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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 28, 2021
I started reading regularly around 2009 and I'm pretty sure I've checked the site at least daily since then. But I only very recently registered for the forums and starting posting because of the toxic hellhole that Twitter has become.

I'm curious how long you were regularly reading and how long before you started posting too?
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Nov 30, 2014
For me it has been at least 7-8 years (if not longer). HOWEVER, I've often 'left' and come back. With that, I have had various accounts. Alas, this current one is my longest, since I also contribute...
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I can't remember when I first looked at it but 2019 is when I joined. It can get pretty toxic here too. You would think this forum would be just people who share a mutual like for Apple products but you would be very wrong 🤦‍♂️

I can't do Twitter because of the TikTok auto playing videos annoy the hell out of me. I am fine watching them on TikTok but it's not the same... Maybe I'm just weird 🤣


macrumors 6502a
Jan 21, 2006
East Coast
May 26, 2007 was my first post here I first joined in Jan of 2006, so I lurked for close to a year and a half. I stopped visiting around 5-6 years ago, though...gravitated away from Mac and Apple interests, but returned this year.
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
I think it was 2014 for me.

Prior to MR, I was on MacAddict/MacLife.

They merged with some other PC site in 2013-2014ish and a short time after, the whole MacLife forum was accidentally deleted, or that is was I heard. So, thousands useful threads disappeared. All that was left was the PC side of the forum, which I was not interested in, so I moved on.

What interest me in MR was the ATV rumors. I was huge fan of the ATV1, 2, and 3, and loved MR coverage on what ended up being the ATV4 and tvOS.

Was really let down by tvOS when it first launched, as the rumors had it being so much better than what it ended up being, but that is what got me hooked to MR.
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Sep 13, 2014
For the vast majority of my life and almost as long as I've been on the internet. I'm 23 and I've been reading since at least 8 years old or so. For the longest time I never engaged with the forum but finally joined in 2014 to participate in an iPhone 6 tracking thread.

If you were to arrange all the websites I've been visiting daily by longest period since I first started daily visiting then MacRumors would be at the top of the list accompanied by YouTube. MacRumors is the oldest 'news' website I remember reading as a kid.

I made an appreciation thread for the MacRumors team a while back because my childhood love for Apple was facilitated through this site and ultimately that helped inspire me to pursue a technology career.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 28, 2021
It can get pretty toxic here too. You would think this forum would be just people who share a mutual like for Apple products but you would be very wrong 🤦‍♂️
In my opinion MacRumors is about the average level of toxicity for what you could realistically expect for an Internet forum in 2022. One advantage to MR is that since most of the discussions are grouped by articles, you can skip the polarizing stuff (e.g. anything App Store / sideloading related) and just focus on the products posts, like people speculating on Apple silicon Mac Pros.

Trust me when I say that Twitter is way way worst when it comes to toxicity than MR haha.


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2014
Seattle, WA
I joined very late in 2014. Ten years after getting my first Apple product, a fourth-generation iPod in 2004. This is the only forum I use on a regular basis.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 2, 2007
I started visiting in 2003. I signed up to the forums in 2007. Been around quite a while.

I was visiting Think Secret around the same time and MacOSX Hints if anyone remembers that site. Both now gone but MacRumors remains!
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I joined on August 31, 2011. That was after about a week of finding the site and reading. 2011 was sort of a perfect storm for online social interactions, which is why I came here - not for rumors.

My focus at the time was PowerPC Macs because that's what I was using and MR had a great PowerPC Mac community (still does). Shortly after I signed up though (maybe about a year) all the old, long term users started departing for various reasons and the newer users established themselves. So what we have now is not what was there when I signed up - but I'd like to believe it's a community that helps everyone out. I think it does.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I can't remember when I first looked at it but 2019 is when I joined. It can get pretty toxic here too. You would think this forum would be just people who share a mutual like for Apple products but you would be very wrong 🤦‍♂️
In my opinion MacRumors is about the average level of toxicity for what you could realistically expect for an Internet forum in 2022. One advantage to MR is that since most of the discussions are grouped by articles, you can skip the polarizing stuff (e.g. anything App Store / sideloading related) and just focus on the products posts, like people speculating on Apple silicon Mac Pros.

Trust me when I say that Twitter is way way worst when it comes to toxicity than MR haha.
I am not and never have been here for the front page rumors, nor the sections that lead off those pages into the actual discussion forum for them.

If that's what you guys are here for you're going to find all types of people in there, including the trolls. That's another reason I don't go in there. Rumors about something that may or may not be an actual thing is not enough for me to deal with any negativity.

Where MR shines (generally) is its individual forums. And that's why I'm here. To engage with others that have similar interests.


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
I was only lurking here for my first couple of visits. So that was only days before I joined (in 2008) and I've been reading and posting almost every day since.
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Apr 11, 2018
I believe I started lurking in 2014 and joined in 2018 upon getting my first MBP. I started posting right away.
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
I started reading MacRumors in spring 2008; my interest was not the news, but the fact that I had "switched" to Apple, and treated myself (after a lot of thought) to a belated birthday present, an Apple MBP, and I had questions that I thought the forum might be able to answer.

Then, I joined the forum in late July of that year, mainly because I had questions to ask; I stayed around because I found it an interesting place - this was the first online comunity that I have joined - and through it, I have met quite a number of interesting, and decent, individuals, some of whom have become online friends.
I started reading and lurking around this website around 2009. That was right after graduating from High School. In 2010, started to lurk around this website more when iPhone 4 drama was being unfolded. I was too shy to make any comments or make a post (I don't know why but I was just scared) However, I would just visit this website and read people's comments on a regular basis.

It took me 4 long years to build self-confidence and courage and finally create an account. Could not have been proud of myself. I wish I had done it sooner. It's been a heck of an experience since then.

MacRumors Forever, Long Live. Cheers! :D
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
In my opinion MacRumors is about the average level of toxicity for what you could realistically expect for an Internet forum in 2022. One advantage to MR is that since most of the discussions are grouped by articles, you can skip the polarizing stuff (e.g. anything App Store / sideloading related) and just focus on the products posts, like people speculating on Apple silicon Mac Pros.

Trust me when I say that Twitter is way way worst when it comes to toxicity than MR haha.
I’ve seen people try to be toxic when it comes to benign stuff but yeah I get your point becaaue some topics get out of control. I like how it’s organized so you can keep on topic of th thread and for the most part mods pretty good at enforcing that. I surely wouldn’t want their job.

I wonder why Twitter is more toxic? I can see on political discussions because of their nature but Apple? I never understood why some people have strong hatred against Apple but I guess it is what it is
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