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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
Seems odd to have the Macbook AND new version (2015) of the MBA, and after playing with both at the Apple store, I figure I can go without the Retina in exchange for more power and flexibility (ports, etc)...but since the redesign is so new, it seems doubtful, at least for a while yet. If the rMB was $999, I'd probably go there, but I don't see paying for Retina at the same price as the new MBA
Seems odd to have the Macbook AND new version (2015) of the MBA, and after playing with both at the Apple store, I figure I can go without the Retina in exchange for more power and flexibility (ports, etc)...but since the redesign is so new, it seems doubtful, at least for a while yet. If the rMB was $999, I'd probably go there, but I don't see paying for Retina at the same price as the new MBA

Best Buy has the 2015 MBPR on sale for $1099 right NOW for the 128GB base. Combine that with a 10% coupon and wow. It's basically almost the price as the MBA 13". Also keep in mind the 13" MBA while lighter has a bigger footprint compared to the MBA.
Best Buy has the 2015 MBPR on sale for $1099 right NOW for the 128GB base. Combine that with a 10% coupon and wow. It's basically almost the price as the MBA 13". Also keep in mind the 13" MBA while lighter has a bigger footprint compared to the MBA.

I know, and that's been tempting me as well, since I saw it here on the forums, however, I really, REALLY like the portability (weight) of my wife's MBA (and the rMB, of course), and since I'll be replacing my mid-2009 13" MBP (it's become so sluggish, even after upgrading RAM to 8GB), I like the idea of a super portable system, light enough that I use it more just because it's easy to grab and go. I know the 2015 MBP is thinner/lighter than mine, but unfortunately it seems like a brick when I spent some time with rMB and MBA in the Apple store. I do SOME photoshop on my laptop, but not much, and no video editing - I need it to be my travel computer, but keep my 27" iMac as the workhorse.
Seriously, the word portability gets thrown around so much here.

Are you guys that weak that an extra pound on a rMBP is too much? I just got a new rMBP and I have no problem lifting it, and I don't even work out. :)

Try this. Do like SpongeBob does. Take a stick, put a stuffed animal at each end and lift that for awhile. That might build some muscles. :)

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but I just think people thinking that a rMBP isn't portable and looking at an Air or rMB for that reason have other issues that need addressed.
Seriously, the word portability gets thrown around so much here.

Are you guys that weak that an extra pound on a rMBP is too much? I just got a new rMBP and I have no problem lifting it, and I don't even work out. :)

Try this. Do like SpongeBob does. Take a stick, put a stuffed animal at each end and lift that for awhile. That might build some muscles. :)

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but I just think people thinking that a rMBP isn't portable and looking at an Air or rMB for that reason have other issues that need addressed.

I'm a pretty strong guy, lifting weights 4X/week - it's not that it is 'too heavy' for me, not at all, it's the process itself, that when picking up an ultralight laptop, it feels so much more portable, so my mindset is around BEING more mobile with it. I think portability is serious, particularly when it is not your main machine. The perception of portability likely translates into increased usage in a portable way.
Seriously, the word portability gets thrown around so much here.

Are you guys that weak that an extra pound on a rMBP is too much? I just got a new rMBP and I have no problem lifting it, and I don't even work out. :)

Try this. Do like SpongeBob does. Take a stick, put a stuffed animal at each end and lift that for awhile. That might build some muscles. :)

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but I just think people thinking that a rMBP isn't portable and looking at an Air or rMB for that reason have other issues that need addressed.

Maybe there's not a huge difference between the 13" MBA and 13" rMBP but the 11" MBA is significantly more portable than both.

It's not so much, "can you lift it?" Of course basically anybody can easily lift any one of these laptops.

The question is, is the laptop light enough that you can easily carry it with you around the house without thinking twice about it? Or balance it on one knee if you feel like crossing your legs while reading something? Or can you lift it by a corner without a second thought and quickly pass it to a friend to show them a web site? etc.

I curl 35 lbs. (per arm) to work out and I can probably curl about 50 lbs. once. And the rMBP isn't portable enough for my taste.
Since we are throwing stats out :D, that is music to my ears. But kidding aside i am a personal trainer 6'2 220lbs and VERY lean. My flat bench average is around 305lbx10.

But seriously.... I have used the 11" MBA i used in bed and around the house. And and now own a 13.3" MBPR. The 11" was awesome in bed on my chest while watching TV or on the couch. Only problem is i have bigger hands and i would get cramps from the lack of wrist rest & typing on it was uncomfortable. As far as carrying the 2015 MBPR i just got around the house its LIGHT work still for me.

I guess i could see the argument if you are a road warrior and travel on planes every day etc. The lighter laptop would pay its dividends.

I also think the MBR is a sexy machine, but same problem, keyboard too small for me and lack of wrist rest. I can literally palm pick up the 2015 mBR laying flat with my fingers wrapped around it. Its toy small to me. So the "lightest" its always the best. Hopefully Apple makes a 14" version in V2, that would grab my attention.

But if you want portability obviously the 11" Air is nice. Picking up the 13" MBA and MBPR i don't feel a big difference at all. IN fact the MBA 13" has a bigger footprint compared to the MBPR oddly.

Its only if you go for the 11" Air is where its going to be super light. Or the MBR. But the 13" MBA and MBPR feel pretty close in weight.
Seriously, the word portability gets thrown around so much here.

Are you guys that weak that an extra pound on a rMBP is too much? I just got a new rMBP and I have no problem lifting it, and I don't even work out. :)

Try this. Do like SpongeBob does. Take a stick, put a stuffed animal at each end and lift that for awhile. That might build some muscles. :)

Sorry to be so sarcastic, but I just think people thinking that a rMBP isn't portable and looking at an Air or rMB for that reason have other issues that need addressed.

Sounds like somebody owns a 13" rMBP. ;)


Seems odd to have the Macbook AND new version (2015) of the MBA, and after playing with both at the Apple store, I figure I can go without the Retina in exchange for more power and flexibility (ports, etc)...but since the redesign is so new, it seems doubtful, at least for a while yet. If the rMB was $999, I'd probably go there, but I don't see paying for Retina at the same price as the new MBA

Your wish came true. You can get 2015 13" 128GB MBA for $799.99 ($200 off) at Best Buy. You can also save another 10% by using a movers coupon from USPS and possibly another $50 using an EDU coupon.
Your wish came true. You can get 2015 13" 128GB MBA for $799.99 ($200 off) at Best Buy. You can also save another 10% by using a movers coupon from USPS and possibly another $50 using an EDU coupon.

They must have JUST updated that. I checked earlier today and it was $950 on sale, $50 off. Best Buy is going nuts with the 2015 sales! $1099 for the 2015 MBPR and $799 for the MBA 13" :eek::eek::eek:

Combined with movers coupon thats $300 off each roughly! The 2015 models just came out too!

The 2015 13" is the SAME price as the 2014 on sale. In fact the 11" is more money lol?
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May I ask (several) dumb questions?

Coupons aside (I assume if I google, I may find them - if not, advice would be welcome ), are the BestBuy computers upgradeable or just the base models? Also, is it possible to get AppleCare, or is that only if you buy the computer through Apple?

Many thanks!
May I ask (several) dumb questions?

Coupons aside (I assume if I google, I may find them - if not, advice would be welcome ), are the BestBuy computers upgradeable or just the base models? Also, is it possible to get AppleCare, or is that only if you buy the computer through Apple?

Many thanks!

For 10% movers coupon you can go to the post office and ask for a change of address packet and you should find a BBY activation code inside to get the actual coupon via email. The $200 sale is for the base model only and they are not really upgradeable (especially RAM), but I think you can upgrade SSD if you can find a compatible one (which I'm not sure if it exists). You can buy AppleCare from BBY, but I would buy from Amazon, B&H, or Adorama since it's much cheaper through online retailer. It doesn't matter that you purchased the computer elsewhere.
The Best Buy $799.99 MBA 13" is for the 4th gen processor model, not the newly updated 5th gen ones.
The Best Buy $799.99 MBA 13" is for the 4th gen processor model, not the newly updated 5th gen ones.

Check again. It says "latest" model. I JUST picked up a 2015 one today for $799 minus the 10% movers coupon. They were on sale for $949 when i was there yesterday. But updated to $799 today. Maybe a glitch but I'm not complaining lol.

So it was $719 before tax :). I just checked i got a email and the sale is until Sunday or Monday i think.
Did you get rid of your new mbpr?

Nah i picked up the Air for my wife and kid to split. I was originally thinking about getting the MBR for a "house" computer. You know school projects etc. But for $719 and saving almost $600. The MBA will do JUST FINE! :cool

I sold a 2013 MBA 11" i had around on my eBay store for $650. So that MBA was not only a upgrade, but a STEAL!
Sounds like somebody owns a 13" rMBP. ;)


Yep. :)

I recently bought a new 2015 13" rMBP and love it. I didn't have any experience with Apple Laptops, just the iMac, since I have a early '09 iMac.

So I was originally looking at a 2015 Air. I looked at them briefly at an Apple store and liked the form factor. But after I started configuring it on the Apple website with updated processor, ram and SSD size, it ended up being just $50 cheaper than a rMBP with basically the same specs. So I just opted for the rMBP, figured it was the better laptop and only a $50 difference.

When I was trying to make up my mind, a few of my buddies joked with me about the tiny difference in size and told me if I couldn't carry around a rMBP then I need to see a doctor for vitamins or something. hehe

I'm glad I did. I don't think I really would have noticed much of a difference in performance, but I do like the Retina screen.
Check again. It says "latest" model. I JUST picked up a 2015 one today for $799 minus the 10% movers coupon. They were on sale for $949 when i was there yesterday. But updated to $799 today. Maybe a glitch but I'm not complaining lol.

So it was $719 before tax :). I just checked i got a email and the sale is until Sunday or Monday i think.

You're right, it says latest. It also says 4th generation processor. I confirmed this with customer service. It's the latest model of the previous iteration of this laptop.


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You're right, it says latest. It also says 4th generation processor. I confirmed this with customer service. It's the latest model of the previous iteration of this laptop.

Best Buy is on a ROLL this week with 2015 sales! Its gone now but they had the 2015 MBPR marked down to $1099! Same price as the NON retina MBPR :eek:

And today $799 on the $999 MBA! Combine that with a 10% movers coupon that is some NICE savings for someone on the fence on buying one. Hell i sold my 2013 MBA 11" on eBay the other day for $650 with just a few extras like a case and sleeve lol.
Nah i picked up the Air for my wife and kid to split. I was originally thinking about getting the MBR for a "house" computer. You know school projects etc. But for $719 and saving almost $600. The MBA will do JUST FINE! :cool

I sold a 2013 MBA 11" i had around on my eBay store for $650. So that MBA was not only a upgrade, but a STEAL!

I sold my 13" mba yesterday and almost want to go grab one from best buy as an extra. Not to mention my best buy let me combine my movers and edu coupon today when I got my 13" mbpr.
I just bought the MBA from Best Buy today using a coupon with the $50 off. Amazing deal and I'm happy!
I just bought the MBA from Best Buy today using a coupon with the $50 off. Amazing deal and I'm happy!

I'm sure! This was a AWESOME deal for someone who was on the fence with the first gen MBR, especially what it currently offers for $1299. The 2015 MBA 13" especially for that sale price is a awesome machine, not to mention you are saving $500-$600?. Being a guy with big hands i LOVE the extra wrist space on the 13" MBA, it has more than my MBPR does. I have big hands and i find typing on my 2015 MBA 13" is MORE comfortable than my MBPR, although the MBPR is not too far behind. And the keys are a tad more shallow on the MBA. Both almost equal trade offs.

All in all the 2015 MBA will hold many over JUST fine until Apple makes a 14" version of the new MBR :) Well for those looking for the at least 13" screen and extra wrist rest area.
For 10% movers coupon you can go to the post office and ask for a change of address packet and you should find a BBY activation code inside to get the actual coupon via email. The $200 sale is for the base model only and they are not really upgradeable (especially RAM), but I think you can upgrade SSD if you can find a compatible one (which I'm not sure if it exists). You can buy AppleCare from BBY, but I would buy from Amazon, B&H, or Adorama since it's much cheaper through online retailer. It doesn't matter that you purchased the computer elsewhere.

Thank you! That's fantastically helpful. It is so tempting; yet, the base model is not what I need. It's great that so many of you can take advantage of this.
I just bought a 2015 air, and it does circles around my 2015 13" pro b.c it does not have to drive the retina display. Not to mention I got a Samsung screen and SSD with 1500 read and write speeds.

It's crazy to me that the entry into the Mac world performs better than the flagship. Granted I did get it maxed out.
I just bought a 2015 air, and it does circles around my 2015 13" pro b.c it does not have to drive the retina display. Not to mention I got a Samsung screen and SSD with 1500 read and write speeds.

It's crazy to me that the entry into the Mac world performs better than the flagship. Granted I did get it maxed out.

I don't know what kind of circles, but I guess driving retina screen is taxing the system. Still wouldn't give up my 2015 rMBP for an Air.
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