar is probably the last thing next to an actually TV that Apple should make, as it greatly limits their customer base to those who'd use a soundbar and those who have a space for one.
People who mount them on a wall, or other situations where space is limited.Who doesn't have space for at least a sound bar? I'd never use one, as I prefer at least a proper 5.1 setup. But not even enough space for a sound bar? TV speakers are garbage.
Who doesn't have space for at least a sound bar? I'd never use one, as I prefer at least a proper 5.1 setup. But not even enough space for a sound bar? TV speakers are garbage.
The HomePod can't, by definition, provide traditional 5.1, which requires speakers in five separate places in the room. It's entirely likely it can play 5.1 encoded material in an "interesting" way, just as some sound bars will try to bounce what should be rear channel sound off your side walls - indeed, the HomePod is said to take measure of the acoustic space when first connected (playing sounds and listening to the echos), to aid in doing such things, but how the results sound when watching movies is something we don't know yet. The thought has crossed my mind of buying a stereo pair of HomePods, something they are said to handle well, but I wonder if Apple might eventually make "HomePodMini", or some such, for rear channel use.So HomePod doesn't provide 5.1 at least?
No profit margins in TVs, add in Apple's premium pricing and people will be unwilling to spend $$ on an Apple TV set when they can save a boat load of money on a SamsungI know i want the 10th anniversary Apple TV set
No profit margins in TVs, add in Apple's premium pricing and people will be unwilling to spend $$ on an Apple TV set when they can save a boat load of money on a Samsung
Nope. Music speakers and sound bars are two different beasts. You don't want a homepod for TV
Why? i would think it would be better then the TV Speakers, right? I have 8 Apple TV's. 2 have sound bars. I am planning to use HomePods for some of the other TV's. I.E. Will be used to play music and also TV Audio. And as SIRI Speakers similar to the purpose of Alexa. Seems to be a good fit.Nope. Music speakers and sound bars are two different beasts. You don't want a homepod for TV
At one time I thought it would be cool, but honestly the internal ATV hardware is going to be outdated before the screen. Not to mention I'm sure Apple would charge through the nose for it.
Hard to find a TV that is not smart. Every manufacture, adding a streaming box insided their TV's. Why not make it a good one? Apple needs to not only make a really smart TV, but also license to all TV manufacturers. Amazon trying this approach with their FireTV and Ruku also going in that direction. TV's are churning at a much faster rate then in the past as cost come down and more features added. Why not Apple TV, a quality product?Margins for TV sets are really low because of how long consumers hold on to them. It's one of the reasons TV manufacturers try to push new techs (gimmicks) to the public. Stuff that has no broad support (3Dtv anyone??)
It's easier to put out and sell an updated set top box. Than an entire new TV set.
Hard to find a TV that is not smart. Every manufacture, adding a streaming box insided their TV's. Why not make it a good one? Apple needs to not only make a really smart TV, but also license to all TV manufacturers. Amazon trying this approach with their FireTV and Ruku also going in that direction. TV's are churning at a much faster rate then in the past as cost come down and more features added. Why not Apple TV, a quality product?
I just hope we get a more powerful version with more storage, looking to upgrade form the ATV 3 but have a feeling they could release the 5 this year