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I would think that you would need to contact one of the admin to do that as I see no option in the User CP.
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well. :(
Start calling the gods names, they'll get mad at you and make you vanish.


But with so few posts, simply asking them to close the account and modifying your visible personal data in your profile should work...
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well. :(

You don't need to close your account the terms of the agreement are that you can't participate, meaning post any info. It doesn't really matter, how would anyone find out, or care as long as you don't post pictures of the next big thing.

Anyway you can keep your account and you can read macrumors, you just can't post.
Wow... I'm gonna be ******. I love MacRumors...a lot.
Looks like I need to talk to a Mod soon as well. :(

It is only partially true. You can still participate in the non-rumor sections of the forums, including Current Events, Politics, Marketplace, and the help forums.

I have many friends who work/worked for Apple, and they were still allowed to come here, so long as they didn't identify themselves as working for Apple, and did not comment on actual rumors.

yeah i'm really only ever in the Mac Basics & Help helping people out, and occasionally in the MBP/PB & marketplace forums.

and thinking about it...for them to stay someone can't go on rumors sites is like them saying don't use the internet these days...
yeah i'm really only ever in the Mac Basics & Help helping people out, and occasionally in the MBP/PB & marketplace forums.

and thinking about it...for them to stay someone can't go on rumors sites is like them saying don't use the internet these days...

Yeah, I mean as long as you don't post in rumor threads you should be fine. I bet that Apple has employes that spend the day combing these type of sites, so see there are Apple employes posting on rumor sites. Come out and reveal yourselves!

I've merged your threads as per Forum Rules, we ask that people do not create duplicate threads on the same subject. Thanks.

And PoD is correct-- PM an admin in the event that it's much too tempting to simply not log in to your MR account. ;)
Yeah, I mean as long as you don't post in rumor threads you should be fine. I bet that Apple has employes that spend the day combing these type of sites, so see there are Apple employes posting on rumor sites. Come out and reveal yourselves!


A lot of Apple employees read & post to these sites, no doubt.

I doubt if many of these instances are "flagged" by Apple, but if there was an information leak they certainly would have a history of all external comms, though there are ways around that.. ;)

They're not going to fire anyone simply for browsing/participating in this site, but if your project was leaked to the public and your history shows you frequent rumour sites, it's a handy clause for them to have in the contract which means they can easily terminate you without having to prove you leaked the info.
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