I agree with @
The Game 161 comment that it isn't easy for Apple users to adapt to Android if they are dependent on the Apple Ecosystem.
Times have changed for me so it was a little easier to adapt. iMessage was great when it was first introduced because we paid for texting for most plans at the time. Most current plans include unlimited texting now. For international people that text me use Whatsapp or Hangouts.
I rarely facetime... and if I do... it's with my wife or kids. They all have gmail... so we use hangouts for facetime if we really need to video chat... or they can facetime me on my 6+.
Since we have been cable cutters for about 8+ years, all we do is stream... so we haven't bought any movies in a long time. Mainly stream music and videos (Kodi, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime) now. If we do purchase movies, it's through amazon prime since it can be accessed on any platform. I don't buy music anymore since streaming is available now... and most carriers allow you to stream without it counting against your data. Downloading music and movies is just wasted storage space for me now.
Most of the apps that are useful to me are a free downloads for both platforms. I don't game on my mobile devices... I have my gaming rig (in sig), ps4, xbox one for gaming.
It's possible to adapt if you break away from the Apple Ecosystem... even just a little. There are other ways to sync contacts, pics, documents to both platforms. I don't use iCloud, I go with a 3rd party 1TB cloud that syncs pics and documents... and use Google Contacts to sync my contacts to both devices. I didn't totally break away from Apple, I still use Apple music on my S7 Edge.
Again... if you depend on the Apple Ecosystem, I would just stick with iOS. Nothing wrong with that. I like both platforms... both are not perfect... but both does what I need it to do. Plus... I want to just enjoy new tech... no matter what platform it's on.