I know this topic has been beaten to death but I'm amazed how iMessage can be so popular in North America and Australia and yet be non existent in Europe.
iMessage for me. If I needed to use an alternative that was also secure, it would be Signal. No way I would sue WhatsApp or one of the other Google / FaceBoo owned / Social Media obsessed messaging apps.
I’m in Mexico. No one uses iMessage, despite most friends and family owning iPhones
Exactly. If people state they want to converse with me but won't make any real effort to do so, that tells me said people are either lying or lazy. Either way, I don't have time for either.This is my setup, I mainly use iMessage and for android friends i use signal, if they don’t want to use signal then or iMessage then I don’t contact them! Easy
I used to use WhatsApp until Facebook bought them.
I don’t get that, why have a iPhone and not use iMessage!
This, I think, is a big reason. At least in the US, pretty much everyone has unlimited SMS, not crossing borders with their communications, and a huge install base of iPhones, so Messages is it. Cross-platform wrt SMS and no-one needs to install any other app(s). All but one person I message regularly is iPhone, so, done deal. The one Android person has free SMS, but only uses whatever Google Hangouts is called these days. Can live with that as I have a Google Voice number, so need the app for that anyways.On pain of verbal assault from him about how much SMS costs him (and me) I continue to use it.
Here in Canada, at least in my friend bubble, everyone uses Facebook, Instagram messenger. or Snapchat. WhatsApp is virutally non-existent in Canada. I don't have a iPhone (though I plan to get one), so I can't say or judge whether or not iMessage is popular here in Canada. However, based on my mom's iPhone, nearly everyone in her friend bubble is on iMessage based on blue bubble
I don’t get that, why have a iPhone and not use iMessage!
Yup UK here as well ,me and my friends use WhatsApp, not going to blow out my mates because they don’t have IPhones !!!!UK here and no one in my friend/work circle uses iMessage, it's WhatsApp all the way. To be honest I prefer WhatsApp's interface to iMessage so it suits me well enough.
Nonexistent south of the border (Latin America). Everyone uses WhatsApp.I know this topic has been beaten to death but I'm amazed how iMessage can be so popular in North America and Australia and yet be non existent in Europe.
How did the divide happen?