Is that a requirement?
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well.
I wouldn't, who's going to know?
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well.
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well.
You'd be surprised how much Apple know.
yeah i'm really only ever in the Mac Basics & Help helping people out, and occasionally in the MBP/PB & marketplace forums.
and thinking about it...for them to stay someone can't go on rumors sites is like them saying don't use the internet these days...
you don't. can't.
No, i WILL find a way out.You're trapped here. There is no escaping the Mac world.
USA: Land of the Free, as long as Apple approves.
Yeah, I mean as long as you don't post in rumor threads you should be fine. I bet that Apple has employes that spend the day combing these type of sites, so see there are Apple employes posting on rumor sites. Come out and reveal yourselves!