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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 22, 2018
Hong Kong
My daily goal is around 600~ cal but often only hit the 400 cal mark, based on walking to/from and at work.
How much did you set yours to and how much do you burn through based on the AW?!

No cheating please :D

*I need to work on moving more to get the daily ring full, i also skate in a skatepark 3/4 times per week those calories are not calculated because i dont like to wear a watch when i fall so many times.

Jason Hensley

macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2018
My daily goal is around 600~ cal but often only hit the 400 cal mark, based on walking to/from and at work.
How much did you set yours to and how much do you burn through based on the AW?!

No cheating please :D

*I need to work on moving more to get the daily ring full, i also skate in a skatepark 3/4 times per week those calories are not calculated because i dont like to wear a watch when i fall so many times.
I burn >1000 move calories a day. I walk/run/swim/bike or various other cardio exercises for 1.5 hours every morning, and a 2-mile walk in the evening with my wife and dogs. I walk around throughout the day as well even though I have a desk job, I don’t like sitting still much. My move goal is set at 1000 calories.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 22, 2018
Hong Kong
I burn >1000 move calories a day. I walk/run/swim/bike or various other cardio exercises for 1.5 hours every morning, and a 2-mile walk in the evening with my wife and dogs. I walk around throughout the day as well even though I have a desk job, I don’t like sitting still much. My move goal is set at 1000 calories.
Nice, i have to up my game for sure then lol.


macrumors 65816
Nov 9, 2009
You can’t compare this without taking your sex, weight and other body parameter into consideration.

My resting cals are around 1700 kcal per day. 19km (with ~300m elevation) Trail Running @ 4:50min/km give me about 1200kcal extra.

Other runners can have total different results running the same trail with the same speed.
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macrumors member
Dec 16, 2016
I've got my goal at 400 but since May I'm exercising regulary and lost over 40 pounds since then. But I'm hesitating to up my goal from that because of losing my 70 moving goal streak :D

Whoops forgot about my active calories per day. I'm at about 1000 a day.
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2003
You can’t compare this without taking your sex, weight and other body parameter into consideration.

My resting cals are around 1700 kcal per day. 19km (with ~300m elevation) Trail Running @ 4:50min/km give me about 1200kcal extra.

Other runners can have total different results running the same trail with the same speed.

thanks. similar to my own stats.
my resting calories are actually only around 1400 kcal or so.
and for me its doing either lightly paced trail running, or, just even walking with frequent brisk walking intervals that approach a light running pace, but totaling up to 25 km or so. which generally yields around 1500 kcal of active calories.
i dont like running - its too much damage on my whole body frame !


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
I burn about 3300kcal a day which is the same amount I consume (constant body weight for decades). :eek::D Op's question should be How many Active calories a day do you burn? Also since calorics (in and out) are relative to the individual there is no way to compare absolute results.


macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
My goal is 500 but I burnt approximately 800 a day. I’m working out an hour a day though.

Jason Hensley

macrumors 6502a
Jun 6, 2018
I've got my goal at 400 but since May I'm exercising regulary and lost over 40 pounds since then. But I'm hesitating to up my goal from that because of losing my 70 moving goal streak :D

Whoops forgot about my active calories per day. I'm at about 1000 a day.
I love these stories. Keep it up! And congrats on your weight loss thus far!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
Prior to breaking my collarbone 2 months ago (downhill mountain bike fall resulting in distal fracture) I was hitting between 1100-1700 cals daily (depending if it was a swimming or a running day) but had my move goal set to 750.

Only been allowed to walk until today and have been hitting around 600-700 as I'm starting to get better but I'll be back in the pool soon :)


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2008
Total, about 4000 - 4500 calories a day this week.

Active, about 1500 - 1800 calories a day this week.


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2008

my god tell us what you do
The relatively easy part: Each day this week I am walking 4.72 miles at about a 14 minute per mile pace and 2.66 miles at about a 14 minute per mile pace with a weighted vest. I try to get 250 steps an hour during the day to make my Fitbit and Stand goals happy.

I increased my walks this week from 4.35 and 2.12 miles a day to keep up with my new Move goal.

The much harder part: I grew to 6’9” and (currently) about 260 pounds.


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2014
On average I burn about 1200 active calories a day and about 3000 total calories a day during the week and more on weekends. I workout every day, but I have a desk job and have to force myself to get up and move around during the week.


macrumors 68000
Sep 15, 2013
Lot 23E. Somewhere in Georgia.
I’m averaging 1795 resting and 411 active on the year. My move goal is 420.

This past month has sucked because I’ve done absolutely nothing. No running or resistance work because I’ve been super busy with work and family stuff. I’m looking forward to things slowing down so I can get back on track.

Knowlege Bomb

macrumors G4
Feb 14, 2008
Wow. I thought I was in decent shape but this thread is planting doubt in my head.

My goal is set to 420 which I can hit pretty easily if I get up and move around every hour (desk job). Without hitting the gym, which is much less frequent these days, I usually end the day around 460 - 500. When I lift, it jumps to around the 700 - 800 range.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2010
Vancouver, Canada
Series 4 is my first AW that I received on launch day and looking to increase my fitness. My goal is 800 but I've been doing 1200 activate calories every day since launch day. Resting energy is about 1900-2000 daily. I commute to work by bus and train, so I get some morning steps in but I go for a 1 hour brisk walk every evening. On weekends I do a 2 hour walk each day.


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2010
My goal is set at 500 but I average around 800 a day active I believe, around 1k on workout days and around 700 on regular days. I just joined the gym, before that I was trail running and working out at home (lost over 100lbs in the last year!) :D


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2018
Behind you
I swim for an hour everyday which is about 500 calories. It’s amazing the watch knows if I’m doing front crawl or breast stroke. It also counts my laps, though I’m surprised it considers each length of the pool to be a lap, not a round trip.
Of course swimming makes me ravenous. I just ate 8 glazed chicken tenders from McDonald’s, around 1300 calories, which negates my workout. I also passed out for twenty minutes from all the junk food. Lol
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macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2008
Which reinforces my point that calories are relative. We toss the term calorie around as if it is the same for everyone but it's not.
Calories are absolute and are the same for everyone.

A (US) gallon of gas is absolute and is the same for everyone.

How many calories a person needs or burns, or how many gallons of gas a car needs or burns, is relative.

I may burn more calories in a given time, but I’m also doing more work in that given time.


macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2014
At first, I set my goal at 500 and doubled it (almost*) everyday.
*I skipped the gym one day last week and a half-hour walk around the neighborhood did it for me

Got my first Perfect Week badge last Sunday (although I earned the perfect Stand goal, the badge didn't appear...), and the watch suggested I increase my move goal to something like 1250 kcal, but I only moved it up to 1100.

I wake up at 3 and get to the gym by 4h15 and I do 1 hour of elliptical, which gets me close to 800 kcal. The rest is just the day to day stuff... for someone who isn't a morning person and who never liked physical activity, it's nothing short of a feat, but I'm trying to stick to it.


macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
Man. Some of Seriously. Awesome.

So far this year I'm averaging 1854 resting and 445 active, for a total average of 2299/day.

I appreciate this thread because I'd never really used the Health app to look at trends over time or long periods (e.g. YTD, monthly averages). What's weird though is that there are months that I would swear I was a fair bit more active than others, yet my monthly averages are each fairly close to one another.


macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
Calories are absolute and are the same for everyone.

A (US) gallon of gas is absolute and is the same for everyone.

How many calories a person needs or burns, or how many gallons of gas a car needs or burns, is relative.

I may burn more calories in a given time, but I’m also doing more work in that given time.
I MEANT that calories are relative to the individual. I know that a calorie (or actually a kcal) is unit of energy and an absolute.

5 gallons of gas is relative to the vehicle used. Put 5 gallons in an SUV and it's vastly different in results than 5 gallons in a motorcycle.

See my first post:
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macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2014
You will also find that the more fit you become the more you have to workout to achieve the same amount of calorie burn. Our bodies learn to become super efficient so the amount of calories burned greatly depends on many different factors. That's why calorie calculation is so difficult and all of them are nothing more than an educated guess
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