My Mac Mini is running Big Sur. I need to download High Sierra to make a bootable drive to install on my old 2010 Mac Pro. But the App Store won't let me download old versions while on Big Sur. Anyone know a way around this?
Every time I try to download it this appears: I am on Mojava right now. Any idea how to make it work ? Also, My Mac came with HS preinstalled, Is there a way to install HS without App Store ? I tried the internet recovery but it only allow me to install Catalina. Thanks for the help.
I remembered I had an old MBP running Catalina. I was able to download High Sierra from the App Store on that and make a bootable drive. All set. Thanks.
If you were unable to download High Sierra installer from Mac App Store, the alternative way is to download High Sierra DMG file and burn it to USB (make it bootable) using Terminal or UUByte DMG Editor.