I ALeary’s have upgraded every year. I’m guessing those who have SS/ceramic or Hermes likely don’t always upgrade every year but the cheaper models are certainly more affordable to do this every year.
I’ve decided to not upgrade every year. I’ve been watching the space closely since series 0 and finally pulled my phone out with the series 4. I tried to upgrade to series 5 but Apple was paying peanuts for the series 4 in exchange deal. The series 5 doesn’t really do anything extra for me that I have to buy it anyway. So I chose not to buy it.
Coming to think of it, the series 4 satisfies all of my needs today and as I see that’s going to be the same going forward in the near future. So probably not going to upgrade until it stops working or stops getting OS upgrades.
That always on display is pretty profound if you ask me.
SS certainly do. Aluminium for example after one year on comparison sites the differences in terms of what you get back is like £50-£100 less than SS and considering SS can cost £800 compared to £429 of the aluminium it certainly makes you question it.I’m on my second AW and had the first one for nearly 3 years. I plan on keeping my Series 5 for about the same time as I can’t see the benefit of upgrading every year? These watches don’t seem to offer massive feature upgrades and look good with better longevity.
Another thing that would put me off upgrading often is the fact these devices lose so much of their value in such a short space of time.
The topic is way too exciting and powerful for sth. like that to be funny.
I do want my watch..
..to tell my car to lock the door as soon as my left arm is a centimeter past the doorframe;
I do want my watch..
..to tell my car immediately in case of a stroke, that we have to activate onboard sirens, engage auto-pilot without driver involvement (regardless of regulatory constraints), driving to the closest emergency room, whilst my watch does the emergency call and sends live data to those, that will at my arrival be informed, prepared and ready to act under ideal conditions - to the best of their abilities;
I do appreciate my watch..
..does try to protect & preserve my ability to hear,
what IF..
..it would just use that ability to intelligently adapt the volume of my speakers (or AirPods; regardless when and where) s.t.
For a start;
- walking by a construction site, I'll still be able to understand the podcast I'm listening to
- taking a shower, my watch senses the need to adapt the volume then when I do
- (...)
what IF..
..the 5th iteration of the watch would finally have had the capability of this suuuper niche feature call 'roaming'?
Given the current capabilities of the Series 5 Apple Watch, all it takes in Europe is some adventurous journey - in distance just like a drive from SF, CA to say Reno, Nevada (https://goo.gl/maps/7dUK8ynQVtknjT886) - in order for it to be useless. Useless of cause only in the rare case that one's iPhone runs out of juice..
Did you try any of the available sleep tracking apps?I upgrade my phone every year and my watch every 2 years. I have the S4, and want the S6 if it offer sleep tracking. If sleep tracking is offered through a software upgrade, then I’m going to just upgrade my phone first and upgrade my watch around Christmas time.
I’m currently trialing SleepWatch. It’s the first Apple Watch sleep tracking app I’ve used. I’ve used it for 2 nights so far.Well, I will update once the thing is able to do roaming. (My journey thus far was 3, then 4, bought a 5 for my grandmother & we still can not figure out the weird on/off display (some point in settings is the same as for ser4, but the new display makes that setting dysfunctional, which shows too little attention to detail - happens too often lately imho)
Regarding my wishlist for the future of Apple Watch - I can only refer you to my earlier remarks with regard to that;
Did you try any of the available sleep tracking apps?
(I'm currently subscribed to 'PILLOW' - previously to 'Sleep Cycle')
SS certainly do. Aluminium for example after one year on comparison sites the differences in terms of what you get back is like £50-£100 less than SS and considering SS can cost £800 compared to £429 of the aluminium it certainly makes you question it.
You can buy the aluminium for say £429 and after a year still get back maybe £150 so over the course of the year it’s not too bad to upgrade every year.
I wouldn’t consider the stainless steel again. I initially got the series 0 in aluminium as I had it on launch day and it was a new product and I didn’t know if I would find it useful. In August 2015 I bought the SS series 0 and sold the aluminium series 0. Only 1 year later in September 2016 the battery life had seriously depleted. It wasn’t lasting more than 8 hours and by early 2017 I was having to put it into low power mode after 5 hours and it would still die a long way before the end of my work day.I’d never consider the stainless personally but you’re right about the depreciation. However if I’d owned the Series 4 then there’s no way I’d have bought the Series 5 this year as the difference is minimal. My wife has an S4 and I have the S5 and apart from the AOD it’s effectively the same watch. Sure my S5 has a compass, noise detection and worse battery life lol.
I am seeing S4 aluminium watches for around 50% of their original value on eBay and some have barely been worn! I’d rather get a bit more value, but we are all different.