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macrumors Core
Jul 17, 2005
5045 feet above sea level
Somewhere around October to December of 2000. I was looking to get a new Power Mac and was trying to find out what the next one was going to be. Came across MacRumors. Found out about the upcoming MacWorld Expo and to wait for that for announcements. Went to the Expo and got a DA G4 on release day from Fry's.
Didn't these forums start in 2001?...


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I am not and never have been here for the front page rumors, nor the sections that lead off those pages into the actual discussion forum for them.

If that's what you guys are here for you're going to find all types of people in there, including the trolls. That's another reason I don't go in there. Rumors about something that may or may not be an actual thing is not enough for me to deal with any negativity.

Where MR shines (generally) is its individual forums. And that's why I'm here. To engage with others that have similar interests.
I think you’re right that maybe some of these topics are a bit more crazy. Even basic discussion though like if someone asks if they should get one model or the other can bring out that. If I feel they’re trolling I try to avoid them. If I feel they’re really trying to get the discussion going sometimes I’ll entertan it. I think it depends on my day because some days I don’t have patience to deal with madness so I avoid it altogether.


macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
Didn't these forums start in 2001?...

Macrumors goes back to 2000. Don't recall if the forums started yet. But the articles did.

Not sure when I first posted. I started with a different and long forgotten username. As I thought I'd only post once or twice. It was just something random.

I'd forgotten Macrumors wasn't really articles. More like a hub that linked to rumors. As I recall. I wasn't really a regular. It was just something that I'd look through occassionally. When I came across it in my search results. As I was constantly trying to find out what was next for Apple.
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I think you’re right that maybe some of these topics are a bit more crazy. Even basic discussion though like if someone asks if they should get one model or the other can bring out that. If I feel they’re trolling I try to avoid them. If I feel they’re really trying to get the discussion going sometimes I’ll entertan it. I think it depends on my day because some days I don’t have patience to deal with madness so I avoid it altogether.
I use the ignore feature a lot.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
How does that work? Do they no longer see your posts or it's just you not seeing their posts?
You hover over their username and select 'Ignore'.


They see your posts unless they ignore you as well. They can even quote you, but the forum software will not show those posts to you.

Any thread they start you will not see, except maybe in the main forum list. If they respond in a thread you are involved in you'll see that the posts skip a number.

For instance, user A posts message number 4. User B, who you are ignoring, will post message number 5. User C posts message number 6. You see: post #4 and post #6, skipping post #5.

If some other user quotes them, you'll see a note saying "You are ignoring this user" and a link to temporarily view the quoted post.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
You hover over their username and select 'Ignore'.

View attachment 2044614

They see your posts unless they ignore you as well. They can even quote you, but the forum software will not show those posts to you.

Any thread they start you will not see, except maybe in the main forum list. If they respond in a thread you are involved in you'll see that the posts skip a number.

For instance, user A posts message number 4. User B, who you are ignoring, will post message number 5. User C posts message number 6. You see: post #4 and post #6, skipping post #5.

If some other user quotes them, you'll see a note saying "You are ignoring this user" and a link to temporarily view the quoted post.
Well I guess if someone was being a big troll I would do that. Most of the time I just don’t bother responding if I think someone is trying to bait me.

I don’t feel the need to ignore someone if they disagree with me though. I think that’s what makes discussion because everyone has different opinions, thoughts and perspectives. It would be boring if we all thought the same things. I think most disagreements can be caused by differences in perspective. There’s a cartoon I’ve seen where two people are looking at a number and one says it’s a 9 and the other says no it’s a 6. They’re both right. I think that really is a big issue when it comes to computers because everyone makes recommendations and pinions opinions based on their needs and experiences. I’ve had to learn how to give tech advice to my friends because my first instinct is tell them what I would do but that’s not the best advice for them. It’s almost like you have to step in their shoes and think about what would be best in that situation. I find that in many disagreements perspective plays a major role because from where that person standing they feel their right and they are.

Of course I’m not talking about people trying to bait or troll. I guess I have to learn to use the ignore button for that


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Well I guess if someone was being a big troll I would do that. Most of the time I just don’t bother responding if I think someone is trying to bait me.

I don’t feel the need to ignore someone if they disagree with me though. I think that’s what makes discussion because everyone has different opinions, thoughts and perspectives. It would be boring if we all thought the same things. I think most disagreements can be caused by differences in perspective. There’s a cartoon I’ve seen where two people are looking at a number and one says it’s a 9 and the other says no it’s a 6. They’re both right. I think that really is a big issue when it comes to computers because everyone makes recommendations and pinions opinions based on their needs and experiences. I’ve had to learn how to give tech advice to my friends because my first instinct is tell them what I would do but that’s not the best advice for them. It’s almost like you have to step in their shoes and think about what would be best in that situation. I find that in many disagreements perspective plays a major role because from where that person standing they feel their right and they are.

Of course I’m not talking about people trying to bait or troll. I guess I have to learn to use the ignore button for that
Agree with you. Where I draw the line is when discussions turns into personal attack. Attacking my argument is one thing. Attacking my character is another.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
Agree with you. Where I draw the line is when discussions turns into personal attack. Attacking my argument is one thing. Attacking my character is another.
Yeah that’s not good. Even if I really disagree with someone I try hard not to make my disagreement with them but rather with what they’re saying. It’s easy to say you’re ____ but what you should be saying is that’s _____. Once it gets down to personal attacks then it’s just gone south and mods are pulling their hair out trying to clean it up. I think it would be great if people learned to debate but not get so angry or emotional about it. Many people just shut down and can’t deal with disagreement which is unfortunate.
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macrumors 68040
Jul 18, 2002
I started reading in 2000, must've been shortly after launch. I registered a user account finally in 2002.

The forums here have generally been very well moderated, but I simply duck out of any threads where things start getting sideways — life's too short to waste on all that nonsense.

Back in 2000, Mac OS Rumors was the dominant Apple rumor-mongering site on the Internet. Over the years their rumors got more and more outlandish and inaccurate and people simply stopped paying attention to them. Looks like the site is still up, but there was one solitary update posted since 2012. Times change!

Cave Man

macrumors 604
Feb 12, 2007 is my MacRumors "birthday." :)

A substantial effort in those early days was put into home video. I had a lot of posts on using the early Intel Mac minis for home theater, and (with DynaFlash) hardware hacking the original Apple TV so that SATA hard drives could be used. The ATV1 had a PATA interface so getting SATA dramatically increased the size of hard drives that were available for use. I think at one time my ATV1 had a 1.5 TB hard drive. I also did a lot of Blu-ray to Apple TV and Mac work, which was obviated when MakeMKV became available. I was also the one who first proposed the Apple TV and Home Theater forum.

Other than that, mostly chit chat in the off-topic form that was discontinued many months ago, and general questions and help to others.


macrumors 68040
Apr 27, 2003
The first "rumor" site I read was SpyMac back in (or around) 2001. I was a heavy user in their forums, but the site (famous for their "iWalk" rumor) started getting too broad in scope, offering email and all sorts of other features and services, and visually heavy (it took forever to load every page).

Some time around 2002 I found MacRumors – it took me about a year to create an account here, but I've made it a daily read ever since.


macrumors 68020
Feb 25, 2011
The first "rumor" site I read was SpyMac back in (or around) 2001. I was a heavy user in their forums, but the site (famous for their "iWalk" rumor) started getting too broad in scope, offering email and all sorts of other features and services, and visually heavy (it took forever to load every page).

Some time around 2002 I found MacRumors – it took me about a year to create an account here, but I've made it a daily read ever since.
WOW! You win! :D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
A friend bought an iMac and in email was bubbling with enthusiasm over this wonderful new computer. This was in the summer of 2005. I had been away from home for a while and didn't have much free time but one day decided to learn more about Macs, as I really didn't know a lot about them, and ran across MR. As a Windows user I anticipated finding lots of posts grumbling about this or that, incompatibilities, issues with whatever the Mac folks called their Registry, etc. I was startled to find that this wasn't the case at all. People really LOVED their Macs! Wow....what a concept!

It was a revelation, seeing that it was possible to truly enjoy using a computer and getting great results regardless of what one needed or wanted to do. People weren't complaining abut their machines, they were talking about how they were using them and doing neat things with them. I was intrigued and whenever I had a chance would pop in and read a bit more. Time went on, and finally at the end of September I returned to my own home and to my Windows desktop, which had already been giving me problems even before I'd left.

I quickly got tired of fighting with that machine and knew it would need to be replaced. So off I went to the mall....and found myself in the Apple store looking at their offerings. The sales associate, though, was a bit too eager to show me everything instead of just letting me have a hands-on experience and play around with things myself, so I left, but the seed, which had already been planted, was slowly growing....

Another day shortly after that I needed to get new cartridges for my printer, so went to our local Microcenter, which is a store offering fully-built computers plus various components for the person who wants to build their own. I realized that, hey, they had an Apple section, too, and ah, no one was in there to bother me. I spent a bit of time looking at and experimenting with the iMacs, the Powerbooks, the Power Macs..... Huh, although there were obviously some differences between the OS on a Mac and Windows, they weren't as difficult to figure out as I'd anticipated. That was a fun time, my first experience with Macs!

Came home, got on MR and read more posts, but now, having had some actual interaction with a Mac and its OS, I was wondering about a few things, had some on October 9th I joined up. My timing was good, as a few days later Steve Jobs did a keynote in which he introduced a new version of the iMac, sharing his excitement at releasing the first iMac with -- wow -- its own built-in iSight camera! Steve talked on and I listened to him, looked at the machine and through my mind flashed, "I liked the other one, I don't need one with a camera in it...."

Later that day the thought occurred to me that now that they had this new version of the iMac, they'd be putting the other one, the rev B, on sale, wouldn't they? The very next day I was back at the Apple store and came home with my very first Mac, the iMac rev B. Didn't take me long to fall in love with that Mac and the whole Apple ecosystem!

Now I was hanging out at MR even more frequently. I had signed up with a user name that I'd developed as a "throwaway" rather than using the one that I customarily use for forum participation, thinking that I probably wouldn't be continuing to stick around MR long. Ah, but....things had changed. I had my first Mac. Now I knew I'd be around here a long time and so I was pleased when the Good Doctor Q obligingly changed my user name to my familiar one. I was settling in at MR......and am still here nearly 17 years later!


Feb 19, 2008
The Finger Lakes Region
I got when I was working in 2008 and in No Such Agency when they put together Mac minis in series to make ing stop and Csupercomputer setup and teaching them the networ &k Cisco Catalyst connections! after a couple you years in 2012 the 2012 Mac mini step too in game setup with upgraded connection ans software! You'll be surprised thart many of my co-workers turned me on about these forums!
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