I was looking for a way to disable private browsing in Safari. so i looked and looked and couldn't find one, until i remembered that a lot of Apple apps have the NIB (interface builder) files in the application package. so here's how to disable the "Private Browsing" menu option in safari, effectively disabling private browsing!
(you must have Xcode tools installed... its a free download from apple.com but also included with newer macs. and putting up a modified binary would be futile, because it will be changed every safari/mac os x update, so whenever you update the software, make sure to follow these steps again.)
1. Go to applications folder in Finder
2. right click (with a mighty mouse or 2 button mouse, or Control+click for one button mice) on safari and choose "Show Package Contents"
3. Go to Contents, then Resources, then English.lproj folder (or a respective folder for whatever language you have maybe)
4. Double click on MainMenu.nib to open it in interface builder
5. look at the window with the safari menu, click on Safari to expand it, then click on the Private Browsing menu item.
6. hit the delete key and it disappears!
7. hit command+s to save, close interface builder if you want, and relaunch safari.
and there, no more private browsing option! hope this helps everyone.
(you must have Xcode tools installed... its a free download from apple.com but also included with newer macs. and putting up a modified binary would be futile, because it will be changed every safari/mac os x update, so whenever you update the software, make sure to follow these steps again.)
1. Go to applications folder in Finder
2. right click (with a mighty mouse or 2 button mouse, or Control+click for one button mice) on safari and choose "Show Package Contents"
3. Go to Contents, then Resources, then English.lproj folder (or a respective folder for whatever language you have maybe)
4. Double click on MainMenu.nib to open it in interface builder
5. look at the window with the safari menu, click on Safari to expand it, then click on the Private Browsing menu item.
6. hit the delete key and it disappears!
7. hit command+s to save, close interface builder if you want, and relaunch safari.
and there, no more private browsing option! hope this helps everyone.